Luffy: “By the way, since the group owner has obtained another three thousand points, is the group leader going to draw again?” Or will you save points? ”

Naruto: “It’s good to ask the group leader about this matter.” ”

Naruto: “@Group Lord Su Yu, Group Lord, I don’t know what you want to do with these three thousand points.” ”

Su Yu: “Continue to draw and see what good things can be drawn this time.” ”

For Su Yu, three thousand points is really a bit small, and he doesn’t know how long he needs to save to have enough points to buy what he needs.

It’s better to go straight to the lottery.

If you are lucky again and draw a combat power booster card.

Then his strength can be improved again.

However, this time, Su Yu’s luck was decent, and he did not burst out like the last time, and pulled out the combat power improvement card.

Of course, there was no loss, but the three draws were all things he didn’t need.

After selling it, his points were even a little more than three thousand points.

Originally, Su Yu wanted to continue smoking, but think about it.

In case the time comes, it will not be good to draw it and lose money.

Or wait until he has enough 10,000 points, come to a ten-consecutive draw.

In these ten consecutive draws, there will always be something to guarantee the bottom.

Daiko: “Now that Peter and I have saved the person we wanted to save and completed the task, is it Naruto’s turn next?” ”

Naruto: “I wish I could trigger the mission just like you.” ”

Peter: “I think it’s possible with a high probability, since Dagu and I can trigger it, there’s no reason why you can’t trigger it.” ”

Naruto: “But I have some things to deal with lately, wait until I’m done with the things at hand.” ”

As a Hokage, I’m very idle when I’m busy, but I’m really busy when I’m busy.

He hadn’t been home for days, and even the water had squeezed out a little time.

Su Yu: “Okay, I’ll follow you.” ”

Because Naruto does not travel through time and space for the time being, Su Yu has nothing to do.

Idle and bored, Su Yu left the Temple of All Kings and came to the earth of Dragon Ball Space, and began to eat, drink and enjoy life.

Before crossing, Su Yu yearned for the days when he ate, drank and had fun every day and did not need to work.

Now that he really got it, Su Yu found out.

This kind of day is really cool!

Who would want to live a life of 996 a day if they could?

Who doesn’t want to live a carefree life where they can eat, drink, and have fun every day?

However, the number of people who can live this kind of life is still a minority after all.

And now, Su Yu has also become a member of the group he once yearned for.

No, it’s even cooler!

And just like that, a few days passed.

Naruto: “I’m finally done!” It’s exhausting to me! ”

After a few busy days, Naruto finally finished the work at hand.

Naruto: “When I didn’t become Hokage before, I wanted to be Hokage every day, and my mouth shouted that I was the man who wanted to become Hokage. ”

Naruto: “But now, after really becoming a Hokage, I found out that this Hokage is not so good.” ”

Naruto used to want to be Hokage, not only because Hokage was the highest status in Konoha Village, but also because he could gain the respect of others.

But now, even if he is not Hokage, he can be respected.

And after becoming Hokage, I learned how difficult it was for Hokage.

It is a pity that the next generation has not yet grown up, and those of his generation have their own jobs and lives.

Otherwise, he really wanted to give up Hokage’s position.

Every day, if you are lucky, trigger several missions to get points, and cultivate the power system of the group master world to become stronger.

Isn’t this fragrant?

Especially after seeing the strength of the world of the group master, his eyes have long been not set on his own world.

Naruto: “@Luffy, your situation is similar to me before, I am the man who wants to become Hokage, and you are the man who wants to become One Piece.” ”

Naruto: “But perhaps, after you become One Piece, you will know that One Piece is not easy.” ”

Luffy: “Huh? Probably not, even if I become One Piece, I can still sail on the sea, and my life should not change much. ”

Peter: “Indeed, Luffy’s situation is different from Naruto’s, Naruto needs to take on the duties of Hokage after becoming Hokage. ”

Peter: “But Luffy doesn’t seem to need to worry about this problem, because One Piece’s duties are essentially pirates, so there shouldn’t be much change with Luffy now.” ”

Naruto: “That’s what I said. ”

Daiko: “@Naruto, Naruto, since you are already busy, can you go back in time and save your master.” ”

Naruto: “Indeed, I just don’t know if the group leader is available.” ”

Su Yu: “My problem is not big, it’s just to send my power to you, the key is that you have to have time.” ”

Naruto: “Group master, I have time now, so please please!” ”

Su Yu: “Good.” ”

However, just when Su Yu was about to send his power to Naruto.

Suddenly, a group of messages appeared!

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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