Chapter 0159 – Butterfly Shinobu Waiting for the Ghost King to appear at night!!!

Originally, Butterfly Kanae didn’t know why her sister entered Infinity City alone.

However, after hearing Butterfly Shinobu’s explanation, she also understood.

“But if Oni Mai Tsuji agrees without misery, then you will have to face many ghosts including him alone!”

Knowing Butterfly Shinobu’s plan, Butterfly Kanae was very worried.

You know, this is the power of one person to fight against many ghosts, including Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu Wu Miserable!

One careless person will die.

It’s so dangerous!

“I wish they could go together, which would save me a lot of time and energy.”

However, Hu Butterfly is not very worried.

She hoped that Ghost Mai Tsuji could take those ghosts and strike at her together.

In this case, then these ghosts must be gathered together.

At that time, she will directly solve these ghosts with a sun fist.

It saved her from looking for them one by one.

“Sister, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

“Moreover, in order not to let others suffer casualties, this is the best and only way.”

Seeing his sister’s worried look, Butterfly couldn’t help but smile.

“Besides, I still have the help of the group master, and it will be fine.”

In order not to worry his sister too much, Butterfly Shinobu moved the group leader Su Yu and the other members of the 693 group out.

Although they can’t come to her world.

But her sister didn’t know.

“Okay, okay.”

“But you must be careful!”

Hearing Butterfly Shinobu’s words, although Butterfly Kanae was still a little worried, she was not too worried.

If there is help from other people in the chat group, even the group owner.

Then the safety of butterfly ninja should be guaranteed.

“Don’t worry, sister, I will definitely pay attention to my own safety.”

Having decided on the next plan, the next thing to do is to wait for Ghost Mai Tsuji to appear without misery.

According to the group leader, Ghost Dance Tsuji is not miserable if he really intends to pull most of the members of the Ghost Killing Team into Infinite City.

Then he is ready to make a break with the ghost killing team.

In this case, the place where he will appear is where the contemporary leader of the Ghost Killer Squad, Yoya Shiki, lives.

Solve the leader first, then in the case of the dragons without a leader, it will be much easier to solve the rest of the ghost killing team.

Therefore, in order to wait until the ghost dance Tsuji is not miserable, Butterfly Shinobu decided to wait outside the chief’s mansion for the next few days.

Let’s do it!

Since Oni Mai Tsuji no misery already knew the existence of the blue flower.

Then he must be very desperate to get it now.

So, it’s not too late for him to start acting! Most likely in the next few days!

Because of the plan to eliminate Oni Mai Tsuji without misery, only the butterfly ninja sisters know.

Therefore, the rest of the Ghost Killer Team was not ready for the final battle with Ghost Mai Tsuji.

For the actions of Butterfly Shinobu, no one paid attention except Butterfly Kanae.

And this is also a great thing for butterfly Shinobi.

Otherwise, she had been staying outside the chief’s mansion, and such a strange move would definitely arouse suspicion.

Of course, Butterfly Shinobu doesn’t stay outside the mansion all day.

After all, the time of the Oni Mai Tsuji No Tragedy event is at night.

She waited during the day, there was no point at all.

Butterfly Shinobu: “@Li Xiaoyao, I can now understand what it’s like for you to wait for the Wine Sword Immortal to go out every night.” ”

Shinobu Butterfly: “I’m doing something similar to yours right now.” When bored at night, butterflies will flood. ”

Li Xiaoyao: “@butterfly ninja, what are you doing?” Could it be that you are also waiting for someone to go out? ”

Shinobu Butterfly: “Almost, but I’m waiting for the ghost to appear.” ”

Su Yu: “@butterfly Shinobu, you are waiting for the appearance of Ghost Mai Tsuji without misery.” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “@Group Lord Su Yu, yes, Group Lord, I’m waiting for him to appear and then negotiate conditions with him, so that he can only pull me into Infinity City alone.” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “In this case, if I face these ghosts alone, there will be no casualties of others.” ”

Daiko: “But in this case, will Ghost Mai Tsuji no misery gather all the ghosts, after all, you are the only one.” ”

Daigu: “In that case, then you can’t destroy all the ghosts.” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “As long as I can destroy Ghost Mai Tsuji and other Winding Moon level ghosts.” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “Even if there are some ghosts left, but in the case that Ghost Mai Tsuji is not miserably destroyed, there is nothing to fear, and the ghost killing team can deal with it.” ”

Daigu: “Also, then I wish you success!” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “Thank you.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “@butterfly forbearance, but in this case, you have to wait for one night like me.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “As a passer-by, I suggest that you take a good rest during the day to ensure that you have enough energy at night.” ”

Butterfly Shinobu: “Well, I thought so too. ”

Even if Li Xiaoyao didn’t say anything, she planned to rest during the day.

If she waited all night and didn’t rest during the day.

Even if her strength is strong, she can’t last long.

After all, she wasn’t just waiting for one night!

Oni Mai Tsuji no misery doesn’t know what night it will appear, she has to wait forever.

If she didn’t take a break halfway, she couldn’t stand it.

Because of this, Butterfly Shinobu, like Li Xiaoyao, began a life of upside down the sun and the moon.

Rest during the day and move in the evening.

In order not to make people suspicious, she asked her sister to cooperate.

If someone looks for her during the day, it says she has something to do.

And just like that, after waiting a few nights.

Finally, the rabbit who was waiting to be spared appeared!

After learning of the appearance of the blue flower, Ghost Mai Tsuji was making preparations.

Get ready to destroy the Ghost Slayer!

He first promoted the two ghosts into new winding and winding brazens.

Then, through the blood demon technique of the new Shangxian and Naruto, he obtained the position of the headquarters of the ghost killing team.

He did this in order to be able to pull everyone in the Ghost Killing Team into the plan of destroying Infinite City.

In this way, he can not only obtain the blue other side flower, but also destroy the ghost killing team, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

And the mansion of the leader of the ghost killing team, Isayashiki Yaoya, is naturally the place with the most members of the ghost killing team.

Therefore, after determining the location of the Isayashiki mansion, Oni Mai Tsuji also began to act.

He plans to infiltrate Isayashiki’s mansion and confront the current leader of the Ghost Slayer.

In order to protect the leader, there will definitely be many members of the Ghost Killing Squad.

At that time, he will be able to pull all the members of the Ghost Killing Team into Infinite City…

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