A quarter of an hour later.

Zhang Lin, who was sitting at the desk, swept away the fatigue on his face, replaced by an unconcealable excitement.

After watching the video, he immediately dialed the secretary’s phone.

“Xiao He, who is the man in this video?”

“Lu Yuan, Master Lu.”

“Master Lu…” Zhang Lin thought for two seconds and said, “Li Tao, they went to visit the Master Lu who studied?” ”

He had heard about it.

In fact, this kind of thing has happened before.

Douyin has a blogger named Pigeon Wuyuan, who passes on people through his back fist.

I often post some videos of my usual martial arts practice in Douyin.

One of the most famous is the bent wrench with the bare hand of the meat palm.

And this person can also control the contraction of pores.

There were UFC fighters who went to ask for advice, but they didn’t learn anything.

Is it that the other party has no strength?


This back-of-back fist heir is definitely powerful.

But what people learn is not necessarily suitable for the rules of the UFC.

Even if you let the other party fight according to the rules of boxing, you may not be able to beat a professional boxer.

What’s more, if you go, people will definitely teach you the skills of housekeeping?

So he didn’t care too much.

At this time, after watching the video, he realized that he had missed something.

This Master Lu is awesome!

He looked at the time, at this point, the beautiful country was exactly the early morning.

He typed a line and sent the video to the president of the Asia-Pacific region, and then to several senior officials at headquarters.


Pretty country, nine in the morning.

The handover video, with views on YouTube, began to soar.

Lu Yuan’s fame may be average, but the name Bart, once upon a time, was very popular on the Internet.

A Daxia man who fought against the former K1 king and won.

Who can resist not looking?

Before looking at it, many people thought it was another fake punch.

After reading it, they all WTF and spit fragrant.

Right now, beautiful country, Denver.

This is where the UFC is headquartered.

A video is now appearing on the big screen in the conference room.

Early this morning, several high-level executives received Zhang Lin’s message, watched the video, and immediately held a meeting.

A quarter of an hour later, they finished watching the video.

Shocked expressions appeared on everyone’s faces.

“Is this the Kung Fu of Daxia?”

“It’s amazing!”

“I wonder who is more powerful than our boxing king?”

“No need to compare, the boxing king can’t beat him.”

An executive said with bright eyes: “If we can sign him, our company’s revenue this year will definitely exceed $1.5 billion!” ”

The UFC’s revenue last year hit a record high in its 28-year history, earning $1.1 billion.

As professionals, they could see the potential of this master from Daxia at a glance.

This style of play is so wonderful!

No one can refuse to watch a real summer kung fu!

In their eyes, Lu Yuan was like a treasure waiting to be excavated!

“There’s a big problem.” An executive said suddenly.

“What problem?”

“Format rules.”

“The current rules of the alliance are not suitable for this Daxia person, he is more suitable for unlimited fighting.”

As soon as these words came out, the other high-level officials frowned.

They only saw the potential gold-absorbing ability of this Great Xia person, but they ignored the most important point.


In the past, UFC was unrestricted fighting.

But based on various considerations, the rules are finally formed.

In terms of viewing, it is indeed not as good as unlimited.

If you can open it without restrictions…

Unfortunately, it can’t be opened.

The UFC began when it was about finding the best martial artists in the world, when fighters from any martial arts genre could compete.

This also made the game famous for being violent and bloody.

But because of this, the UFC was once banned by 36 states in the beautiful country. Under this pressure, the UFC can only keep filling in the rules.

Since then, the country has completely banned “unlimited fighting”.

True limitlessness can only be seen from the underground black fist that cannot show its head.

The discussions at the top came to an abrupt end because of the rules.


When she woke up, Cai Xue received a call from the company and learned a news that made her confused.

The clothing brand she founded sold out!

Then I received several high-level calls, in which they praised Cai Xue’s unique vision and praised her for trying to get the public to sign Lu Yuan.

Cai Xue then understood what was happening.

In order to repay Lu Yuan for saving his life, she signed Lu Yuan at a price exceeding the market price.

Except for a few photos, Lu Yuan has never attended any related occasions.

At that time, the high-level people thought that Cai Xue must be crazy.

But after that, Lu Yuan’s reputation continued to rise, and there was almost no fault.

Especially after yesterday, Lu Yuan’s fame reached its peak!

As one of the only two brands signed with Lu Yuan, the clothing brand founded by Cai Xue, all the clothes were sold out almost overnight.

This was completely unexpected.

Not only her, but at this time, the copyright department of Tiger Shark, the phone was also burst.

The domestic brand Anta proposed to sign Lu Yuan at a sky-high price of 300 million in three years.

When the head of the copyright department heard this number, the hand holding the mobile phone was shaking.

He can’t be the master, so he can only report to Chen Dong.

Chen Dong is calm, these brand endorsements, in his opinion, should have come a long time ago.

He asked Wu Jie to contact Lu Yuan to see his request.

If it is still the previous request, it depends on whether Anta can accept it.

He estimated that the other party was unlikely to accept it.

