Chapter 136 – Black Wings

The Heavenly Demon let out a rough breath. Even though they were those who neglected to train since old age, each of them had a gift bestowed by the heavens. Each of them probably had the skills of a low-ranking official of the Black Round Table.

Of course, he changed his name at the hands of the Heavenly Demon, Oh Cheonyeong. Leaving behind the corpses that had turned into disastrous pieces of meat, the Heavenly Demon repeatedly opened and closed her right arm, which had turned purple.

“It looks like he stabbed without missing a chance even at the moment of death… That fighting spirit is commendable.”

Curious about the poison’s effect, the Heavenly Demon gathered his spirit in his right hand. Then, a sharp pain spread from his arm, and after confirming that the purple color was gradually spreading, the Heavenly Demon was able to quickly recognize the type of poison.

“It’s not invulnerable, but if it’s a poison that can be ingested like a medicine, and it’s a poison that spreads and becomes more effective the more you use Ki (magic power)… there’s only one answer. “

The Heavenly Demon had never trained to get used to this poison because it was the only kind of poison he had heard from his teacher, the Black Wing Swordsman, in the past, and was made of a rare poison that only came from the Western Continent.

Black blood of the goddess.

If a warrior suffers from this poison, the more the muscles are used, the more the poison spreads. If a priest suffers from this poison, the more they pray, the more the poison spreads.

And qi is in line with magical power, and the more the Heavenly Demon uses qi, the more the poison spreads. But the Heavenly Demon was not taken aback. His teacher said that even if you get hit by the black blood of the goddess, there is a way to detoxify it. The decryption method was extremely simple. It was to take a break after consuming as many sweet things as possible, such as sugar and honey.

“I guess I’ll just have to eat parfaits for the time being. Anyway, I’m pretty old to have fallen for this kind of bullshit…”

Before the Heavenly Demon could finish his words, he took a combat stance at the presence he felt from behind. No matter what kind of enemy he was, he was confident that he could kill him in one blow. Of course, if you attack, the poison will spread as much, but it wasn’t that dangerous level yet.

However, the moment I checked that face, no matter how much I was a Heavenly Demon, I couldn’t help but freeze.

“All… You… Master…”

The figure of the teacher who thought he was dead showed a gap for a very moment.

The Black Wing Swordsman didn’t miss the chance and cut off the Heavenly Demon’s left arm with a slash. The Heavenly Demon’s blood was scattered on the ground, and the Heavenly Demon bit her teeth and glared at the teacher’s face. The darkness lifted, and his face, which hadn’t aged in the slightest even after hundreds of years, was revealed.

“Didn’t I tell you… Jeong is like poison… Any strong person has no choice but to show a chance if he is caught in Jeong, and eventually loses his life.”

“Master… How could you… of the Black Round Table…”

“You sound funny.”

he took a step closer

“The black-winged swordsman who taught martial arts to the Heavenly Demon.”

The Black Wing Swordsman came one step closer.

“Dark Wing, the first leader of the Green Forest Bandits who taught the phantom thief Squa Alton.”

The phantom thief Darkwing came one step closer.

“The black-winged sage who taught magic and sorcery to the vampire queen.”

The black winged sage took a step closer.

“Garas, a wandering knight who taught the strongest knight, Ricardo Calben, spearmanship, shieldsmanship, and horsemanship.”

The wandering knight, the raven, took a step closer.

“Vorona, a former Grand Duke of the North and a warrior who taught ax skills to Melchior Winterheart, the warrior commander.”

Warrior Vorona came one step closer.

“Shepherd Corvus, who taught the doctrine to Saint Mediares.”

High Priest Corvus took a step closer.

“Crow Tenebris, a wandering mercenary who taught swordsmanship to Zeke, the hero of the holy sword.”

The wandering mercenary, Crow, took a step closer.

“Raven Peony, the father of the leading swordsman Camellia Peony and swordsmanship teacher.”

Raven Peony took a step closer.

“And Lancelot of the Black Round Table.”

Lancelot stopped in front of the Heavenly Demon. And, as usual, he revealed a shocking fact with an expression without even a slight movement.

“They are all names that refer to me.”

The Heavenly Demon was shocked and couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“Didn’t you feel something out of place when you talked about your past?”

“Of course, it’s not that there weren’t any oddities… Why did you do this?”

“I recognized your talents. That’s why I passed on my skills. Anyway, if those who are full of talent make the first seed in the land mine… I can grasp all the trees, branches, and fruits that will bloom in that land. .”

