Chapter 92: Devil Fruit in Dragon Form?!!

The action on the side of the weirdo organization has begun.

Under the suppression of the golden princess’s strong strength, there were more than a dozen ghost-level weirdos and five dragon-level weirdos all joined their plan.

The purpose was to completely destroy Lu Li and his Devil Fruit Shop, as well as attack Daxia in an all-out manner, so that he did not have enough time to practice the Navy Six Style.

Just as Lu left the door to auction the Demon Fruit, the Golden Princess, the Muscle Man, the Arashi, and the five dragon-level weirdos recruited were all ready to attack the Demon City.

“Just follow the plan I said earlier!”

Arashi’s figure became even thinner, but the power on his body did not decrease but increased, “I will personally kill Lu Li, and the rest of the various abilities, a few of you are responsible for catching it!” ”

“Wait now, there will be news from Yu Tianao’s side later!”

“This time must succeed!”

Seven or eight dragon-level weirdos, all with solemn faces, looked at Lu Li in the live broadcast screen, as well as those who were present with Devil Fruit abilities, and involuntarily licked their lips.

“I hope that those who eat these Devil Fruit abilities can also obtain their abilities!”

“I’m hungry anymore!”

A strange creature that had become completely inhumanoid dripped with extremely corrosive slime.

The dripping saliva instantly corroded the ground into a hole several meters deep. Ara Hang glanced at the dragon-level weirdo brought back by this golden princess, and directly spoke: “According to my guess, after eating the ability, you should be able to obtain their ability!” ”

“Although there is no basis, my intuition is not wrong!”

Another dragon-level weirdo with a pair of white wings on his back looked at Qi Zichen in the live broadcast screen, licked his tongue, and spoke: “This little loli who ate the fruit of the weapon, I will deal with it!” ”

“No one can rob me!”

The Golden Princess heard that these few weirdos who had lost their appearance discussed the problem of cannibalism, frowned, sighed, and said, “It’s better to wait until it is determined that those who eat the ability can obtain the ability, and then decide!” ”

“My target is that Su Han, who is naturally capable of burning fruits!”

Just as these weirdos divided the Devil Fruit Abilities like grain, Riku was about to sell the second fruit.

“Manager, what type of second fruit did you recommend?”

Ran Ling looked at the news from the satellite phone in his hand and frowned.

Although the world has mutated completely, the satellites launched in the sky have not lost their usefulness.

After the world mutated, Daxia specially mobilized dozens of satellites to detect those powerful weirdos.

Although scientists have made little progress in researching xeno-energy, they can still detect a very large amount of energy accumulation by some means.

Through the degree of energy gathering, you can roughly judge the strength of the weirdo, as well as the movement of a large number of weirdos.

At this time, the information transmitted to Ran Ling’s satellite phone was the news that the satellite detected that the strange people had gathered somewhere in large numbers.

“What’s wrong?”

Lu Li saw Ran Ling’s face change suddenly, and asked curiously.

Ran Ling signaled the official media to turn the camera and turn off the sound, and then handed the satellite phone to Lu Li and explained: “Look at this map, the dark black area on it is the area where weirdos gather!” ”

“When I looked at it yesterday, the color was only red, not such a dark color!”

“According to the scientist who developed this xenomorph energy, the darker the color, it means that there are either hundreds of thousands of tiger-level weirdos gathered in that area, or a large number of dragon-level or ghost-level weirdos gathered there!”

“Looking at the situation on this map, maybe there are several situations!”

“And you can also see that a lot of xenomorph energy representing various weirdos is gathering there!”

“In this case, it is likely that the weirdo has made a big move!”

“I have to guard against it!”

Lu Li’s brows furrowed slightly, he finally knew the source of his premonition.

“Originally, the military planned to directly launch a nuclear bomb to wipe it out…”

Ran Ling’s face was very ugly, “But… The main lethality of nuclear weapons comes from nuclear radiation after the explosion! ”

“Now Daxia doesn’t know much about weirdos!”

“Once the nuclear bomb is launched, those weirdos adapt to nuclear radiation, and even evolve through nuclear radiation, it will be more difficult to end!”


Lu Li nodded, “The existence of this situation is not excluded!” ”

“Once that happens, the appearance of super-strong weirdos is secondary, and the most important thing is the various social stability problems that will be caused by the loss of nuclear weapons.”

“Now that Daxia can still stabilize, the main reason, in addition to the promotion of the Navy Six Style, the most important thing is the existence of nuclear weapons!”

