Chapter 70 Healing Ability Squad! Personally set the weirdo level!!

Soon, the operating room and a sufficient amount of plasma were ready. Lu Li glanced at the injured people.

The cat lady Xiaobai was the least injured, the bones were only slightly broken, and the main reason for the coma was not the injury, but the excessive consumption of blue wave balls.

Just by looking at it, Lu Li knew it.

“Xiaobai doesn’t need surgery, just let her recover herself!”

“An hour at most, she’ll wake up herself!”

Animal Devil Fruit Ability, that is notoriously durable, meat is not good.

If the whitebeard in the original book eats the fruit of the animal lineage, it is absolutely impossible to age so early that his strength has dropped significantly.

The most important point is that the animal Devil Fruit ability is not only resistant to fighting, but also has strong resilience, and if it is well developed, as long as it is not a mortal injury, it can basically recover slowly.

Lu Li also fully understood why Luffy in the original book was so resistant when he crossed over, after all, it is an animal phantom beast species, isn’t it a routine operation to resist?

Zhou Fengfang and Ji Xiaomei also followed, and after hearing Lu Li’s words, with the help of the nurse, they put Xiaobai in a quiet ward to rest.

“As for the others…”

Lu Li carefully looked at the injuries of the remaining people.

“Li Feng’s injury is relatively light, but the arm bone is broken, and it is slightly pierced into the chest cavity, which is easy to solve!”

Saying that Lu left the open room space, he casually took a scalpel and slashed at Li Feng’s arm void.

Li Feng’s arm was directly cut off and floated in the air.


The dean and the doctors who came over were numb.

Is this treatment or what?

This scene also happened to be broadcast live by the lucky reporter who rushed in.

People who saw this scene through the live broadcast of the media outside also felt numb in their scalps.

“My day, Li Feng, deputy director of Zhengtai Group, is this completely necrotic of his arm?”

“I actually cut it down directly!”

“Although I don’t know what this is doing, this knife technique is really awesome!”

“Take a scalpel and swing a few knives, you can cut off your arm in the air!”

Ignoring the reporters who wanted to squeeze in outside, Lu Li swung his knife again, directly cut Li Feng’s upper body in two from the chest cavity, and then handed Li Feng’s body to several doctors, and ordered: “You guys clean up the blood inside, let it go, and do whatever you want!” ”

Zhou Fengfang was not strange, but several doctors looked at the upper body of Li Feng who Lu Li handed over, and he was dumbfounded.

“I lean!!”

“At this time, the corpse is being divided!”

“As for it, if you want to kill Li Feng, can’t you give him a pain?”

“Shut up upstairs, the store manager is the fruit ability, cut it and you won’t die!”

“Didn’t you see that there was no blood in the cut area?”

“Rare and strange!”

On the barrage, many people who had watched the live broadcast came out to explain.

But those doctors didn’t know this, and looking at Lu Li’s eyes seemed to be looking at a murderous maniac.

Zhou Fengfang hurriedly opened her mouth to explain, and the doctors reluctantly believed it and moved to help clean up the blood.

The doctor’s technique was good, and he quickly cleaned up the blood thoroughly, and Lu Li also took Li Feng’s arm in his hand to put together the broken bone.

“Okay, he’s already fine!”

Lu Li said, and then reassembled Li Feng’s body that was cut into several pieces, and at the same time put some electricity to resuscitate Li Feng with an electric shock.


“Where am I?”

“What about weirdos!”

Li Feng sat up directly from the hospital bed.

Frightened several doctors around him, they all began to doubt life.

“What kind of medical technique is this?”

The dean felt that his outlook on life and world view had been violently impacted.

“Oh, human platter medicine!”

Lu Li replied casually, causing the dean to fall into a long contemplation. The people on the barrage instantly burst into laughter,


“GodTM Human Platter Medical Technique…”

“This is obviously the Devil Fruit ability!”

“I just don’t know what type of ability this is!”

“It’s amazing!”

“I also want to see what it’s like to have my body cut into pieces!”

Li Feng looked around blankly, feeling that his brain couldn’t turn around.

Lu Li was too lazy to explain, and directly ordered a few people to take him out.

Subsequently, Lu Li began to deal with the more serious injuries on Jiang Tianhao and Cheng Yanan.

Lu Li did the same, cut the two of them into strips, and asked several orthopedic surgeons to put together the broken sternum and clean up the bruises by the way.

With the lessons of the past, several doctors moved faster.

