Episode 142 – Seminar (Lorsha’s point of view)

It was boring. I was bored. Is there anything more boring than hanging out with old people who are stained with egotism during their boasting time? I wanted to visit Werner’s hospital, but I couldn’t help it because the schedule couldn’t be changed.

You should just pretend to get along and come out. I don’t know if it’s the lord of the fire mage tower or lightning mage tower who always looks down on me, but since it’s hosted by the mage lord of the earth, there won’t be much trouble.

I took a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it. Rather than spending this meaningless time, I would just read a book or practice cooking at home.

“hahahaha fuck these old bastards, when are you going to look for them fuck…”

Would it get better if all these old friends went through a water change? No, even if it is, there will be old people who are just a little younger and have poor skills. I just wanted to give him the mage tower and get rid of everything. It’s just that this is a fucking family business, so I have no choice but to continue.

In that respect, he was envious of the Earth Magic Tower. Because the owner of the mage tower of the current land declared that he would pass on the position of the master of the mage tower to a talented disciple rather than a blood relative, and he was a single person for the rest of his life.

“I just want these old guys to be stoned and searched for.”

[Boy, no matter how much you think about it, that seems like a harsh word.]

Ballena, the water spirit king, meddled in every single post or comment I made on the wizard community, and now she’s been forcing morality and courtesy even when she’s talking to herself.

“If you listen to these chews soon to say, you will agree with me?”

[That won’t happen. And watch your mouth.]

“Don’t regret it later.”

I opened the door to the meeting room and went inside. They were all familiar faces. The magic tower masters who lead each attribute’s magic tower, and the earth’s magic tower’s elders filling the remaining positions. These were the faces I was really sick of seeing.

“Oh, the Lord of the Magic Tower of Lorsha is also here. It seems that he doesn’t keep his promise on time.”

You guys say it’s until 13:00, but why are you suddenly changing the schedule to 12:00 this morning, you old bastards?

“I heard the news. You said you signed a contract with the King of Spirits?

“What did Lorsha Magic Tower do alone? Werner-sama did it too, but what?”

“Ah, that’s right. It looks like you still can’t get first place. You have to work hard.”

“Then, today, the Lord of the Lorsha Tower can tell you about the contract with the King of Spirits. It’s a bit unfortunate that Werner-nim doesn’t tell you directly.”

Ha… Normally, I would turn it around and peel it, but there was no sign of that today. You’re looking down on people very openly, you fucking old people. Ever since I was little, I have been comparing everything to Werner. The number of magics developed, the number of suitable attributes, and even the achievements made… Now I’m tired of saying anything.

[…that’s a bit harsh.]

Even Valena was appalled by the rudeness of these old ladies. I quietly whispered to Valena.

“It’s probably still the beginning. In terms of cooking, it’s an appetizer.”

[What do you mean…?}

“If you talk about the contract with the King of Spirits in detail, it’s pretty obvious what you’re going to say.”

[What is that…]

“Ah, it’s starting.”

Gaius, the master of the mage tower of the earth, knocked on the table for a while before standing up. As expected, with that twisted face and callous voice… He was the kind of person who wouldn’t spill a drop of blood even if stabbed.

“Gaius Tierra, the Master of the Mage Tower of the Earth who will be leading this year’s meeting. There will be no need for a trivial self-introduction, so let’s hurry up and move on to the main meeting.”

Even if it was a conference, it was just a place where the tower masters gathered and boasted about their achievements and research achievements.

And people were staring at me asking me to tell them about the contract with the King of Spirits.

The old friends who had the same skills as me were very rude. The wizards of the Mage Tower have no sexual desire or anything. There is only a thirst for knowledge. People were judged only by magic, if they had excellent magic skills, they worshiped them no matter where they came from, and even if they were royalty, if they didn’t have magical talent, they treated them as cockroaches… In a sense, they were a respectable family.

“Yeah… You’d better go talk about the hottest topic.”

I had no choice but to stand up and explain the contract with the King of Spirits. That if you make a contract with the King of Spirits, your descendants automatically enter into a contract, and that neither you nor your descendants can break the contract. Lastly, if the contractees of the Spirit King give birth to a child, that child will sign a contract with multiple Spirit Kings.

Upon hearing the story, the Mage Tower owners’ eyes lit up. Also, they’ll ask you trashy questions like, “Do you have a son and don’t want to meet him?”

“Then, if Lorsha’s Matadju gives birth to a child with Werner-sama, then a child who has signed a contract with the Spirit King of Vengeance will appear, right?”

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No, what the fuck is the story going like that…

“Oh, I see. Lorsha Magic Tower, weren’t you familiar with Werner-sama when you were young? If you two get married and have a child, we’ll go to the Lightning Magic Tower…”

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No, what the fuck are you talking about? You are a crazy old man who has already given birth.