“Once people know that nuclear weapons don’t work, it’s hard to deal with!”

“When the whole society is filled with despair, the country will not have much life left!”

Ran Ling nodded, “It was also out of this consideration that we decided not to launch nuclear weapons!” ”

“Soldiers come to cover the water, it’s useless to worry about it now!”

Lu Li shook his head, looking at the black to the extreme color, and the desire to fight in his heart gradually increased.

“Moreover, if you can’t launch a nuclear bomb, you can launch a few long-range ballistic missiles in the past!”

“To be able to kill a little is a little!”

Riku said.

“The military is already preparing!”

“Once a change is detected, it will be launched!”

Ran Ling sighed.

Lu Li smiled, stopped continuing the topic, and continued: “Okay, it’s useless to worry more, let’s take a look at the next fruit!” ”

“There is a fruit that suits you best today!”

When Ran Ling heard these words, his expression was overjoyed, and his beautiful eyes lit up.


“Is it the fruit you said that day?”

Lu Li smiled slightly, “You’ll know later!” ”

Then, Lu Li took out the second fruit and said loudly: “Start selling the second fruit now!” ”

“This fruit, I will clearly say, is an animal line!”

“But not ordinary animal fruits!”

“All animal lines of fruits are very powerful for the increase in strength!”

“After eating, not only is it resistant to beating, but the increase in physique is very strong!”

“After ordinary people eat the Devil Fruit of the animal line, if they go to practice the Navy Six Style, they can learn it in a very short time!”

Hearing Lu Li’s words, almost everyone became excited.

“Shop manager, this is to make all types of devil fruits have the ability to arrange noodles!”

“Both the superhuman line and the nature department have very good fruit abilities, only the demon fruit of the animal line does not have the ability to make people’s eyes shine!”

“I just don’t know which animal form the fruit ability of this animal line is this time!”

“Is there a dragon form?”

“Eating an animal devil’s fruit in the form of a dragon, isn’t that directly invincible?”

“Want to fart and eat you, the fruit in the form of a dragon, how many people can afford it?”

“Anyway, someone can afford it, ordinary people like us, just watch it lively!”

Lu Li took the second fruit that was ready to be sold, and directly spoke: “This animal line of the devil fruit, the starting price is 50 million, or the old rule, each price increase must not be less than 10 million!” ”

“Start now!”

“After I sell it, I’ll tell you what it looks like!”

“No matter who buys this fruit, it will not suffer!”

After Lu Li’s words fell, the rich people present began to bid one after another. Among them, there are many rich second generations who are very popular on the Internet in peacetime. A young man under the age of thirty wearing a white shirt held a sign and shouted directly.

“One hundred million!”

“Even if just for this fruit can make me quickly learn the Navy Six Style, I will buy it!”

Zhou Fengfang looked at the man holding the card, his eyes moving slightly.

“Qin Feng?”

“He actually came to buy fruit!”

“Is it that Qin Feng, who is known as the emperor of Shanghai?”

The other people who were watching the excitement spoke up.

“It seems to be him!”

“But he kept the money to buy better fruits that appeared later, how could he buy animal lines?”

“Despise the animal line?”

“As the store manager said before, the top fruit ability in the animal line is not inferior to the superhuman line and the natural line!”

“Let’s see what kind of fruit it is!”

With Qin Feng’s bidding, many people began to bid one after another.

In the end, when Qin Feng shouted the price to 800 million, no one bid anymore. This is mainly because the animal line does not have a noodle fruit, and many people do not understand the ability of the animal line.

And this is also the main reason why Lu Li picked an animal fruit to sell this time.

After Qin Feng paid, Lu Li directly handed over the fruit to him. After receiving the fruit, he did not hesitate and directly took a bite. After swallowing the pulp, Qin Feng opened his mouth and asked, “Store manager, what kind of animal’s fruit ability is this fruit?” ”

“I do feel a very large amount of physical strength and strength lifting qi!”

“Now I feel like I can throw a car out!”

Lu Li looked at Qin Feng, who was almost in shape, and spoke, “This demon fruit has dragon characters in its name!” ”

“After you are familiar with this fruit, you will directly transform and you will know what form it is!”

“Animal Devil Fruit with the Dragon Word?!”

Those present were directly shocked.

After Qin Feng heard Lu Li’s words, he was also very excited. Dragons!

That’s the totem of the people of Daxia!

Even if it is not the dragon of the Great Xia Dynasty, even the Western dragon, or even the dinosaur, it is not weak!

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