It didn’t take long to put the two deflated chests back together.

“Okay, these two won’t wake up without electric shocks, let them rest well!”

“Wake up in two hours at most!”

“As for Ren Xiang, this kid’s injury is not very heavy, it is just excessive use of fruit ability, shock!”

Saying that, Lu Li used the heart Fusu ability corresponding to the heart shock trick attached to the surgical fruit to awaken Ren Xiang’s body.


“It’s over!”

“All disperse, let them rest well, and tomorrow they will be alive!”

Lu Li was playing the same surgery, and he really stunned everyone who watched the live broadcast.

Many people with problems with body organs in the big forces have given birth to the idea of finding Lu Li to change their organs.

“It’s really insightful!”

“The first time I saw an operation, I could still do this!”

“It’s really a human platter medical technique!”

“It’s so showy to cut people into pieces and let the doctor hold them in their hands and fight bones”

“This ability is simply the ability that doctors dream of!”

“With this ability, as long as people don’t die, how can they be saved!”

“With this ability, cancer is a fart!”

“Doctors can even cut off cancerous organs, take them in their hands and pull them off with a brush…”

“Groove, there is a picture! Outrageous indeed! ”

The picture of his own operation was broadcast live, and Lu Li didn’t care at all, it was regarded as an advertisement.

The reporter who had been holding the camera watched Lu Li walk out of the operating room, hurriedly stepped forward to open his mouth to interview, but did not know what to call Lu Li, and stammered.

“This… Mr…… Thor? Sword God? ”

The reporter’s opening made Lu Li unwhole.

“Just call me the store manager!”

“Let those reporters come over, I have something to say!”

Lu Li walked to a relatively empty place and held an alternative press conference.

“Do you have any questions, hurry up!”

“I only answer three questions!”

The reporter named Lu Li Thunder God Sword God hurriedly spoke: “Eh… Manager, how did your ability come from? ”

Lu Li didn’t have much taboo about this question, and answered directly and concisely: “It’s all the ability in the Devil Fruit Store!” ”

“You can get it by eating the Devil Fruit!”

“Okay, second question!”

Immediately afterwards, the second clever reporter quickly spoke: “Store manager, may I ask if you are so strong, will you aim to protect human beings?” ”

Lu Li looked at the reporter like a fool.

“Lao Tzu is not a priest and Virgin, how can there be that idle work!”

“People who want to be morally kidnapped, first weigh themselves to talk to me”

The reporter walked away in ashes.

“Okay, the third question, hurry up!”

A soft-looking female reporter stood up and asked with a worried face: “Store manager, you are so strong, do you know what the world will become?” ”

“What the hell are those weirdos?”

“Do weirdos have a rank or something…”

Lu Li glanced at the female reporter unexpectedly, and said with a smile: “You have three questions!” ”

“But that’s exactly what I want to say next!”

“First of all, the first question, what will the world look like?”

“Honestly, I don’t know! Anyway, all sorts of weirdos will appear in large numbers, that’s for sure! ”

“The second question is skipped, I will answer the third question directly, which is exactly what I want to say the most!”

Lu Li cleared his throat and spoke, “The weirdo itself has no rank!” ”

“However, in order to distinguish its strength, let me formulate a general level!”

“First of all, there are wolf-level weirdos, the strength of this kind of weirdos is very low, similar to normal people, it is nothing more than a little stronger strength!”

“This kind of weirdo, there is no threat, adult men can kill with weapons!”

“The second is the tiger level, which is stronger than the wolf level, and can easily cause death!”

“The third is the level of this weirdo leader today!”

“I borrowed something and named it Ghost Level!”

“A weirdo at this level can easily destroy the town function by himself, and normal armies and heavy weapons cannot effectively fight weirdos of this level!”

“The fourth level, it has not yet appeared, but there will definitely be, even quite a few!”

“The disaster level is dragon level!”

“A weirdo of this level, if there is no corresponding strength to stop it, can easily destroy several cities!”

“If it reaches the peak of the dragon level, the current human society, there is no effective means to kill it, unless I make a move!”

“As for the higher level, there is no need to say it, it is just to increase the sense of crisis!”

Riku borrowed a manga from his previous life and roughly formulated a preliminary level for the weirdos of this world.

“Next, it’s advertising time!”

“As long as everyone goes to my store to buy devil fruits, become capable, and seriously develop abilities, they won’t be afraid of most weirdos!”

“Everyone is welcome to buy!”

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