“Then, what are the images you showed us…?”

The Heavenly Demon, Oh Cheonyeong, remembered.

The figure of a teacher with deep affection who picks up himself as an orphan and gives him a name, teaches him martial arts, and can’t refuse people’s requests even though he’s blunt. The back of the teacher who was dragged to the place of execution, covering up the sin in order to save himself because the affection was so deep.

Because he took away such a teacher, he established the Heavenly Demon Church to overturn the world, and he was determined not to give affection to anyone again.

“You tricked everyone… not just me…?”

he remembered When other colleagues talked about my teacher, I saw him call them ruthless, violent, and blunt… but they all had faint smiles on them.

All of them regarded the teacher as a benefactor, parent, best friend, and only understanding.

“I can’t understand.”

“What on earth do you not understand?”

“The psychology of you hanging on to a relationship that has already been broken up. It’s really funny to see you being called a hero while clinging to such an insignificant relationship.”

At those words, the Heavenly Demon became enraged and charged.

He learned from the teacher he once regarded as his only understanding and parent, and reproduced the technology he had processed at will.

Heukpung Breaking Ground (黑風破碎掌), originally a slashing attack using a sword, but it was an improved burial technique by the heavenly horse, Oh Cheonyeong.

As it was, it was a fatal blow that could tear Lancelot to shreds without a trace… but there were two things he overlooked at the moment.

That technique was a technique he had repeated with great effort when he had both arms intact, so now without his left arm, the technique was naturally unstable.


“How stupid… have you forgotten who taught you this skill… why did I teach you guys… already?”

The source of his skill was the swordsmanship taught by the Blackwing Sword Master. No matter how much it was improved, it could not reach those who mastered its roots.

“So stupid and pathetic… I can’t keep my eyes open.”

Lancelot kicked the heavenly horse away with his black heavenly leg.

The poison was spreading from the previous blow, the technique did not work on Lancelot, and his left arm was blown off, making his posture unstable, putting the Heavenly Demon in a very unfavorable situation.

When Lancelot saw the bodies of those whom the Heavenly Demon had defeated, he said:

“Even the bugs have served their purpose. I was a little worried that I might die like a bug after receiving only a tribute.”

“Could it be that Master brought them in too…?”

“I brought in… I just put useful poisonous insects into the jar.”

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No matter how many enemies and people who crossed the line, to the Heavenly Demon, they were rivals who fought together in the past.

“Then Master… did you give them youth? In exchange for the lives of countless people…?”

The Heavenly Demon wanted Lancelot to deny the question. Because I didn’t want to believe that my teacher, who never forsook righteousness and discipline, did something like this.

“You’re more tied to your personal affection than anyone else. The poison that kills you isn’t the goddess’ black blood… It must be that private affection.”

Then the Heavenly Demon endured the pain and stood up. He did not dare forgive the opponent for playing with his comrades. Now it was Master and Nabal, it didn’t matter.

He tried to kill the one who trampled on the memories of his precious comrades.

“Now, let’s compete, the black-winged swordsman… you and me, who will die…”

Then Lancelot snorted.

“I should have told you… that taking your life is the poison of private affection.”

“I don’t have any personal affection for you anymore. I want you…”

The Heavenly Demon relieved the priest’s affection for Lancelot. It was clear that if I left this man alone, the other colleagues would also die while hesitating to kill him.

“No, killing you is a private affair.”

“What bullshit…”

“Didn’t you feel something out of place? There was a traitor among you… That everyone except that young archmage was my disciple.”

At that time, the traitor appeared in front of the Heavenly Demon with a smile on his face. And the traitor knelt at Lancelot.

“How can you join hands with the people who made that child the way he did! You and no one else! Knowing what he thinks of you…!!!!”

Despite the Heavenly Demon’s cry, the traitor rushed at the Heavenly Demon.

I was able to take a counterattack before the attack could reach it.

However, the chain of personal justice as a precious companion bound the Heavenly Demon’s right arm, and the traitor’s hand pierced the Heavenly Demon’s chest.

“How can that child know you… to do this… are you really a beast… I firmly believed that you would never be a traitor, but how…”

Although the Heavenly Demon was always snarky and open-mouthed, she believed in the traitor more than anyone else.

But the traitor didn’t answer and was silent. Because I couldn’t refuse the reward that betrayal and silence would bring.

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