“No, Werner-nim made a contract with the King of Steel Spirit, so the child should come to our Steel Mage Tower.”

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No, don’t claim ownership of a child you weren’t born with, you idiot. More than that, I’m still a virgin, you crazy old people, and this is sexual harassment.

[Certainly… they’re crazy…]

I was fed up with the mage’s words and actions that even embarrassed the spirit king.

“Ha… see? Now you know why I didn’t want to come, right?”

[Yeah… I roughly understood. It would be difficult for me to attend.]

“But today I’m on the better side. I usually compare him to Werner and give him a rating… He once said that he would be very disappointed with my father, the owner of the Mage Tower from the previous generation.”

[Aren’t you a pretty skilled wizard too?]

“No matter how good a sapphire is… standing next to a diamond is shabby.”

That kind of thing I understood from the beginning in the evening. It was because he was only a year older than me and showed off his skills by setting up various colorful balls.

Gaius, the mage lord of the earth, who had been listening to the story in silence, knocked on the tabletop and stood up.

“I see… Is that what a contract with the King of Spirits is like… It’s unnecessary for me. If I’ve heard this far, it’s enough. For me right now, it’s not even garbage.”

“Gaius Magic Tower, what are you talking about all of a sudden? The contract with the King of Spirits is garbage…”

The fire mage lord laughed happily and put a stop to Gaius’ words, but Gaius only reciprocated with a sneer.

“So are you, trash.”


Huge chunks of rock clung to Gaius’ arms. It was like the hand of a giant golem from a fairy tale.

“You know everything you want to know, so die.”

That was magic. But how can you not chant that level of magic…

“O water spirit king, protect me with a shield…!”

It’s too late. He swung his huge arm and his body flew away with the heavy impact.


I woke up to the beeping sound. My whole body was damp, my bones were protruding from broken bones, and every part of my body ached. The other magic tower owners… all of them were turned into pieces of meat. Not only the masters of the mage tower, but also the elders of the mage tower of the earth became minced meat and clung to the wall.

I would have become a piece of meat if Valerina hadn’t used even an imperfect defense magic for a moment. Or at least he would have died without pain. At this point, no matter how I look at it, I think I could die from excessive blood loss…

“Hmm… Were you alive?”

Gaius was looking at me with an interesting expression. He wasn’t dressed like a wizard’s robe, but like a shepherd living in the West.

“What’s with that ridiculous outfit…”

“Oh, doesn’t it suit you? Isn’t it custom-made as well? I especially like the fact that the seam on the shoulder part is covered.”

“No… before that, what the hell is this…?”

“I just took out the trash.”

It’s surprising that he instantly killed the so-called Mage Tower owners in one blow… but even after doing that, the other Mage Towers couldn’t stand still. If all the magic towers try to retaliate…

“If you do something like this, the Mage Towers will come to take revenge… It’s no different than turning quite a few countries into enemies…”

“It’s a country… It’s only because I’m afraid of the country… I’m not a ‘man’. Do I look so stupid that I didn’t think of that in the first place?”

“Why did you do such a crazy thing…”

Still, I thought he was a nobleman with common sense among old people.

“It is proof.”

“… What?”

He tied his hair up, put on sunglasses and turned his back on me.

“It is a proof for me, for this world, and for the God of this world.”

“What bullshit is that…”

“You don’t have to try to understand anything.”

He walked away with his back turned from me.

“…why don’t you kill me?”

“You are someone who has nothing to do with this proof. It doesn’t matter if you die, but it’s not essential.”

And he left without saying these words.

“If you’re alive, I’d like you to tell Werner Alton. Tristan, third in rank at the Black Round Table, will be waiting for you in the wilds of the west. If you’re really a ‘man’, come and compete.”

Shit I want to tell you… but my body won’t move.

After about 10 minutes, my eyes started to close. Oh, I really thought I was going to die…

Footsteps were heard somewhere. Wanting to know who it was, I forcibly moved my neck to confirm its identity. It was a girl with silver hair and purple eyes and a man with devil’s wings from a fairy tale.

“Oh, he did it brilliantly. It’s also violent.”

“Yes. But I think it will be less violent than a boss who takes someone who works in the underworld and beats him non-stop for three days.”

“I heard you gossip about me.”

“No, just…”

“If you don’t want to get beaten up more, I’ll have to do some work today.”

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No, this isn’t the place for small talk like that… Shit, it’s still dangerous here, so I have to tell you to evacuate…

The silver-haired little boy came up to me and started talking while fiddling with my earring that Werner had given me.

“Tell me honestly. You don’t want to search, do you?”

“Suddenly this…”

“Then would you like to make a deal with me?”

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