Chapter 129 – Heavenly Demon

“So how was meeting your mother? Did you cry and hug each other for joy?”

Squa was teasing me by poking my cheeks. It’s like making fun of a 10-year-old boy. Well, Squaa is also a descendant of a dreamer, so he’s over 200 years old, so even if he’s 10 or 29, he’ll look like a child. However, from the point of view of grown-up adults, such treatment is just unpleasant.

“My mom is pretty much like me.”

“What? What part? Maybe the appearance?”

“No, I don’t know about her appearance, but in terms of her personality… I thought she must be my mother.”

He looked like a silver-haired little boy… but his eyes and attitude were all things that his mother would cherish. At the same time, he had eyes that looked sad and lonely.

“Well, even without me, he’s the one who lives with a butler and even a mansion. We agreed to live together as if we’ve lived so far and don’t care too much.”

“… aren’t you sad?”

“Originally, I thought there was no mother. Now that I’m sad, there’s nothing to do, right?”

Then, Squaa hugged me.

“Yes, yes, this sister will feed you.”

“I don’t need it, so get out of the way and it’s hot.”

“Eh, isn’t it too cold compared to the old days…”

Before she could finish my words, the hand of the Heavenly Demon’s inspiration separated us at the speed of light. To be precise, the strange shape he was holding me in was also changed.

“Stop it, you bastard. It’s filthy to stick to a child even though you don’t like it. Change your age and think about it. A grandfather who is hundreds of years old is clinging to a child he’s seen since he was 10 years old. What could be so disgusting in the world?”

“You’re older than me! Besides, you look older than me! I look like I’m still in my 20s! Honestly, you didn’t go back to the old age because you shaved your face when you were young, right? It’s because your old face is at least better!”

Squaa showed off a beautiful fist-fighting posture to the Heavenly Demon, . But even our old man was not an ordinary person. The Heavenly Demon made a beautiful hand gesture by holding both fists together and inserting the thumb between the index and middle fingers. Hee hee, are these people really 350 years old on average? If you look at his actions, he looks like the actions of a 3rd grade class 5 at Tuldak Elementary School.

“Because I do not like appearances to go against the providence, I deliberately refused to reach the level of half-romantic children! Preying on men like you is fundamentally different from being a monster!”

“Hey!!! I said I only absorb yang through my dreams!!! I’ve never eaten a man! Besides, I can get nutrients from normal meals too!!!”

“Hmm, I can’t even hear the words of a man-eating monster!”

“Yeah, when I was younger, I had my face cut, so I couldn’t turn back halfway, and even my ears were dark!”

My bones hurt. Is this really a conversation between people who are hundreds of years old? It also meant that they felt comfortable with each other. Even in the game, the two were enemies. Well, it wasn’t a really tough relationship like Ricardo and Melchior, it was just a rivalry like fighting over everything.

“Haa… Please stop fighting. We’ll be behind enemy lines soon, and if we keep fighting like this, we’ll be wiped out before then.”

There would be no comedy like that if you were wiped out by infighting before fighting. That’s what the Italians did during World War II. It wasn’t something the 9 heroes would do.

“Anyway, are you really okay…? Even if you have a relationship like that with your mother…”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Rather, he even gave me a present.”

I took the gloves, gave them to the black Camellia with the red sword, the black Glaceon that exhaled cold, the ring to Lorsha, and the earrings to Airi.

Camellia seemed surprised, saying that the sword she was using was old and where she had obtained such a famous sword. Then he gave me a light kiss on my cheek. Just like how she thanked me when I was younger.

Glaceon blushed and called me into the room to say thank you. Well, I wanted to leave it to my imagination what happened in that room.

Lorsha tried hard to hide her mouth, “Go… Thank you. But I can’t pay back one millionth of what you did to me. If it were me before, I would have been released right away, but not now.” and went away However, in the morning, I sent a lunchbox that I made myself in return.

Even in the case of Airi, she started shouting thanks over and over again. Then he kissed me on the cheek like Camellia did. Well, a kiss on the cheek is used as a greeting… Even if Zeke knows, he won’t kill me. However, the kissing time was a little long, and it seems that it touched the lips at the end because it was a little close to the lips… but it must be because of the mood.

