Chapter 108 – Request

I didn’t know what that meant at first. Let’s make a wizard, let’s reach the realm of making a homunculus, right? The creation of life was the realm of the gods, not a realm that mere mortals could reach.

“Well, I don’t know what that means, but…”

“Eh, you know…”

“Unfortunately, I’m not interested in that.”

He was not interested in creating new life, something that a scientist at the end of the century would think. What I’m interested in is neither fight nor struggle, but a life like “the heart of a plant”… only a “peaceful life”. I said something like a serial killer, but I actually wanted a peaceful life.

Even though the imperial mage’s work is tiring, if you take care of a certain amount of work, you can live a peaceful life. It was a really long way back. It was a really, really, really far way back.

I said that and tried to drink a cup of coffee.

“But I heard you did it with Glacey.”

I almost spit coffee for a moment. Glaceon told Airi about it. This is why light-mouthed women are in trouble…

“… I couldn’t help it because I drank alcohol back then. Listen carefully, alcohol is the most terrifying demon that controls the human mind…”

In fact, there was not even a drop of alcohol at that time, but I had no choice but to play Gura. It’s not that I don’t want to hug a woman like Airi. I am also a man full of sexual desire, and I like Airi very much.

However, I had to think about the cost of making that choice. Even if Zeke cherishes Werner, he will not cherish him as much as his daughter. But as soon as such a daughter turns 18, her virginity is taken away by a 29-year-old man? Oh, even if this looks like me, I turn around and dance.

“Then we can have a drink. It’s coming-of-age ceremony… It’s been a while since I’ve had a drink… No, I want to drink for the first time.”

“I think I just heard a big word…?”

“Ah~ don’t worry too much.”

Airi raised her hand and ordered the strongest drink in the store from the clerk. The clerk brought out a drink in a red bottle saying he would understand. I could immediately identify the color and design of the bottle. Those are ‘Tears of the Water Dragon’.

The so-called ‘Tears of the Water Dragon’ was an item that inflicted a drunken state on enemies even in-game. Well, it wasn’t that the dragon was actually killed and its blood drained, it was a drink made by mixing a small amount of Drake’s bone meal, fruit from the area where the dragons live, and clean water from the north. However, the description or appearance is white wine, but the alcohol content was crazy over 60 degrees. How the alcohol level of wine is like that… It’s easy to think of it as just a game or fantasy permit.

actually bringing this out…

“Ahahahaha… I asked for the strongest drink, but it’s weak like a drink… No, it’s a very strong drink.”

“Well, it’s a strong liquor with an alcohol content of over 60%. It’s a silk liquor that any alcoholic would throw away. It’s a very expensive liquor, too.”

One bottle of this was a guard’s two months’ salary. I got my bank account back, and the imperial family gave me bonuses, so I could buy this type of alcohol as much as I wanted. The problem is that I don’t like alcohol.

“It’s just one drink.”

I poured half a glass of ‘Tears of the Water Dragon’ into Airi’s wine glass. Anyway, it has a tonic effect and is good for the heart, so there’s nothing wrong with drinking a little. In the first place, alcohol should be learned from a proper adult. It would be better to learn from a Confucian man like me than learn from a grown-up like Melissa.

I, Dionysus’ descendant, Werner, will teach you the proper drinking culture.

“First of all, wipe your mouth with a napkin before drinking such a delicately scented liquor. Things like food grease and sauce spoil the taste and aroma of the liquor. And the first tasting is usually done by a man. Tilt it sideways to check the color. Clear liquor, like water dragon tears, is usually free of sediment and has a pale green or pale yellow color.”

I tilted my glass towards the candle. Yes, the clearest pale yellow color was revealed.

“And next time, sniff a little bit of the scent. Alcohol that has been stored in bad condition smells like rotten wood or vinegar.”

As I smelled the scent of alcohol, it felt like I was drinking fruit juice with the condensed scent of all kinds of tropical fruits through my nose. Besides, it woke me up feeling good enough to wake up from a light nap.

“And finally, check the taste. Hold a little in your mouth and roll the wine gently with the tip of your tongue to slowly check the taste of the drink.”

I said that and put a little wine in my mouth. It was sweet as if it melted on the tongue, but it wasn’t a sticky, dull sweetness like sugar or saccharin. A pleasant sweetness that is slightly refreshing and the corner of the mouth rises by itself stimulated the inside of the mouth. At the same time, the properly hidden acidity further emphasized the sweetness.

