Oscar or I hit him in the knee, but when I think calmly, he has a lot of troublesome circumstances with him.

After my luncheon with Claudia, I decided to grab Oscar and see what was going on with him, the Teresian side.

Oscar, who has officially been appointed assistant lord since my admission to the Academy of Learning, always works while flying around.

Cross between the Golden Hill Hall and the Leadership Base, where the bishops are located, the Sir chiefs, and the village chiefs and famous lords who are the gatherers of each village, which I sanctioned and Latka classified, to instruct, ask, rub and confirm what is necessary….

For once it should be a knight's title, but he relentlessly uses Berwaier, who has been ceded by Lady Marechan and Count Teresia, who re-employed him as an official, to work as an assistant lord as well, to run into the development of the realm, and he embraces more of the work of administration within the realm than I, the earliest lord.

What the hell is a knight? Even though the Teresian family was under pressure and I ordered it to be, Oscar was still away in the Territory during the showdown with Lindar. By the way, by the time I got back, the levy on the territory had been perfectly completed. What the hell is a knight after all?

Now, I have no idea why it would be necessary to make arrangements with Claudia every two days or to train jointly with the leadership twice a week. It's a level where I suspect you're splitting up.

… and, as usual, Oscar, too busy, has become the one who needs to look around the realm if he doesn't speak up when he finds it.

I was just about to go to his office to deliver the message card along with the paperwork, and I happened to be there, so I decided to talk to him as I was conditioned to help with the books.

I don't know when I'll be able to talk if I miss this. Well, considering his mysterious speed of travel, if you leave a message note in the room as well, he's likely to visit the room the next day.

I just finished calculating the books and I'm talking about Claudia's marriage as quickly as possible... and when I cut it out, Oscar nodded as he understood and explained to me what Count Teresia thought.

Says that I intend to, but that it is not officially through to the Viscount Laurenzorel family. Apparently Claudia kept it that way in anticipation of not accepting to consolidate herself until the situation with her neighbor settled.

It is true that the original Cardian army was to be entrusted with backward support, but sometimes in case it involves the battlefield under unstable circumstances. Even if this story had come out before the war, it would have smelled so bad when Oscar came to Cardiac territory. Claudia must not have even accepted the engagement.

"I understand the Count's intentions, but what about the Teresians?

As can be seen from the example of Mrs. Heidemann, the housekeeper attached to her life in the dormitory of the Academy of Learning, there is a slight discord between the Teresian family and the intention of the Earl of Teresia.

The Earl of Teresia is the real brother of the Teresian head of the family, but also a person who is gaining a new countenance rather than an assault by taking up official duties in the Royal Palace, and who is piercing his celibacy. Perhaps even my real brother, the Marquis of Lietergau, can't say goodbye to the Count. It is considered almost independent of the Teresian family.

And very troublesome, Oscar is under the influence of both the Marquis of Lietergau and the Earl of Teresia.

If the only person thinking about Oscar and Claudia's marriage is the Earl of Teresia, it can be a troublesome problem later if we go this far poorly.

There's nothing really busy about other people's marriages.

Perhaps the very existence of me (Eliza) is born under such a star.

"So far, I've only been told about my marriage with Lord Claudia"

Oscar's position within the Teresian family is very subtle.

His grandmother was the Marquis of Lietergau, the half-sister of the Earl of Theresia, and a common son. Mother, you seem to be a clean nobleman and later welcomed as an escort, but Oscar's grandmother was treated as an adopted son, even though she was the real son of a former Teresian owner, for being set up between men and women who were not officially married.

And what is making matters worse is the inheritance problem, due to the fact that no boy has been born in the direct line of the Marquis Lietergau.

The Marquis has only one daughter. And three grandchildren and two newborn great-grandchildren are all women.

It seems to me that my daughter and her two adult grandchildren adopted son-in-law from the branch, but the throne of the great nobleman's lord is not so easy to give to the adopted son. However, it is not possible to have daughters and granddaughters inherit their status beyond the existence of name-divided divisions. Things are roundly different from the case of me, who was a junior nobleman and whose clan was already eradicated.

For this reason, the current situation of the Teresian head of household leaves only three men behind. That is, Oscar, the Lord himself, the Earl of Lietergau, his real brother, the Earl of Theresia, and the grandson of his adopted daughter, who has not left the house.

The old patterns of the aristocracy and those with large clans tend to weigh the thickness of male blood.

In a branch boy who branched out as a blood family many generations ago, even though he is a clan of the same name, no matter how much he welcomed him as the son of our Lord or as the son-in-law of his grandson, he is downgraded compared to Oscar. The adoptive muscle is no different, and it will be difficult to see the power game of the division to inherit the Lord's throne.

Due to these complicated circumstances, Oscar is currently the most prominent candidate for the next head of the Teresian family, but he is neglected from the division where his son-in-law adopted him, but is expected from the other divisions to be the next head, and at the same time is entirely at the mercy of the Marquis Leitergau, who treated his half-sister as a bastard son or adopted daughter, in a situation where only the Count of Teresia, who treats him as a great friend father, tries him with dignity within the clan.

Here's why Oscar couldn't be a knight in Yugfena or on the front lines in the war against Lindar.

If he is simply the common son muscle adoptive muscle of the Teresian principals, he will be well matched with the house of Claudia, a branch of the large aristocracy of the same size, Laurenzorel. She herself has the status of a knight.

But on the contrary, if Oscar is Teresian's next lord, he must be at least the princess of the righteous senior Count family to marry as his wife.

"There seems to be a lot of movement going on lately with the Big Uncle improvement. I guess you also understand that I myself want to encourage as much work as I like here than back in that house, my great-uncle. So, I don't think there's a problem. … because if there is a problem, I will be brought back to the house at all times"

Oscar expressed his thoughts in a seriousness as usual, but he laughed in a rare and only ironic manner at the end.

Indeed, if he were to be officially treated as the next head of the Teresian family, it would be impossible that he would still be interested in knights in this country with a bad reputation.

"I see. So I ask, assuming there's no problem at all, but you have no objection to this fringe yourself?

Somehow the target is that Claudia.

... No, I just have to cloud the words when I say whether the humanity generally required of me as a husband is fully equipped for an Oscar. He is a work addict who feels insane through being stunned somehow.

Nevertheless, it is still Claudia who is out of shape in the common sense of this country.

"Ha... that's..."

Oscar clogged the words.

............... what a follow up. The lovely thing about Claudia...... no. It doesn't come to mind. An anecdote comes to mind that he swept Gunter away at an arm wrestling tournament betting on Ningro food. On the boulder. That's a bit......

"That... changes the story a little. How does Lord Eliza feel about the fact that I have been spending time with her every other day since I came to this land, which is indispensable during normal times?

…… I think it's a training enthusiasm. Be very careful not to fall. "

I answered the abrupt question as I leaned my neck. I also think it's an Oscar-like habit of bringing together breathing, moderate exercise and training and communicating with colleagues, but I still feel insane around packing my work that far.

"Well, you're only fourteen years old..." Oscar stared at me as he said. Oh, my God. What the hell does that mean? That.

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