"... Anything you want to say?

The sight was too unusual and surreal, Latka said, who had been sneaking up on it later.

Me and three adults who arm-wrapped and benevolent and scattered their grumpiness like cold air and dropped their shoulders on the dirt in front of them.

Needless to say, Oscar, Claudia, and Lord Nathanael are the key players in this one.

"Oh, the... I'm sorry! I enjoyed shooting up with my brother and breathing with Oscar..."

"Sorry...... Do you say you got excited about a long time of serious match-ups..."

"Sorry, I felt like I was going to die if I didn't play it as hard as I could or prevent it"

"Okay. Oscar went to the dining room first to oversee the catering."

There's no way to make Oscar feel responsible for this tragedy, which is dying with a face full of fatigue on the boulder, and make him leave early. Well, as for Oscar, really... somehow, all I could say was that you were sad.

After seeing Oscar return to the mansion first in a gracious manner, my gaze now crosses the Laurenzorel brothers and sisters, seated in a daze of cold sweat, behind them, to a courtyard that was only about a year after it was made......

Since I originally assumed the playground for Raswiwoks and my training grounds, there were no decorations, etc.

No, but.

What and how will that happen, (I feel like I was sticking my spear all the way up) cracked, submerged, or upset the other way around, desolate ground.

The tiles, which were laid only in the back, are shattered and scattered, and the terrace is dusted and the grass, which was planted in a small area, is also scattered unbroken.

What do you mean without referring to this as miserable?

... or what the hell is this? Is it really a situation that humans can create?

Oscar often survived that stormy battle. That's it, I don't know what it is anymore, I think I did well.

It was an awesome fight.

It should have been a duel over courtesy of court swordsmanship and court magic. In fact, it certainly wasn't out of the way.... I'm not convinced at all.

"The... Lord Eliza?

"What is it?"

"Are you angry...?

To Claudia's inquiry, I sharply pointed my lips.

He has a muddled look on his face, but if he asks me if I'm angry, I feel somewhat different.

More than that, are you in the mood to say that Laurenzorel's people are frightened enough to cause this tragedy... that they feel unreasonable?

Return to the world of boy comics, the earliest familiar.

But I can't help but be obstinate forever.

When I take one sigh, I call them "Lord Nathanael, Lord Claudia". The two stretched their spines to the limit as they were bounced.

"... Lord Claudia's wedding is meant to take place in this courtyard"

"" I will do everything I can to clean it up!!

In a well-resembled reply from my siblings, I breathed a deep, deep sigh again.

Well, I can't believe it, is this going to be a paragraph or something this spring?

Oh man, rather than feel like a ho, I only took one more breath different from the sigh.

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