And while holding it in my mouth, a refreshing fruity scent spread through my nose. And when I swallowed the wine, another deep and subtle scent enveloped my whole body.

Oh, there was a reason it was so damn expensive. It also went very well with Menière, who was served as a cook.

Airi quickly followed me and put on an ecstatic expression as if the alcohol was very delicious. But somewhere, rather than the fact that the alcohol was delicious… it was like a favorite alcoholic drink after a long time. I’m sorry, but that’s okay.

“Then, will Master eat the rest? What will you do after you finish? Perhaps…”

“I’ll just have one and take it home.”

“Then, is there a possibility that Camellia will drink it?”

“Oh, that’s difficult…”

“Shall we just drink it all?”

That was the only damn answer. If you show Camellia this strong drink, something will happen. Because she beat up the Orc Legion while drunk.

But show me this strong drink? On that day, the capital will be in ruins. For the sake of peace in the capital, I, as the royal mage, had the duty to dispose of all this alcohol.


Master staggered, drunk from a drink that was nothing but ‘Tears of the Water Dragon’. In the past, when he was alone, he devoted himself to research by guzzling down alcohol that was thicker than ‘Tears of the Water Dragon’. Because it was a study that I could not endure with my sober mind.

As I came out to the streets to support the drunk Master, the night view of the brilliant night street stimulated my eyes. I didn’t know it in the past, but every single moment like this with Master was a treasure to me.

But, as always, bugs appeared to interrupt the moment.

“Hey, where are you going with your lost lover?”

“Ayy, you want to throw away the guy who was flirting with such a pretty lover and play with us? Huh?”

These bugs were everywhere. Those little bugs that approached only by looking at their faces or bodies.

“I’m on a date, so get out of here before I kill you.”

“You speak harshly. If you say such things with an angelic face, your older brothers will be disappointed.”

Ha fuck… I can’t use my strength, so this year and that year… Even these bugs… I seemed to understand a little why Glaceon didn’t like that self-proclaimed warrior from another world.

“No, don’t be too rigid~ Let’s just have a drink with the older brothers~?”

He tried to hold my hand like that. Maybe I’ve been too kind lately.

“Dark spirits that have encroached on the earth, open your mouth. It’s time to eat.”

Then their shadows opened their mouths and swallowed them whole. There’s no one around, so it won’t be a problem to kill these scumbags. Those who dared to disturb the time Master and I spent together were cheap to die for.

Looking up at the sky, the moon was shining beautifully. After Master left, I always looked at the moon alone and soaked in memories, but now it was different. Master was by my side, and Master will continue to be with me.

“You know that idea, since the person responsible for the death said it, it’s really funny, right?”

Before I knew it, there was a crow sent by the damn little god sitting on my shoulder. When did you fly again? Obviously locked in a cage.

“Ah~ Did you think you could stop the messenger of God with just a cage? Are you more brainy than you thought?”

“Shut up, son of a bitch. Give me back the contract with the Spirit Kings. It’s mine.”

“Ah, originally, the contract with the King of Spirits was also made thanks to your teacher there. And I told you, you can’t tolerate things like regressor privileges.”

I wanted to cut the crow’s throat, but I couldn’t. Because me and that god damned kid have a contractual relationship.

“Then, what is the asshole we saw about being from another world?”

“Oh, that’s it? There’s a retard who jumped off a bridge to go to another world, so I just called to take a look…”

The crow frowned and said.

“Well, that bastard said, ‘Goddess Lori! You fell for me and killed me… Jettay Yurusana!’ I rushed at it like this, so I threw it away roughly. But throwing it away roughly is not so much…”

“So you misunderstood the garbage can, right?”

“Honestly, I feel bad for those bastards.”

“Oh, that’s the same.”

Honestly, if a bastard like that had approached me, I would have melted it with magic right away.

“But why are you here?”

“I want to permanently return one of the contracts with the King of Spirits. In addition to returning it, I’m also returning some magic.”


Even with just one of them, quite a few bugs could be easily cleaned up.

But soon I regained my reason and remembered a certain truth. That nasty little god would never give it back for free.

“Ah, I found out, it’s a pity…”

“What are the conditions?”

“Recently, I’m annoyed by whether it’s the Black Round Table or Nabal in many ways. It’s enough to send my apostles, but… It’s annoying in many ways, so I’m asking you to take care of it roughly.”

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