On average, 100 million a year, what is this concept?

This price, stars basically can’t get, only top athletes, or international superstars, can get it.

When Lu Yuan received the call, the professor, who had just finished the morning, was sitting in the courtyard at this time.

Listening to the information conveyed by Wu Jie, Lu Yuan said: “It’s still the previous request, sign if you can accept it, and forget it if you can’t accept it.” ”

Wu Jie was a little uncomfortable.

She really didn’t expect Lu Yuan to be so willful.

That’s 300 million!

Big brother, don’t you have any concept of money?

Wu Jie contacted Anta and put forward Lu Yuan’s request, and the other party said that he knew and did not say anything.

As for some other brands, some directly dismissed the idea after learning of Lu Yuan’s request.

Some don’t even think about it, and just agree.

The copyright department recorded these brands that knew Lu Yuan’s requirements and still clearly stated that they could cooperate, and summarized and sent them to Lu Yuan.

In the past two days, Lu Yuan can receive messages from Wu Jie almost every day.

Those brands that don’t care about Lu Yuan’s requirements, Lu Yuan is not signed after reading it.

A lot of them are small brands, and they’re food brands.

This type of brand, Lu Yuan directly refused.

Food is the most prone to accidents.

There are also many sports brands, but the price given by the other party is not high, and he is required not to cooperate with other brands.

The request was ok but the price was too low.

Of course, his own request is also unreasonable.

So in the end, Lu Yuan did not sign a single one.

On this day, Lu Yuan received a call from Wu Jie again.

On the phone, Wu Jie said in an excited tone: “Master Lu, Anta agreed!” ”


Lu Yuan was surprised.

Three years, three hundred million.

This is sky-high.

The other party could actually agree to such an impudent request from him?

“Yes, yes, but Anta said that they want to create a series of sportswear based on you, according to sales, in addition, there is a share.”

Lu Yuan suddenly, no wonder he would agree.

He nodded and said, “You guys sign it for me.” ”


As a result, Lu Yuan had his own third endorsement.


At noon that day, cars stopped in the village.

Li Dehong and several people got out of the car, looked at the plum blossom piles and sandbag groups in the open space in the village, and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Master Lu is the real martial artist.”

“Not being moved by fame and fortune, practicing martial arts in this small village with peace of mind, such a mentality makes me sigh to myself.”

They think that they are already very indifferent to fame and fortune.

Every day, I set aside a period of time to practice martial arts, instruct my disciples, or drink tea, or a few old friends get together to talk about the world.

But compared with Lu Yuan, the gap is not ordinary.

Look at people, this is the real indifference to fame and fortune.

With his current fame and status, if he wants to make money, it is simply not too easy.

It’s just not live, and no one can say anything.

But he continued to broadcast live, day after day, life did not change.

In their opinion, Lu Yuan is much younger than himself, but the realm of his heart, even if he lives for dozens of years, he can’t compare.

“Here we go again.”

They turned to see several taxis coming up.

“Poverty is not asked in the busy city, and rich have distant relatives in the mountains.”

“Once a person becomes famous, he is doomed to still not escape human affection.”

A few people are not surprised at all, people in their fifties, what have they not experienced?

But when these cars stopped, Li Dehong and several people were suddenly stunned.

How are they?

The other party was also stunned.

How did you run into them by such a coincidence?

These people Li Dehong knows, Hangcheng Martial Association.

Li Dehong and the others almost immediately guessed the purpose of the other party’s coming.

Riding a horse, come to my Jinling to rob people?

That also depends on whether the old man agrees or not!

Jinling finally came up with a dragon, can you rob it?

Scolding in his heart, he took the initiative to meet him with a smile on his face.

“Isn’t this President Ma, what a coincidence, how did you get here?”

“President Ma came over to climb the mountain?”

“President Ma came over, why didn’t you call in advance, I have a banquet, why, look down on me Liu Qing?”

President Ma is not young, how can he be embarrassed by the strange yin and yang of a few people?

He hurriedly shook hands with several people: “Isn’t this in a hurry.” ”

“Why is President Li here?”

“What else can I do, of course, to visit Master Lu.”

Chairman Li said, “Shouldn’t President Ma also come to see Master Lu?” ”

President Ma smiled and said, “Yes, I also came to visit Master Lu.” ”

Chairman Li suddenly took out a small book from his arms, opened it, and looked at it from a distance from his eyes: “My eyes are a little old, President Ma, can you help me see, is there a mistake in the name on it?” ”

Seeing that Chairman Li handed over the book, President Ma took it in his hand, glanced at it, and his cheeks suddenly twitched.

Jinling Wu Association membership card.

Vice President of Jinling Armed Forces Association: Lu Yuan.

Damn it…

What about giving me a horse?

