Episode 110 – Halsted

A “Cool cool cool!”

Count Holstead coughed up blood and dyed the white blanket red. It was not a normal physical condition. I don’t know what kind of disease I have, but it seemed like I was doing it tomorrow. There are black fingertips. It seemed that even the pupils were dilated, which was difficult to treat.

“No matter how you look at it, it looks like you have a chronic disease… It looks like it’s hard to treat… I feel sorry for the young man… You must be thinking something like that.”

“How did you…”

“That kind of gaze is quite familiar. It’s better than a look of disgust asking, “Isn’t there a contagious disease?”

I couldn’t answer anything because I was stabbed in the middle of the day. I made a mistake that was not like me to sympathize with the other person at will. The pitying glances I freely sent could hurt the person concerned. Even though I know better than anyone how fucked up and disgusting this kind of gaze is.

It wasn’t something I would have done as a Confucian scholar.

“I’m sorry.

“You don’t have to, Sir Werner.”

Count Holstead coughed up blood again on the blanket. Is it a ketchup factory?

“I’m used to that kind of gaze… It’s a good trivial story anyway. The important thing is not that, it’s my estate.”

“Yes… So really… is it true that the Black Round Table has been hiding in this estate?”

“Yes, the source is clear… This is information that has been verified directly. The Black Round Table, which Sir Werner defeated at the party, is hiding in this territory.”

At that time, the case ended with the treason of the nobles arrested at the time… Maybe because he was an aide to the crown prince, was he able to obtain such information? However, to get such information from the crown prince, it seems that trust is no joke.

“But direct verification… How did you verify it?”

If they had met directly, there would be no way it would have ended smoothly. Besides, it’s not an opponent that a person without two legs can run away with.

“Before verifying it myself… I was able to walk on my own two feet. And there were quite a few escort knights I was with. Would this… be enough evidence?”

Why am I like this today? Did Hun move to the chewy? I kept stabbing the opponent’s painful part unintentionally.

“Don’t worry too much. Originally, I didn’t walk often because my body was weak.”

“Yes, and I heard there are other problems as well.”

“Yes… I don’t know if the sword has anything to do with the Round Table… but recently the movement of the Miners’ Guild is unusual.”

“…you mean the miners’ union?”

“Yes, as you know, the specialty of this territory is iron ore and other minerals. That’s why a significant number of the people of the territory are engaged in related occupations, and the majority of them are miners. And we created a miners’ union for mutual benefit.”

You made such a combination in this era? Maybe I’ll film Defias Season 2 while being fussy? Or it could be the starting point of a new revolution.

“Why such a combination…”

“Why did you allow such a union to be created? At first, I thought it would be a shield to protect them. I thought it was a group created by the powerless to protect themselves.”

“I thought so at first…”

“At first they asked for better working conditions or realistic wage increases… but not anymore.”

I got a sense of what the story was about.

“Due to the lack of manpower, the upper class, the middle class, and the poor do not want to work in three shifts… They demand that their wages be the same as those of the aristocratic retainers… They put out absurd conditions.”

“What a crazy bird…”

“Well, since there is a shortage of manpower, it is possible to increase the manpower even if the absurd three-shift condition is impossible. Because it is.”

Wow, isn’t this the best boss?

“I’ve met all the conditions, but why are their movements unusual?”

“After accepting those conditions, they gradually pushed for more and more unreasonable conditions. Asking the miners to sell their houses one by one, or paying for their children’s school fees…”

“Did you agree to all of those conditions?”

“Partly. But at the end, he demanded conditions that were simply unacceptable.”

“what is that?”

“… to get my sister married to the guild president there. Even though the guild president is 43 and my sister is 16.”

Wow, you really turn into a son of a bitch when you ask me if I’m coming. Also, none of the words of my ancestors were wrong. Since you keep doing favors, you don’t know how high the sky is, and you’re fucking.

“I stubbornly refused. No, I was so angry that I beat the person who delivered the offer and sent it back… I’m still reflecting on this part.”

It’s strange that I wasn’t executed. If you said such bullshit, wouldn’t you have nothing to say even if your throat was cut off? Any saint would tear him limb from limb if he heard that.

“Then everyone went on strike. They demanded huge amounts of money for treatment and forced me to marry my sister to the union president.”

“What do you have such fucks?”

“I could have given you money. But as much as my brother… I didn’t want to get involved in this. But as the strike got longer, problems arose within the territory.”

“A problem?”

“… Didn’t I tell you that most of the people in the territory are engaged in the mineral industry? Miners aren’t the only ones. When the supply of raw materials stopped, the economy of the territory fell into chaos.”

Earl Halstead continued, vomiting blood.

“I had no choice but to save other miners and proceed with mining. However, the miners’ union killed all the miners. The culprits in the case were in prison… but they were all young and young. The reason is obvious.”

It must be said that it was the head of the miners’ union who carried out the work, and that the young miners volunteered to commit the crime instead. I thought I knew roughly what the structure was like. It’s such an organization because it was everywhere where I lived.

“Then my sister said that she would get married. I tried to stop her, but because of her strong will, I took her to the meeting place.”

“Then the meeting…”

“We were able to complete the ‘verification’ at that meeting. But I wonder how they showed up at the meeting with the miners’ union. What the hell is the benefit to them… So I wonder if they have any connection with the miners’ union? .”

Certainly it was. There was no reason for the Black Round Table to get in the way of an agreement between the nobility and the miners’ union from the outskirts. Although their purpose was unknown, at least one thing was certain: they wouldn’t touch such a small thing.

“Yes, I see. I’ll do my own research.”

“Please take good care of me. And if you have any inconveniences, tell the butler.”

“There’s nothing really inconvenient about it.”

There are quite a few rooms, except that we only have two available.

“Ah… please don’t go into the guest room, my room, and other rooms besides the dining room? There are some rooms where important things are kept…”

“Yes, I know.”

Did you hide anything strange? I was puzzled, but this was the home of Count Holstead. In someone else’s house, he was not so uncultured as to break the rules set by the landlord.


I followed the butler back to my room and decided to ask what I wanted to ask. The questions I should have asked Count Holstead, but didn’t. Today, I unintentionally touched a lot of yoke, so I was afraid that I might provoke his yoke again.

“Where is… Countess Halstead’s sister?”

I never got to see my sister, whom she said she went to the meeting with. Usually, when a guest comes, they say hello unless they are particularly ill.

“That story… Please don’t tell it in front of the master. The clothes he wore at the funeral haven’t even dried yet.”

“… okay.”

“She was a very bright person. But the co-op president, that damned child…”

Ah, since the black round table is a secret, it must have been known that he was killed by the head of the union.

“Don’t worry too much. I’m here to take care of everything.”

“Yes… I hope you will.”

I guess I’ll have to take this seriously. It is the duty of I, Confucian leader, Werner Alton, to kill such bastards.

With great power comes great responsibility.

With the Confucian theocracy and natural magic skills, I was obliged to exterminate those scum. And above all, in my hand was the enchantment book of Enoch, which proved that my justice was correct.

Heavenly Father, help me kill those Defias bastards.

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