Chapter 125 – Date

I’ve been thinking so much lately that I’m on the verge of losing my head. Secrets of Birth, Black Round Table, Raven Peony, Brother and Sister who are visiting today… If I lived like this for a week, I would have to go to a hair loss gallery for advice.

“Werner-sama, are you worried about something?”

Yeah, it would be disrespectful to a lady to care about other topics during a date. The English gentleman’s blood flowing in me did not allow me to disobey the lady.

Anyway, the outfit she wore on a date was a white shirt and black pants. If you think about it, she must have worn more pants than skirts from the moment she announced that she would take over the position of head of household. Originally a so-called half-penny, she would have had to work that hard to grow to this level.

“No, it’s fine, so let’s keep going.”

Today, according to her request, we decided to go on a little folksy date. For her, who has lived her entire life in a snow-covered castle, life as a commoner is a fantasy itself. Is it a similar logic to the son of a conglomerate who is crazy about tteokbokki in the drama? To be honest, it didn’t seem very good to say that it was a commonplace scenery with a medieval fantasy background.

However, if that was the fantasy that Glaceon wanted, it could not be helped.

I had to eat first, so I took her to the restaurant. First of all, we decided to go to a restaurant in a sunny place to prevent useless flying flies from being attracted by Glaceon’s appearance. Looking back in Werner’s memory, there were some restaurants for ordinary people that were better than most high-end restaurants, but most of them were in dark back alleys.

If I went to such a place, it was certain that troublesome flies would attract and fight. Oh, but did young Werner ever get into a fight in a place like that? Of course it was attached. It’s not a place for a little kid to come and go, so give everything you have and get out of here. However, all of them had to spend a long time in bed due to Werner’s magic.


A nice-looking lady greeted us. Since this is a family-friendly restaurant, we decided that there would be no trouble with annoying flying flies or quarrels.

“Aunty, please take two seats by the window.”

I said that and handed over a silver coin. I hate noisy center seats.

The lady at the restaurant who received the silver coin arranged a seat by the window with a 500 times more benevolent smile and guided us there.

Glaceon started looking at the menu board with an interesting look. Certainly, a restaurant like this with dozens of menus would be shocking to her, who has only been to high-end restaurants that only write down the course of the day or the specialty of the store.

“It’s a bit confusing with so many menus…”

Glaceon was carefully examining the menu one by one as if she were studying something.

It seemed that if I went on like this, I would have a late-night snack instead of lunch.

“What if I choose?”

“Yes… It’s my first time in a place like this… It’s a bit difficult.”

The slightly blushing Glaceon was even cute. It’s just that I’m not used to it, so there’s no need to be so embarrassed. I smiled and called the waiter. The waitress rushed over.

“What would you like to order, sir?”

“First of all, I’d like tomato chicken soup, then fried oysters, salmon carpaccio, calzone with four kinds of cheese and spinach, omelette with liver paste, and for the main dish, pork schnitzel and vongole with plenty of clams.”

“Werner-sama, it seems the amount is too small for the two of us to eat…”

Yes, there were a lot of problems with the quantity for the two of us to eat. But there was no problem.

“And this woman also asks for tomato chicken soup, fried eggplant in tomato sauce, grilled scallops, and sirloin steak for the main dish.”

What I just ordered was for myself to eat. I was very hungry because I skipped breakfast because I rushed to work and finished my work.

“The menus you ordered take a little longer, would that be okay?”

I handed the waitress two silver coins.

“Give one to the chef and ask for it. We’re a bit busy.”

Glaceon was looking at me with a dumbfounded expression.

“Can you eat it all…?”

“Well, in uncomfortable places, I usually skip meals or eat… but in comfortable places, I tend to eat to my heart’s content.”

“A comfortable seat?”

I replied with the most benevolent smile.

“For example, eating alone… or having a meal with a partner that makes me feel comfortable… I tend to loosen up and eat when I meet those conditions. It’s a burden to eat in front of uncomfortable or awkward people. .”

Glaceon averted her gaze. It must have been a bit embarrassing to say that he was a person who made me feel comfortable. I was just expressing intimacy in my own way. Not only her, but also Airi, Baek Jong-won, Camellia, Lorsha, Inogashira Goro, and other faces that made me feel comfortable when I saw them while eating.

I was interested in her who avoided my gaze with a redder face for a while, and the food came out faster than expected, perhaps thanks to the tip.

