"There was a lot going on, but you managed to leave the woods."

"You just met Momogalos, didn't you?

"I was wondering what would happen for a while, but I'm glad I got out safely"

"So you just met Momogalos, right?

The pursuit from Linea continued, but I distracted myself from pursuing it.

Did Linnea look at me like that and noticed, with the look on her face like she gave up,

"... well, fine. Because people have their own dislikes. More importantly, does Nojuku take it here?

Apparently, he gave up pursuing me, and I answered Linnea's question, ho.

"No. It's about going through the woods early anyway, and we'll move on a little bit before we take the wild boarding house"

When Linea shows my words a bare gesture of thinking just a little bit,

"Doesn't that mean Al just wants to stay away from those woods...?

"Stop poking my psychology exactly, okay?

Nevertheless, Linnea also said she was in favor of taking the wild boarding house away from the woods, so she decided to take the wild boarding house a few more walks away.

When the wild boarding house was ready to some extent and finally enough to put a paragraph on it, Linea spoke to me while eating the dried meat I had brought her in advance.

"Mr. Al. You're finally arriving in the city tomorrow."

"... right"

Finally, we will arrive in Gale Street tomorrow, and the request will begin in earnest.

The scale of this request is a very large scale story: the whole city.

I'm not sure the people in the city are crazy, but the fact that Linea doesn't put it in her mouth could mean that's all the people in the city are doing something creepy or unintelligible.

"... Al."

"Hmm? What's up?

"... no. Nothing, sir."

…… Oh well... "

Looks sad somewhere. And I couldn't hear anything from Linnea, who looked so complicated that she was satisfied.

After a period of bad air, Linea stood up.

"Excuse me. You're going to bed first"

"Ooh. Good night."

"Good night."

That's what I said and saw Linnea heading towards the tent, I put my gaze back forward.

"... what were you trying to say?

That look. At least it won't be a good thing, and it won't be the same cursing dialogue as usual.

"... there's no point in thinking too deeply, and then I can wait for you to tell me"

In conclusion, I took my share of the dried meat and grabbed it.

The next day, after cleaning up Nojuku, we moved on to Gale Street.

The distance was not too far away anymore and the Gale Street had come to a far-sighted position.

From the nervousness, we were walking silently with each other, but Linnea stopped for things like walking in about five minutes and we would arrive.

"... Linea?

"Receive this before entering the city, Mr. Al"

That being said, what Linea took out was the same amulet that Linea was wearing now.

That's a reward for success.

"I'm not giving it away. I don't know why, but apparently if I wear this amulet, I won't have to go crazy. My mother and father didn't go crazy now either. Therefore, during the request, Al also took this..."

"I see. If that's the case, lend it to me -"

As I reached out to her, Linnea avoided it with the leopard.

"But promise me one thing before you take it"


If I break it, repayment, that's what it feels like? I thought Linea said this by offering me a amulet.

"Never wear it at all times to avoid going crazy. Do something to take it off for a bit and don't leave me alone like everyone else to change......"

"... you mean that"

I'm sure still, when the city was just beginning to go crazy, Linea was trying so hard to stop it from becoming a linear.

But as it turned out, that hard work was also vain, and all but my own family went crazy. I'm sure that's what this is about.

"Okay. I promise I'll never take it off."

That's what I said, and now it's time I got my amulet.

"Promise. Right."

"I know. I'll put anything on now."

When I lowered the amulet from my neck, just like Linea, I made it look like Linea.

"This is good, right?

"Yes, keep it, don't take it off"

Copy that. Let's go.

I made sure Linnea nodded and I started walking towards Gale Street.

Gale Street is already in front of us.

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