President Ma smiled and said, “It’s really wrong.” ”

Saying that, casually stuffing it into his pocket, Chairman Li moved faster than him, and snatched it up: “It’s wrong if it’s wrong, Master Lu doesn’t care.” ”

President Ma said, “President Li is atmospheric, so this directly gave him the vice president?” ”

Chairman Li said, “Master Lu is strong in martial arts, what is the vice president of the district?” After waiting for a while, Master Lu became familiar with him, and the president was also him. ”

Liu Qing said aside: “In two days, the application for the vice president of the Jiangnan Provincial Armed Forces Association will also be approved. ”

President Ma: “…”

What’s the matter, you guys sing and harmonize, what about my mentality?

Even the provincial armed forces association gave the position of vice president?

Is it so rolled?

He was a little tired.

This time, just as Li Dehong and several others thought, they came to rob people.

But looking at the posture of a few people, people will definitely not be able to grab it.

That’s it.

If you can’t grab it, you can’t grab it, and it’s good to know Master Lu.

Anyway, they are all from Daxia, and he doesn’t care much about the region.

They chatted for a while, and seeing that the time was almost up, they walked towards Lu Yuan’s residence.

Outside the courtyard, after waiting for a few minutes, Lu Yuan and Liu Yuanji returned.

“Chairman Li?”

Lu Yuan was surprised but not surprised.

The group stepped forward to greet Lu Yuan, and Li Dehong handed over his membership card and said, “Master Lu, your membership card.” ”

Lu Yuan took it: “You don’t need to send it specially, just send it.” ”

Immediately, I saw the three big characters “Vice President” on the membership card.

“Chairman Li, this…”

“It’s just the vice president, I’ll clean up in a few days and make up a membership card for you.”


Do I mean that?

Lu Yuan invited them into the hospital, and Liu Yuanji looked at so many people and sighed.

Oh yes, I’m busy at noon.

“Master Lu, this is the horse president of the Hangcheng Martial Arts Association.”

“I’ve seen Master Lu.”

President Ma did not dare to be big, and was polite.

Lu Yuan also returned the courtesy politely.

President Ma did not remind him of the matter of the Hangcheng Martial Arts Association, and he knew that it was useless to mention it.

A group of people were in the yard, talking and laughing, chatting freely.

When talking about the current situation of Chuanwu, Chairman Li and others were not pessimistic.

“Kung Fu is not for performance, martial arts style this kind of show, I have long watched him unhappy.”

“You can’t say that.”

Liu Qing said: “Although Kung Fu is not used for performance, as long as you fight on stage and win, people will recognize you.” ”

“You see, Master Lu fought with Bart this time, which one dares to say that Chuanwu can’t fight now?”

“That depends on how you fight.”

“I have also studied the rules of several boxing leagues now, and I can’t win if I go up to Chuanwu.”

“You really can’t win.”

They nod.

Although they have been practicing martial arts for decades, they still look at things very objectively.

It is not a kind of road counting thing, it is not easy to compare.

The fighting technique taught by the army found an opportunity to directly wipe the opponent’s neck with a dagger.

But does the ring allow you to use weapons?

Not allowed.

For example, the bankkasula of printing clay, a fierce and rough fighting skill, is also aimed at killing.

Put it in the boxing arena, there is no way to play it.

Contemporary boxing itself is a system independent of Kung Fu in various countries.

You have to train in the way he asks him to.

Liu Qing said: “But don’t say it, go to the ring to fight, win, the effect is really good.” ”

Lu Yuan defeated Bart this time, shocking both at home and abroad.

But such situations are rare.

“Master, it’s time to eat.”

“Got it.”

Lu Yuan got up: “Everyone, let’s eat first.” After eating, let’s meet friends with martial arts and communicate, how? ”

Several people’s eyes lit up: “Good!” ”

They came here for that.

After eating, the group came to the open space at the head of the village.

These people, practice everything.

Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Baguazhang…

Li Dehong specially practiced sticking to the mountain, and Lu Yuan nodded secretly when he saw it.

The foundation is really solid, and the strength is also very transparent, but the physical fitness is average.

The efforts of these teachers cannot be said to be powerful, but they are by no means showmanship.

Li Dehong said, “Master Lu, can you also practice and let me open my eyes?” ”

Lu Yuan naturally would not refuse this request.

“You can’t do it here, you all come with me.”

Lu Yuan led them to the foot of the mountain, put on a posture and said, “Please correct the axe.” ”

“Don’t you dare say that.” Several people shook their heads hurriedly.

In addition to their age, they have nothing else that can compare with Lu Yuan, how can they talk about axe zheng?

Lu Yuan did not speak, raised his hand and punched the practice of Bajiquan directly.

A set of eight-pole fists in his hand, punching with a strong wind, his whole body exuding a fierce momentum, roaring continuously.

After a set of boxing techniques, Lu Yuan looked at a tree with a diameter of more than half a meter ten meters away and walked up.

Stopped a meter away, his eyes froze, and the horse sank.


The familiar shrill rubbing sound made several people’s eyes suddenly brighten.

In the next moment, Lu Yuan had already twisted out a hole in the ground with one foot, and slammed into it with the power of the mountain on his shoulders.


With a loud bang.

In the next second, their eyes almost glared out.

This big tree… Broken!

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