“Here are the menus you ordered!”

The dishes with steam coming up as if they were just cooked were very appetizing. Soup with plenty of meat, fried oysters with a savory aroma, calzones with a savory aroma, and even a large steak.

“Then let’s go.”


It seems that Glaceon still hasn’t recovered from the shock of what I just said. I misunderstood the hands to hold the fork and knife, so I hurriedly fixed them.

As expected, the taste was excellent. The taste was crude and greasy and salty, but it had its own charm. Glaceon must have thought so too, so she ate a fair amount of food.

“Ha… When I go back, I’ll have to eat only lean meat in salads for a while.”

It seemed that Glaceon was strict about managing her weight. If Airi had heard of it, she would have scoffed at me, saying that she is so pitiful that she doesn’t gain weight even if she eats fries and meat as much as she wants. And 99.99% of the time there will be a dog fight.

“You’re beautiful enough, do you need to be?”

“Unlike my mother, who maintains her beauty no matter what she eats, I am mixed-race. The other half is from my father’s line, which allows my muscles to attach themselves even if I breathe.”

Ah… then there’s nothing you can do about it. Come to think of it, was that the reason why Glaceon’s strength was so strong?

“It wakes up slowly.”

We paid for our food and went out. But when she came out, she noticed a little bit of sauce on the right side of her lip. Write… If you point this out like this, I’m sure you’ll be envious. I was an English gentleman who cared for the lady, so I had an obligation to be considerate of her.

“Glacey-sama, wait a minute…”

I approached her Then he grabbed her by the back of the head and kissed her. Like that, we cleaned the sauce on our lips with our lips and mixed our tongues together. I removed my lips thinking that this would be enough.

Surprisingly though! Glaceon covered her lips with an embarrassed expression. I was being considerate so that she wouldn’t be shy… but I thought a kiss would be okay since I went all the way to bed before. But if she was so shy, wouldn’t it be a turn of events? I should have pointed out that I had sauce on my mouth.

“There are so many people, but such an act is a little…”

Ah… It must be embarrassing for her to do this in public. It’s like tired nobles etiquette.

“Hey, that picture is nice.”

Fuck, I heard a line that a third-rate bully would say in a thug cartoon for 28 years.

“Stop worrying and go on your way, if you don’t want to be left behind.”

“hahahahaha, don’t you like it?”

“If you don’t like it, you should be married.”

I’ll rip it off my bottom and make her into a woman so I can marry her. However, the moment she looked away, Glaceon was caught by a guy wearing a robe. Glaceon also hurriedly tried to counterattack him, but…

“Oops, it’s troublesome if the lady uses violence.”

The young boy in a robe snapped his fingers. Then, colorful fabrics wrapped around Glaceon’s body.

“This fuck is a fuck!”

I’m going to break that bastard’s earthenware pot.

“Calm down, I’m not your opponent.”

Just then, a fierce kick came from behind. It’s a shame that he barely guarded, otherwise he would have been blown away and hit. The bastard who attacked me was also wearing a robe.

“These bastards!”

I fired a shot at the cowardly guy who did a surprise attack. But the attack was quickly overruled. The guy holding my wrist said quietly.

“Hmm… It’s a way to spin the wrist while firing an attack. It’s quite interesting.”

I grabbed my wrist, but I punched him in the stomach to get out. He pulled back, but didn’t let go of my wrist.

“Are you a villager… You’re using a shallow number.”

I can’t help it. I didn’t want to put a single person on a day like today, but it was these bastards who crossed the line first.

“Lightning like a snake…”

“Hey, stop it, it’s really a murder.”

The youngster who caught Glaceon suddenly released her and said. We were about to say that it was too late to talk about it now and that we would rip off everyone’s heads, but the guys who attacked us threw off their robes.

“Our youngest has grown up a lot. Now he knows how to curse.”

A rare phantom thief who stole the sky, Squa.

“Haa… I didn’t want to greet you like this, but I want you because you’re so stubborn… It’s been a while, maknae.”

Heavenly Demon, Oh Chun-young, conquered the Eastern Continent.

“No, what the hell is this…”

I couldn’t understand the situation, so I stuttered. But Squaa rather started to laugh and tease me.

“Yeah, it’s been a while since I came to see the cute maknae. It’s boring when he just says hello.”

I desperately thought that it would be better to just say hello.

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