There was endless sadness overflowing in his tone, his voice was small but full of emotion, and the pain of parting made the atmosphere fall silent for a while.

Xuan Jie didn't say anything, he knew that no matter what he said, it would only make his heart hurt more.

If a friend is suffering and he can't help, does God have to follow the law? Why can't he follow his heart?


The sudden shout made Xuanjie's spirit concentrate.

"If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely go to you... When the time comes, you're going to take me to experience the outside world.

Without waiting for a response, Alina reached out and hugged her.

The evening breeze blew into the house through the cracks, stirring the girl's black and shiny hair.

Under the cover of night, it was no longer clear what the faces of the two men were, but the sad atmosphere filled the entire cabin.

When Alina left in a hurry, Xuanjie's eyes were full of confusion, and he didn't know how to respond to the girl's appeal.

"Let's hope, we'll ever see each other again. "

Sleepless nights!

The first rays of the morning sun shine on the earth, making the environment gloomy as if draped in a veil.

The singing of birds came from the treetops, and one after another their backs poured into the depths of the jungle.

When Xuanjie came back to his senses from his thoughts, the sunlight in the room was already shining on the ground through the cracks.

Looking at the spots of light on the ground, the sadness in my heart couldn't help but come out together.

"Whew... It's coming to an end after all, and I hope there will be a day when we will see you again. "

As a demon god, Xuan Jie, it stands to reason that he shouldn't fall into such personal emotions.

Even if you have to be swayed by emotions, it should be possible in the general environment.

It was never the Shenmu tribe that made him feel reluctant, he just came here to see if the tribe led by "her" before was still consistent with his memory.

It's just that in the process of seeing, I accidentally got acquainted with the big grin and simple Alina.

The friendship between the two made it impossible for Xuan Jie to turn a blind eye, but now he would rather go against his will than force a change.

After all, this is a long-standing tradition of the clan, and if you forcibly change the system because you are powerful, this is also against Xuanjie's original intention.

He got up and walked out of the tribe, wanting to get out of the confusing territory as quickly as possible, and leave it to time.

But there are only a handful of people in the tribe today, and all of them are very old and children about three years old.

Strange, I didn't hear anything big yesterday, why didn't the entire tribe see anyone?

Xuan Jie wanted to inquire clearly, but was broken by the oncoming escort.

"Please get out of here quickly, we have the right to enforce it according to the elders' orders. The

involvement of the escort team gave Xuan Jie no chance to figure out what was going on, but when he thought that Alina was also a soldier in the team, her brother had nothing to worry about since he was still the captain.

"Even if there is something you can solve perfectly, don't let it be... My friend. Standing

in front of the clan and taking a deep breath, in fact, there was some reluctance in my heart, but these are not the emotions that a demon god should have.

After a short pause, Xuanjie still took a step and left.

What happened here will definitely be fresh in his memory, and hundreds or thousands of years later, there will still be a girl named Alina in his memory.

The breath in the forest was very stuffy, but Xuanjie's attention was all about fighting with his heart at this time, and he didn't know why he couldn't let go of Alina so much.

Maybe it's because the two of them have experienced too much and have fallen in love with each other?

But they've only known each other for a few days, if you really want to say it... It can only be that in Xuanjie's life, he has never met such a person who can think about him in everything.

Touching the interests of the clan, she didn't hesitate to stand on Xuanjie's side.

She did not back down from Xiao Dawei's blatant attack, she has always adhered to her own ground, and unswervingly stood in front of Xuanjie.

However, Xuanjie couldn't do anything for her, and now he even had to leave.

From the time she left last night until the early morning, Xuan Jie's mind had been wrestling with whether to forcibly interfere with this disgusting order in the tribe.

It's just that in the end he gave up, the formulation of the rules is something that only the highest power of the tribe is qualified to do, since he can't lead them, why bother to break this rule?"

It's not something I can change," Xuan Jie shook his head, trying not to think about it as much as possible.

"If it is suppressed by violence, what is the difference between it and those guys in the Demon Land? even if you can't bear it, you must not intervene!"

Xuanjie, who was walking alone in the forest, had already come to the edge of the swamp where he had met Alina.

No matter how firm your heart is, wavering will always be with you.

If he doesn't have the ability, it's fine, but the current situation is that he has it, and he can reach the point of crushing.

Xuanjie, who was standing in front of the swamp in a daze, had completely fallen into his thoughts.

If we switch roles, will she stand in my way as usual?

Judging from the information in Alina's words last night, there is a high probability that she will choose a path of no return.

Based on the severe punishment her father received when he returned from a search for medicine, she knew that people in the tribe were not allowed to go out of the jungle to the outside world.

Although this is the mind of the frog at the bottom of the well, no one has the right to intervene except their own, not even God.

It was because of this that Istaru, who was in power at the beginning, did not get involved in the disputes of the White Night Country.


question itself has no answer, and it is an inevitable and unavoidable phenomenon that wherever there are people, evil will arise.

In the eyes of the wicked, are those who punish the traitors and eliminate the evil also "wicked people"?

"Boss, what do you think he is stupidly standing in front of the swamp to see? "

Behind the huge trunk, five people dressed as the Deep Wood Tribe are negotiating here, led by Davey.

He ignored his subordinates' words, but focused on Xuan Jie.

"Who knows, it may be provoking Bai Ze's authority, that monster has good combat effectiveness even if it is not in the swamp, it is really self-defeating.

"It's better to die that way, so we don't have to do it. "

Everyone, you and I say one sentence at a time, and you don't take Xuanjie in front of you in your eyes at all.

At this time, Dawei hoped that Xuanjie could go some distance further, and completely walking out of the forest had nothing to do with the tribe, even if he died on the spot, no one could find out that it was him.

It's just that people are not as good as heaven, and the reason why Xuanjie came out on the edge of the swamp was not only to recall the past, but also to perceive the murderous aura behind him.

Looks like the elder doesn't want me to leave unharmed.

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