Chapter 106 – Released from prison

I realized that networking and backing are the most important things in the world. To say that a perfectly fine child was made into minced meat in front of a large number of people, and the penalty was fined.

It was a mutually agreed duel in the first place, and it was Hoon who applied for the duel first. Besides, obviously, Hun-i died before he could shout the word ‘surrender’. Although I silenced him, there was no rule against muzzling in the arena rules.

When I came out of prison, Ricardo greeted me the most. And what greeted me was a warm punch.

“…It hurts bro.”

“It’s punishment for worrying other people. My wife worried about you too.”

“Is it okay to kill people?”

“Why are you suddenly like this? It was a duel in the first place. And it’s not the first time you’ve killed a person.”

Werner has been killing people since <Dragnity Fantasy 1>. The heretics who worship the devil, or the black magicians who have been corrupted by making deals with the devil. Originally, a young boy would be embarrassed to kill someone, but Werner did not panic at all even after committing his first murder.

Rather, when he killed a person for the first time, it was his colleagues who were worried or worried. Originally, Werner was so weak that he was afraid to even kill a wild animal he had caught. However, Werner spoke calmly with the body of the person he had killed in front of him.

[Hyung, what’s for dinner tonight? I prefer stew.]

[… are you okay?]

[You killed a person… I was asking if that was okay.]

[But these guys tried to kill me. Besides, since these guys are trash who sold their souls to demons, isn’t it okay to kill them?]

[I’m the youngest…]

It was Werner who took Irina and other children from the slums and acted like a king. It was after watching a lot of people die. Moreover, according to Irina, Werner has been killing adults who tried to rape her since appearing in the slums at the age of seven.

The party members were worried about Werner’s broken spirit. However, at the same time, there were also people who were concerned that the child was becoming too withdrawn by injecting too much value on life into him. There were countless people who died from being stabbed in the back after sympathizing with the enemy or showing mercy in a really critical moment.

So, Werner’s colleagues decided to take turns teaching Werner the value of life.

The warrior Zeke, Saint Medea, and Archduke Melchior taught Werner these things.

[Werner Murder is not always the answer. It really is a last resort. I hope you know and judge well.]

[Youngest, life is precious. Unless it is unavoidable, really don’t kill until the very end.]

[If you taste human blood, you will be irreversibly corrupted. And for those who enjoy killing, there is no normal person, good or evil.]

However, the Heavenly Demon Oh Cheonyeong, the Phantom Thief Squa, the Knight Commander Ricardo, and the Black Blooded Queen Melissa gave these lessons.

[Originally, the world is the weak meat. Besides, the moment the enemy sought your life, you were given the right to take that person’s life.]

[Maknae, do you know what is the most important thing in the world? Nothing like that. Because that’s different for each person. So, if someone else is aiming for something precious to you, kill them right away.]

[Maknae, if anyone is targeting you or your precious people, kill them right away. Cockroaches should be cleaned immediately. Otherwise, it will continue to climb.]

[Maknae, who are we going to eat? Are they demons? Why do we tease the dog? Just because he’s a demon? no If they say shit, they’re kicking their feet. If someone yells at you, just get away with it.]

Young Werner accepted all these teachings.

I learned that all life is precious. So even if someone insulted him, mocked him, inflicted damage on him or took credit for it, Werner endured it. He couldn’t kill him himself, and if he told his brothers and sisters, he would surely get angry and scold the guy who did that. Because life is precious, he suppressed his strength and endured everything.

And I learned that the one who needs to be killed must be killed. Whether human traffickers, bandits, or serial killers… He mercilessly killed those who harmed ‘others’, not himself. Life is precious, so those who harm it must die.

The two conflicting teachings caught on to Berner’s values of life, and this shape quickly became a scale. Werner, whose values of life turned into a scale, willingly threw himself for people and got hurt. And because he did not define evil as life, he made more enemies.

Werner boasted of saving precious lives for Zeke, Mediah, and Melchior.

[Zeke! Brother Melchior! Mediah sister! I rescued people kidnapped by bandits today! But one child is sick, and the parents ask for a loan for the hospital bill, so I lent all the gold I had!]

Everyone shook their faces at the fact that he lent money to buy a mansion without collateral or an IOU.

And after that, Werner boasted this to Oh Chun-young, Squa, Ricardo, and Melissa.

[Old man! Squa’s sister! Brother Ricardo! Sister Melissa! Today, the bandits pointed their weapons at me, so I killed them all!]

Werner boasted of a black orb containing bandits compressed with dark magic.

Of course, Werner was even praised for doing such a good job.

So, until now, no one knew. To think that this scale would turn into a weapon that would kill Werner.

At the moment of desperation, Werner was faced with a choice that could save only one of Airi and himself. If he had been in the past, he would have chosen himself without hesitation, but that choice hung on Werner’s scale.

The teaching that innocent lives are precious made Airi’s life heavy. And the scale measured the value of Airi’s life even higher, who could be loved more than herself.

The teaching to despise the lives of those who are cheap even if they die makes light the value of one’s own life, which has killed many people, no matter how trash it is. And the teaching that you should not hesitate to kill for something precious led to the conclusion that you should kill yourself for the child of your first love who is more precious than yourself.

The scale created in his mind became a dagger that pierced Werner’s heart.

“Brother, I’m hungry.”

The food in the prison was fine, but the portion was too small.

“Okay, let’s go back to your house. Your lovers are waiting.”

“I heard…”

“I didn’t expect my sister to be so promiscuous. The girls who scramble to save you are your lovers. One older and two younger… Oh, isn’t one of them a bit dangerous?”

“It’s okay because it’s her birthday tomorrow.”

“I thought it was strange at the point where the prerequisites were attached.”

We went back to the mansion while joking like that.


Ricardo took me there and said he missed his wife and quickly left. And as I heard in the carriage while on the way, the baby was named after my name, Vernia and Alten. No, I wanted to ask if I had to pay a copyright fee if I hit the name like that.

However, when I thought about it, since I received the mansion, I was able to receive enough copyright fees.

When I opened the door to my copyright fee and entered, three women welcomed me.


If I had done that, I think the situation would have been irreversible… It’s not some kind of French Revolution.

“You’re welcome, Mr. Werner. And I was only presenting my opinion. The only one who claimed to be the prison breaker was that kid. I just calmly pressured the other side.”

I guess that’s not cool at all…

“You’ve gotten very emaciated. Shall we eat first?”

Yes, as Camellia said, meals came first. I was so hungry right now that I thought I was going to die. I followed them to the dining room… and the table was occupied by a large army of food that I couldn’t get enough of.

“Oh, we’re fine, Master, eat a lot by yourself.”

Are you fucking Mac? No, it’s really like eating rice, but it seems like you’re eating candy, not rice… Isn’t this food torture in the military?

I had no choice but to eat my fill and leave it behind.

“Oh, Glaceon is really good at cooking. I and Camellia unnie helped out and ate it, and it was so delicious!”

Leaving home-made dishes to celebrate my release from prison is also out of shape.

“hahahahaha… Have a good meal. And thank you for preparing your own food, Miss Glaceon.”

Mantaro-sama, please help me to get rid of this food as a glutton.

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