Chapter 0150: Li Xiaoyao said the reason for his perfunctory before!!!

While the Wine Sword Immortal was drinking, Li Xiaoyao did not notice that Anu appeared.

Wait until the Wine Sword Immortal finishes drinking and leaves the tavern.

Li Xiaoyao just kept following behind him.

Suddenly, Li Xiaoyao saw that a figure appeared in front of the Wine Sword Immortal! Exactly Anu!

But at this time, Anu looked very wrong.

The original Anu, eccentric, always had an optimistic smile on his face.

But now Anu, the whole face is cold and very cold.

And in her hand, she still holds a knife!

Obviously, this is Anu who is controlled by the moon worship!

“The group master is right, Anu really appeared.”

“Moreover, if I hadn’t followed, then Anu would have really killed the Wine Sword Immortal!”

Li Xiaoyao, who was hiding in the shadows, looked at Anu and thought in his heart.

With the strength of the Wine Sword Immortal, he is actually not afraid of Anu.

But the question is, as his daughter, how could he really make a move with Anu?

Perhaps because of this, Baiyue sent her out and asked her to kill the Wine Sword Immortal!


When the drunken Jiujian Immortal saw Anu, he thought that he had seen it wrong.

He rubbed his eyes and found that Anu had not disappeared.

This made his wine wake up a little immediately.


Anu appeared!

He was very happy because of Anu’s appearance, plus he was now drunk.

So the Wine Sword Immortal didn’t notice that something was wrong with Anu.

Anu walked towards the Wine Sword Immortal, and the Wine Sword Immortal watched Anu walk towards him very excitedly.

But then, he realized something was wrong.

Because he saw that Anu faced him and raised the knife in his hand!

Moreover, the look in Anu’s eyes when he looked at him was cold, without a trace of temperature at all!

This made the Wine Sword Immortal come to his senses.

Yes, Anu should be controlled by Moon Worship!

It’s just that at this time, it is too late for him to resist again.

I could only watch Anu’s knife fall.

However, just as Anu’s attack was about to succeed, a sword light lit up and struck away the knife in Anu’s hand!

Anu and Jiu Sword Immortal were both attracted by this sudden scene and looked to the side.

They saw that Li Xiaoyao did not know when he appeared, and he was still holding a sword in his hand.

Obviously, it was Li Xiaoyao who shot Anu’s knife just now!

“Getaway! How could you be here! ”

Seeing Li Xiaoyao, Jiu Jianxian said in surprise.

He actually never found Li Xiaoyao!

“What’s the matter, wait a while, let’s take Anu back first.”

Li Xiaoyao looked at Anu and spoke.

And Anu, although the knife in her hand was knocked away, but she was controlled by Baiyue, she was just a machine with no thoughts of her own.

The order she receives is to take out the Wine Sword Immortal, as well as everyone who gets in her way.

Therefore, seeing that Li Xiaoyao hindered her, she set her sights on Li Xiaoyao and regarded Li Xiaoyao as her target!

It’s just that although Anu is controlled by Baiyue and his strength has indeed improved, he is not Li Xiaoyao’s opponent.

In three or two strokes, she was suppressed by Li Xiaoyao.

Later, Li Xiaoyao hit her with a knife in the back of her neck, knocking her unconscious.

“Don’t worry, I just knocked her unconscious.”

Seeing the very worried look of the Wine Sword Immortal, Li Xiaoyao said.

This master of his own, belongs to care, but he is chaotic.

Then, Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian brought Anu back.


Seeing that the two brought Anu back, Shenggu, Tang Yu and the others were very surprised.

Seeing that Anu fainted, Sheng Gu quickly arranged a room for her.

After placing Anu, the others looked at Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian, their eyes full of curiosity.

“What’s going on? Where did you meet Anu? ”

Sheng Gu asked.

The person she looked at was Li Xiaoyao, because she knew that only Li Xiaoyao could explain what was going on.

As for the Wine Sword Immortal, when he smelled the alcohol all over his body, he knew that this guy must be drunk.

Anu has already been rescued, so Li Xiaoyao does not need to hide it anymore.

“The group master told me before that Anu appeared after Ling’er gave birth.”

“We know about that.”

Sheng Gu and the others nodded.

This matter, Li Xiaoyao told them before.

“The group master told me again that Anu appeared on one night, the night when a wine sword fairy went out.”

“So, tonight, I saw the Wine Sword Immortal go out, so I quickly followed behind him.”

“So it is! That’s why you sleep during the day. ”

“That’s because you need to stare at the Wine Sword Immortal at night!”

At this moment, the others finally understood why Li Xiaoyao slept during the day.

Because he needs to stare at the Wine Sword Immortal at night, there is no time to rest!

“Then why are you hiding this from us?”

“If you knew about this earlier, then let this guy from the Wine Sword Immortal go out earlier, then couldn’t Anu appear earlier?”

The Holy Aunt asked again.

“Yes, Brother Xiaoyao, when we asked you before, you have always been perfunctory to us, we didn’t ask before, but now that Anu has returned, you can always tell us the reason now.”

Zhao Linger also spoke.

“The reason why I didn’t tell you before, I think the Wine Sword Immortal should already know the reason.”

Li Xiaoyao looked at the Wine Sword Immortal and said.

The others looked at the Wine Sword Immortal, hoping that he could say why.

As for the Wine Sword Immortal, he had already guessed the reason, but he didn’t want to say it.

He now fully understood why Li Xiaoyao didn’t tell them before.

“Wine Sword Immortal Master, if you know the reason, just tell us. Seeing that the Wine Sword Immortal didn’t want to say, Tang Yu said. ”

Others are becoming more and more curious and puzzled.

Li Xiaoyao didn’t say it before, and now he doesn’t even say anything about the Wine Sword Immortal.

What is the reason?

“Since the Wine Sword Immortal doesn’t say anything, then let me tell you.”

“Get away!”

Seeing that Li Xiaoyao wanted to say, Jiu Jianxian hurriedly shouted.

He didn’t want Li Xiaoyao to say it.

It’s good that the two of them know about this matter.

And the actions of the Wine Sword Immortal also made others more puzzled.

“Li Xiaoyao, you don’t have to worry about him, tell us.”

The Holy Aunt glared at the Wine Sword Immortal and said to Li Xuanyao.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll tell you.”

“But you have to be mentally prepared, this reason may make you a little sad, but it hasn’t happened now, so you don’t have to think too much.”


Sheng Gu and the others nodded.

“Actually, the reason why Anu appears when the Wine Sword Immortal goes out at night.”

“It’s because Baiyue asked her to do something.”

“And this matter is to kill the Wine Sword Immortal!”

Li Xiaoyao looked at Zhao Linger, Sheng Gu and the others, and said this sad thing…

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