“Well, those presents were useful and you did your job with just that. I have no regrets.”

“Yeah, that kind of affection doesn’t mean anything.”

The Heavenly Demon old man stroked my hair at first.

“My teacher, the Black Wing Swordsman, also said that Jeong is a very deadly poison of snakes, so any strong person who is entangled in Jeong will lose his life in an instant.

What a cruel teaching. Even the black-winged swordsman is not an ordinary person, in terms of skills and personality.

But unexpectedly, even Squaa helped out.

“My teacher, the bandit Darkwing, said something similar. It’s always the people around you like family, friends, and lovers who bite the nape of the strong.”

Since the tendencies of the two teachers are similar, did they both grow up to be such reckless adults? When I teach Airi, I must never disparage Jeong. Isn’t it that the disciples grew up like that because the noblemen called teachers looked down on Choco Pie’s guardianship?

“By the way, how much further do we have to go? It seems like we’ve been walking for a while since we got off the carriage.”

“Huh? Did you arrive just now?”

“What bullshit are you talking about?”

What I saw before my eyes was just a vast, empty wasteland. A wasteland where not a single blade of grass grows. Maybe the price of land is shit too.

But I’m not here to see some land, and this place is one of the Black Round Table’s home bases… What kind of outdated April Fool’s joke is this?

“Huh… that’s what it looks like.”

“You’re still far from being the youngest.”

I couldn’t understand what the bullshit was. In the middle of being busy on purpose, I even took the time to come, but I can’t believe I’m watching the wasteland with these land speculators.

“Even though it looks like a wasteland… This is just the surface of a false space that is shown by witchcraft, magic, and various artifacts.”

Even when I waved my hand, I couldn’t feel that it was a false space. However, when I concentrated my senses on feeling the magic, I could see that the flow of magic was very slightly unstable. Of course, it was so natural that you wouldn’t even notice it unless you paid really deep attention.

“…The flow of magical power is certainly unstable.”

“You sure felt that way because you’re a wizard. We sensed it in a different way.”

You sensed it by means other than mana? Except for the slightly unstable flow of magical power, there are no unnatural elements?

“Then how did you know the old man and the older sister?”

“It’s a phantom thief’s intuition. Intuition that there’s a lot to steal in there.”

“In that space, I felt the life that overflowed, and I only heard the cries of overflowing ghosts.”

Is it really that way… You sensed it by making use of your own field. However, even if I sensed it, nothing changed. It’s still a false space over there, and there’s no way to get inside.

“But is there a way to get inside? I don’t think it will be easy to break into the spell that reversed the space itself?”

I wouldn’t know if it was the phantom thief Squa, or the Heavenly Demon old man or I would be a group. If you forcibly break into a ceremony like that, your body will be torn apart and turned into tteokgalbi.

Then the Heavenly Demon laughed and patted my back.

“Yes, it certainly won’t be easy to break into that magic formula that is like a fortress. Unless you’re a first-class thief.”

“Oh then, Squaa-nee, let’s go alone and we’ll have lunch outside.”

“Heh heh… That’s a good idea, but… I think I’d like to exercise a little before lunch.”

The Heavenly Demon old man made a loud noise, loosened his shoulders, and moved forward. No, even if you go like this, you will just enter the false outer space…

“Black Wings Gong Wavejang (黑翼攻破掌) third brother

The Heavenly Demon old man swung his palm, which contained an enormous amount of mana, and the air began to shatter like cracked glass.


The wasteland without a single blade of grass had disappeared and only a huge temple was visible.

“That place is one of their strongholds. Shall we go in?”

“Wouldn’t it be okay if the old man just blows the building down like he did before?”

“Unfortunately, what is exposed on the ground is just the tip of the iceberg. It will take a bit of effort to get rid of even the places that are deeply embedded in the ground.”

Is that part…?

“Besides… I can feel an unusual energy. There are quite a few monsters who won’t die just by blowing up a building.”

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