I was led by Linnea, but I kept going, and when I arrived in front of one of the stores, Linnea stopped.

"We're here. This is my house."

"... hey Linea. Linnea's house is a amulet, isn't it?


Right. Yeah. Linnea's house was a amulet, right? But...

"I just look like an arms dealer here..."

I arrived at a noisy store far from the troublesome thing called amulet. What's this all about?

When I was wondering, Linnea turned her gaze at me in a frightened manner.

"No, my house is not that weapons store..."

With that said, Linnea pointed to something like an alley next to its weapons store where one person could pass by.

"Right there."

"That way!?

Isn't that narrow, Arr? Could it be that you built a store in such a gap...?

"Then I'll be there now, so be careful not to fall"

"... fall?

I was the one who wondered what Linnea said, but after coming to the sight of that alley, I finally figured out what Linnea meant by her words.

Here was a descending staircase, not an alley, and at the end of that staircase was a door that was once worn with a sign that said amulet.

"There's a store here..."

Even while I was stunned, Linnea was unlocking the door and she was just asking me to come quick.

"Bad, I'm going now"

Running down the stairs and into the door, there was a slightly wider space than a normal shop.

"Sorry to bother you.... Whoa, you're surprisingly wide inside."

"Building a store in the basement has these advantages. Because fewer people want to build houses and shops than on the ground, so it's cheaper for that matter and can be used extensively."

"Heh... But wouldn't it be hard for customers to notice if there was a store like this?

"I have no problem with that. I usually have a sign in front of that staircase that says," There's an amulet under this staircase. "

After all, you're devising places like that.

"... hmm? Speaking of which, when I just got here, I didn't think I had a sign..."

"You can't invite guests when the city is in this state."

"Ah, yes."

Yes, you are. Yeah.

"... by the way, where are Linnea's parents? Sure, he said it wasn't crazy yet..."

When I heard that, Linnea darkened her expression.

... Is that it? Could it have been an unsavory thing to ask...?

"Ah. Uh, you don't have to say it's huge -"

"... I don't know"


"When things still started to change in this city...... most of the people in the city were already crazy, but that's when Master Lemur visited this store with the escorts and took my mother and father. Well, I haven't seen either of you."

Did you take him...? I don't care what you think, I think that lemur is suspicious...

"Hey, Master Lemur... who is he?

"Master Lemur Horune is the lord of Gale Street."


I shouted out loud, surprised.

Whatever, if the cause of the change in this city lies in the one named Lemur, it would mean that Lemur is trying to destroy his city.

Why would I need to do that? There should only be disadvantages......

"Maybe Master Remul is going crazy too, and I think that's why he's taking someone away indiscriminately..."

It's certainly possible. But the fact that I came all the way to a store in this inconspicuous location could also mean that I was pinpointing Linea's parents from the beginning.

"... I can't help thinking about things I don't know. Anyway, right now, we need to figure out what happened to this city."

"Yes, if there's anything I can do to help too, don't hesitate to say it"

The look on Linnea's face, who told me so, had become somewhere to worry about.

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