Chapter 0194 – New Mission, Defeat the Evil Sword Immortal!!!

Sedum looked at the check-in interface and started to sign in with an extremely apprehensive mind.

“Ding! Congratulations on your successful check-in! Acquisition item: Divine Tree Fruit! ”

Looking at what he signed in, Sedum was stunned.

It took a while for him to come back to his senses.

He rubbed his eyes to see if he had seen it wrong.

But no, he really signed in to the Divine Tree Fruit!

This incredible thing really happened to him! He really checked in!

Sedum, who was very excited in his heart, sent a screenshot of his check-in to the group.

His luck in signing in is so good, then he must also share and share.

Sedum: “@All members, everyone, look at what I signed in today!” ”

Sedum’s screenshots and messages also caused a sensation in the group.

Naruto: “Divine Tree Fruit!” Sedum, you really signed this thing! ”

Dagu: “Congratulations, Sedum, if you sign the Divine Tree Fruit, then you don’t need to sacrifice your sister or woman.” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “I said, don’t give up hope before signing in, pray in your heart, hope will come.” ”

Sedum: “@butterfly Shinobu, I finally understand what you mean by these words now.” ”

Sedum: “Sure enough, before the results appear, 10,000 907 can’t give up hope!” ”

Su Yu: “Congratulations to you, Sedum, your successful sign-in has made a good start today.” ”

Su Yu: “Go and defeat the Evil Sword Immortal!” ”

Sedum: “I know the group master. ”

Naruto: “In other words, since Sedum has such good luck today, should we try it too?” Maybe we can sign in for good things today. ”

Luffy: “Makes sense, then let’s try it!” ”

The others began to sign in one by one, but after seeing the check-in results, they knew that Sedum’s luck was someone’s business, and it had nothing to do with them.

Naruto: “Well, it seems that Sedum’s good luck does not mean that I am lucky, and the things I checked in are similar to before.” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “I’m the same, it seems that after I signed in to the successful conversion card before, I exhausted my luck, and I didn’t sign in anything good.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “@butterfly patience, you are content, at least you have signed in to produce good things.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “But I haven’t signed in to produce good things.” ”

Peter: “Who says it isn’t, now Sedum has become the third group member to sign in and produce good things, I just don’t know who will be the next person who can check out good things.” ”

Daigu: “Guys, I think I might be the fourth to check in and come up with good things.” ”

At this moment, Daigu’s news appeared.

And his news also attracted the attention of others.

Naruto: “@Daiko, did you check out something good?” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “What a good thing you signed in!” Is it also a conversion card? ”

Li Xiaoyao: “@Dagu, you send a screenshot of your check-in to the group, let’s see what good things you signed in.” ”

Daiko: “Good. ”

Daigu sent a screenshot of his check-in to the group.

The good thing he checks in, is a skill.

A skill that Butterfly Shinobu had previously purchased with points and eliminated Oni Mai Tsuji and other ghosts.

Sun Fist!

Butterfly Shinobu: “It’s actually the Sun Fist!” This trick is a good thing, very useful! ”

Naruto: “It’s indeed a good thing, but butterfly Shinobu, this trick is useful to you, after all, you can use this move to deal with ghosts, and Mei can indeed cause very powerful lethality to ghosts.” ”

Naruto: “But this trick should not be so useful for Daiko.” Although he can also use the Sun Fist to deal with monsters, it does not have any lethal power against monsters. ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “That’s not necessarily, maybe after that, Daigu will encounter a monster that can be dealt with with with the Sun Fist, and this kind of thing is not certain.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “In short, Dagu can sign in to the Sun Fist, which is much better than the points we signed in, congratulations to Dagu for becoming the fourth group member to sign in and produce good things!” ”

Peter: “Dagu, congratulations.” ”

Dagu: “Thank you, I didn’t expect my luck to be so good today.” ”

Not to mention other people, even Daigu himself did not expect that he would actually be able to sign out of the Sun Fist.

He also went to check in with a normal mood before.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t sign in and produce something good, it’s the same as usual.

But I didn’t expect that it would actually give him a surprise! Sun Fist is a move, although generally not lethal.

But as Butterfly Shinobu said, maybe he will encounter the kind of monster that can be dealt with with with the Sun Fist later.

There are many types of monsters, and even those that fear the sun are not surprising.

Anyway, he is very satisfied with this check-in!

Sedum: “Okay everyone, I’m going to set off to deal with the Evil Sword Immortal.” ”

Sedum: “I can’t talk to you for the time being, let’s talk after I defeat the Evil Sword Immortal.” ”

Naruto: “Come on Sedum!” ”

Daiko: “Come on! Defeat the Evil Sword Immortal! ”

Li Xiaoyao: “Master Sedum, work hard for a peaceful life in the future!” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “But then again, Sedum dealing with the Evil Sword Immortal, doesn’t it trigger any tasks?” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “When I dealt with Oni Mai Tsuji no misery before, I also triggered a mission to see. ”

“Ding! Release mission: Sedum, defeat the evil sword fairy and maintain world peace! ”

“Mission reward: 15,000 points! Thirty Qi Forces! ”

As soon as Butterfly Shinobi’s words fell, a group message of posting tasks appeared in the group.

Naruto: “Isn’t this the task?” ”

Peter: “It seems that before dealing with the last enemy, the mission to defeat this enemy will be triggered.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “Then if I say so, I can also trigger the mission to defeat the moon worship?” ”

Daigu: “It should be, but you should still be some time away from defeating Baiyue, so it should be too early to trigger the mission.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “As long as you can trigger the task.” ”

Sedum: “I didn’t expect to really trigger the mission, then I have more fighting spirit!” He was originally going to defeat the Evil Sword Immortal, but he didn’t expect to trigger the mission. ”

This is equivalent to sending him a reward! This guy of the Evil Sword Immortal is dead!

Not just for the whole world, but also for his great rewards!

Because Sedum had told others before that he would have a final decisive battle with the Evil Sword Immortal, when Sedum was ready, the others were ready.

Tang Xuejian, Dragon Kwai, Zixuan.

As for the others, just stay.

The four people of Sedum came to Shushan, and they had made a plan, that is, the soldiers were divided into two ways, one way to save the heavy building and them, and the other way was to save the five elders of Shushan…

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