"Scolded by a samurai, trying to crack it down with Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess? I didn't know a cold-blooded Count was swinging by a woman who could now count as an Arxian hero."

"If you don't want to borrow my notebook, Sieghardt."

"Don't be so obstinate, Cardia"

I can silently push away the feathers of a feather pen that can be directed at me in an attempt to flaunt my cheek.

"But it was a tremendous highlight... are you okay?

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that..."

Yes, for me.

The day after the commencement ceremony, in the seat of the lecture room in Territorial Management.

Locked in a desk and chair from left to right by Zephyr and Sieghardt, who take the same lecture, I was interested in casual, crappy conversations, dating them with a frightened, funny look.

It's been a long time since last year. Now, after a year, I've enjoyed the conversation I had with these two alumni. It's also easy to interact with Latka and Tila and the others when it comes to ease, but it doesn't feel like a conversation with friends.

From the second year of the Academy, afternoons are used to lecture on specialized subjects.

The direct descendants of the Lords' nobility usually study economics or law in territorial management or, if you are a lady, home economics.

In the case of men or by-products of a family of court nobles who do not have one territory, that is, parents who do not have a title and are unlikely to inherit, they are scattered in economics or law, or in military or theological sciences, commerce, international sociology, etc. with a view to serving as clerks. Girls are in correctional science with a view to teachers and female officials, and in some fiancées, home economics and economics, etc., and the options are not very broad.

A special example was the Duke's family and the royal family, with Prince Wang and Grace, and Emilia, the Grand Duchess, taking international sociology and Eric taking military science.

Will I be among the exceptions when I take territorial management and economics with active lords?

"Speaking of which, is Sieghardt glad he didn't take military science?

"The people in the house will tell you as much about the war. The eldest son or so will not be able to manage the territory he has deposited from His Majesty the King unless he learns properly about the management of the territory..."

"Uh... I see..."

All three of them nodded unexpectedly in a distant eye.

It is not strange to say that all the territorial soldiers are unanimous soldiers and farmers, the Laurenzorel clan, but the state of its territorial management is quite decent and honest, with its main source of income being its diverse and high-quality produce, blessed with the mild climate and abundant soil of the Ugarian region. Looks like our master worked hard to contain it.

"Is military science good for Cardia?"

"Oh. Prioritize the Territory"

"I'm totally out of words. You've done enough to be called a hero, and you're not interested in being a martial arts officer?

To Zephyr's bitter laughter, I thought for a moment about the path of serving as a martial officer.

I didn't even consider territorial management when selecting subjects, so I never thought about my status as a martial officer.

"There isn't. I'm not going to take any command other than my own army and my own Knights, and I'm not going to move it out of my territory if I don't have to."

Well, I still don't care what you think.

In the first place. The premise that I was built a war kung fu has a special relationship of trust between the existence of a fairly special Cardian army of infantry whose ability as a horseman and engineer seems to be higher, and the fact that I grew up in them.

If we lose them, I'm just a little girl. I don't even think I'm blessed with talent if I don't have any experience as a soldier.

"I'm not going to move the leadership out of the territory, what?

"You're letting the leadership function too much to rebuild the territory. We can't keep up with the education and lack of human resources, but in addition to serving as a gendarmerie to maintain security in the territory, we also allow the reception of people without a place to go, planting in the development, curing and tidying of the territory and in the logging of the woods, crusading against demonic sentries, postal delivery after the guard sentries, agricultural work in jurisdictions directly covered by national taxes, etc. When we get out of the territory, everything in the territory lags behind..."

After I answered, I felt uncomfortable and looked left and right. Zephyr and Sieghardt are running their gaze behind me and behind me with an indescribable look.

No way......

I don't want to turn around. I grind with real-life escape emotions and turn my back slowly.

"Hi, nice to meet you. That was a very understandable commentary, thank you. I might ask you to help me with my lectures sometimes. Anyway, the story of an active lord is so perfect that there is no more material for territorial management."

With grinning, laughing obsidian eyes, I wanted to lay my head down on my desk.

I already look too familiar with the boulder for the color of those eyes.

Marc Theresia-- This Territorial Management teacher blinked slowly with my face in his sight and laughed again, "Nice to meet you."

... Though they pinched the question with a very natural flow, they have explained to the teacher what they are peppering and their immaturity and underdevelopment of their own territory, I am.

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