What Ji Xiaomei wants to say, her face is not bad, not particularly beautiful, but not bad.

But because of her frequent driving and unique live broadcast style, her temperament has an alternative neuroticism and coquettishness, which is deeply liked by many otaku.

However, as her live broadcast room barrage often teased, she looks good, but her figure is a little flat.

Often ridiculed by water friends as an old woman who owned an airport at a young age.

“Boss, how many of the Devil Fruits you sell in your store can change your figure or weight?”

With a sweet smile on her face, Jiji Xiaomei walked to the shelves and asked while picking out the fruits.

The customer is God, Riku smiled and spoke softly

“At this stage, there is one fruit in my store that can change the body, and there is also one fruit that can make me lose weight!”

“These two fruits are actually quite suitable for you!”

If you really want to change the best fruit of appearance and figure, it has to be a slippery fruit.

How ugly was Arrita at the beginning in the original book?

With this fat pig-like body type, full of pockmarks and freckles, it is really ugly as it is.

However, after eating the slippery fruit, the fat woman immediately became a hot girl, her skin was Q bombardment, her appearance was stunning, even the big pie face, as if she had been kissed by Venus, a full goddess Fan, even Luffy said a beautiful woman when he saw it.

You must know that even if Luffy saw the female emperor, he never said the word beauty.

You can imagine how good the effect is!

“And the other two superhuman fruits are powerful!”

“One of them can change the temperament after eating, and as long as the appearance is not too bad, a woman will have a strong seductive ability!”

“The more beautiful it grows, the more powerful it will be after eating that fruit!”

“Eating this fruit can fascinate most people in the physical sense!”

“Of course, another fruit, also very powerful!”

“Not only can you arbitrarily change your body shape without any side effects, make your big place big, and the small place small, but also change the figure of other people!”

“Moreover, this fruit, the most powerful part, is that it can easily change other people and their own gender!”

After Lu Li said this, Ji Xiaomei, who was picking fruits, was directly stunned, and her eyes were round.

The netizens on the barrage also instantly fell into a standstill, and then instantly erupted into a dense barrage.

“Lying groove, the third fruit that the boss said is really touching!”

“Can make people big, good guys…”

“Brothers, I have a bold idea…”

“Good fellow, why is your focus so novel!”

“It’s too showy to change yourself and other people at will!”

“If this thing is taken to open a beauty salon, isn’t it crazy?”

“With this thing, the plastic surgery agency that steals the country is a fart!”

“Plastic surgery without a knife, this must be the ability that many people dream of!”

“The old woman hurry up and buy this fruit, I want to see what the old woman of 36D looks like!”

“Not enough money, we sponsor you!”

“This fruit is really a gospel for poor milk patients!”

“I still want to see Sister Zhou in 36D, the old woman hurry up and buy it!”

“I said that your focus is crooked, what is there to look like changing your figure, is it not good to drill yourself into the bed?”

“Didn’t you listen to the boss, the most awesome thing about this fruit is that you can change the gender of yourself and others at will!”

“I want to see what an old woman looks like when she becomes a man.”

“What about becoming a man, just like the old woman’s stick-like body, becoming a man is not as big as mine…”

“I just don’t know if sexual interest will change after the gender change…”

“The old woman and the boy’s body and daughter’s heart, a proper commotion 0…”


Hearing the effect of the third fruit that Lu Li said, the barrage directly fried the pot, discussing wildly.

Ji Xiaomei looked at all kinds of strange remarks on the barrage, even with her face that she had trained from driving for many years, her face turned red

“Brothers, put it away, the old lady still wants this live broadcast room!”

“Hey, the old woman is duplicitous, it seems that she is really moved!”

Not to mention, Lu Li glanced at Ji Xiaomei, who was painted with smoky makeup, and also wanted to see what this old woman looked like when she became a 36D or a man.

However, this fruit is not something that can be obtained by 500,000.

Ji Xiaomei listened very fascinated, of course she also knew the value of the third fruit.

How big is the market for degeneration and plastic surgery in modern society?

The two add up to a market size of tens of billions and hundreds of billions!

“Boss, I chose the fruit, but I’m not very satisfied!” Ji Xiaomei rushed to Lu Li and blinked her eyes, quite coquettishly, “I want one of the four fruits you said!” ”

“Boss, you are so handsome, just help others!”

“I brought enough money today!”

“I will definitely buy it!”

Lu Li smiled and took out three fruits and placed them in front of Ji Xiaomei.

“The fruit that can change the temperament and increase the charm cannot be obtained by selection, but can only be obtained in the subsequent lottery!”

“The ability of that fruit is a little too powerful, and I think you will not be willing to spend a lot of money to buy it.”

“Let’s take a look at these three first!”

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