Zombie World.

After Ma Xiaoling saw that I had a date with the zombie, her face was distorted?

What the heck?

It’s good that she turned out to be the protagonist of this world, but what is the situation of that god bless, she actually dated a zombie, and it makes her feel devastated to think about it.

Black history, black history, absolutely can’t let my aunt know.

Otherwise, wouldn’t my aunt have laughed at her?

As for falling in love with Tianyou after watching the zombie, don’t pull it, she is now a believer in Lord God, her goal is to warm the quilt of Lord God, Tianyou or something, go and die!

Anyway, she didn’t really experience so much life and death with Tianyou, and she had no feelings at all.

Now she doesn’t need to rely on Tianyou to deal with the generals or something, she has an aunt and Zhenzhen is enough, if she can open the door of the world to participate in a preaching competition, she is not needed by anyone, tens of thousands of believers are in place, she will directly hammer the generals when she comes back~

Halberd Spirit World.

Rina Tsukishiri didn’t expect that there was still a copy about her fate.

But after watching it, she didn’t feel anything.

This is her daily life.

She is Rina Shōkiri, and this is how the eldest lady of the god’s tongue shines everywhere she goes.

The only thing that made her a little unhappy was that the guy called Kohei Sojin, how that guy looked at how annoying ah, turned back and had a halberd with him, making him completely desperate.

What, I have to challenge the Ten Masters of the Far Moon, I don’t know the height of the sky!

Erina, Hirina, thought indignantly.

X-PoliceWorld .

Deadpool watched X-Men scold Shot.

What a damn world!

What a damn X-police

It turned out to be all their plot, and his Uncle Deadpool didn’t even have a chance to show his face.

There was also that Magneto, who originally thought that the mutant brotherhood he received was a group of villains, but he didn’t expect that they were actually a group of brain dead.

Dissatisfied with the attitude of humans towards mutants, want to turn all mankind into mutants, no problem!

But can you be more rigorous when you do experiments?

You started operating without even figuring out the yarn, are you sure you are not mentally retarded?

To turn the entire Big Apple City into mutants, and more importantly, the group of idiots have no idea that their experiment is a complete failure, and those guys who have been turned into mutants by them will soon all die.

Even with Deadpool’s madness, imagining the people who directly killed the entire Big Apple City was a tingling scalp.


The group of guys can take advantage of it, wait for his X-police idiot to do something in Big Apple City… Uncle Deadpool went to show them that the gods could change the whole thing or even the direction of the whole world, and he could also make these guys kneel and lick me. ”

.”.“ Uncle Deadpool, I’m such a genius! ”

“Shooter, not only can I change the direction of the world, I can also pass the word to everyone by the way, ha, I can resurrect my Vanessa!”

“Lord God, I love you!”

The more Deadpool spoke, the more excited he became.


Hokage World.

Seeing Lin Heng upload Naruto’s Tsunade and Wave Feng Shuimen, he was also excited, and he couldn’t wait to enter the viewing room and start watching the first hundred episodes of Naruto.

And with watching.

Tsunade and Wave Feng Shuimen felt completely different from the other members.

Although the other members also have their own experiences and different fate lines, they are generally not bad.

Even the most unlucky hegemon is the one who has been the hegemon of the world.

But what about looking at their Hokage World?

What the hell is their world.

First of all.

The wave feng shui gate exploded.

After watching a few episodes, he withdrew directly from the viewing room, and directly grabbed Tsunade and withdrew.

“Tsunade-senpai, I want to know what the hell is going on, why did Kushina and I sacrifice our lives for Konoha, and Naruto grew up eating garbage, is this Konoha’s reward for our couple? Is that how they treated my son for four generations? ”

“Also, others don’t know, don’t the three generations know? Why did he do it? ”

“Don’t tell me it’s to make Naruto a talent, so why is his grandson Konohama Maru treated so well? Wasn’t the sacrifice I made for Konoha enough to feed Naruto? ”

Bofeng Shuimen, this good gentleman, also completely broke out.

He really didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

He sacrificed himself for the sake of the village, and so did Kushinna, and even to protect the existence, he sealed the terrifying giant beast into Naruto’s body, and it can be said that Naruto should be Konoha’s hero from birth.

Ask for flowers

But what is the treatment of this hero?

People hate dogs!

Even survival depends on picking up those junk foods to eat!

Bofeng Shuimen only felt anger welling up, and he had never been so angry in his life.

And Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai was completely stunned when she heard her husband’s sudden words, and extreme sadness and incredulity flashed in her eyes.

Her son Naruto Uzumaki, the child whose parents sacrificed for the village, actually grew up eating garbage!

Konoha, that’s how they repaid the couple?

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai only felt a colic in his heart.

She’s sorry Naruto!

Konoha Village is all damned!

“It’s a decision of three generations, I’ve been away from Konoha for years, I’m sorry, Watergate.”

Tsunade said with some sadness, this is also the reason why she has refused to know Konoha for so many years, there, really everything makes her feel uncomfortable.

And before joining the chat group, she never thought of rebelling against the rule of three generations, but instinctively stayed away.

If she had joined the chat group earlier, she would not have let this happen.

The chat group changed not only her power, but also her mind.

Three generations, not some holy king, he is just an ordinary old man full of selfish thoughts and distractions, full of villages, and there is actually no difference from other village chiefs in the countryside in the world.

They should have changed all this long ago.

Watergate fell silent, he knew that Tsunade could not be blamed for this, no one including him had ever wanted to resist the three generations before, the disposition of Naruto was the decision of the three generations, and Tsunade could not do anything, not to mention that she had not had an easy life over the years, if she had not joined the chat group, I am afraid that she would not be able to free herself in her life.

But three generations ah, really disappointed him.

“What the hell is going on? Watergate, how do you know about Naruto’s situation, we haven’t gone back yet. ”

Jiu Xinnai couldn’t help it, grabbed Bo Fengshuimen’s hand and asked.

Bofeng Shuimen soon told Jiu Xinnai about the Destiny Copy, and suddenly, Jiu Xinnai’s eyes erupted with anger.

“Sandaime, I will definitely personally get everything back from you!”

Jiu Xinnai felt that her duty as a mother was urging her to do something. _

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