Liaison base, revamped, the village of Clemente, rural Denzel, which has become the new Arxian army rear base.

The peasants who are spending their time under that occupation trying to kill their breath are turning their frightened gaze from Yugfena to the soldiers who arrived.

... I hear that there exists a treaty in Lindar that sets out as a covenant the treatment of civilians in times of war.

Originally the nations of Lindar were made of the division of the kingdom of Lindar, which possessed vast lands. The story is that in the dawn of triumph it was enacted to avoid unnecessarily hurting those who became subjects of their own country, even if there was a struggle over their land in history.

But the treaty has absolutely nothing to do with Arxia.

Arksia, a closed power capable of completing everything in one country, has lived six hundred years since the establishment of the nation without entering into any wartime arrangements with other countries.

It was only thirty years ago that there was a war between the Principality of Denzel and the Kingdom of Altras. The village of Clemente was once occupied by both armies when Denzel and Altras fought over the border for a time.

Therefore, the way in which they were treated at that time was still left as a biological memory.

─ ─ Unlike thirty years ago, when we could have kept our lives as long as we had obedience, the more soldiers we had, the more shelter we were chased and the less food we had. Treated too differently than in previous wartime.

The fear from anxiety and distrust that some of Clemente's villages would not even be guaranteed their lives if they showed their compliments was so full that their breath was going to be stuck.

It was like the village of Cyril the day they threw the stone at me, and I thought it was like being stabbed all over my body with a needle.

"... that's not a very good vibe"

Weegraf, who had skipped directions everywhere shortly after he rested from the trip, overflowed with his face as he finally had time to lower his back to the chair.

I nod with deep empathy and return to the drowning as if they gasp for oxygen.

My Cardiac army, unintentionally accustomed to this kind of atmosphere, is still good, but the Yugfena knights and soldiers, who are less connected to civilians than the former ones, have completely floated.

I haven't even gotten to the front yet, but it's not a good idea to keep them exposed to spirit-cutting environments for a long time.

"I was wondering if there might be a riot if I could make a cut."

"... no convincing,"

"It's a shameful story, but there have been times in the past when we were on the verge of becoming dangerous."

"I don't even want to believe that you've just become a quasi adult, but I'm sure it's very unfortunately true..."

Weegraf roars so with his head in his arms.

From the window of the house of the widest village chief in this village, which he suppressed as an incomprehensible operating room, he could see well around the compartment where the peasants were packed.

Since it was a liaison base, food has been collected from this village and sent to the front line. Eight months in between. All the peasants who are watched by the soldiers and chased to farming are pale, but their eyes are certainly lit with anger and fear.

"... this is just like a slave"

I came out with my mouth shut. The Arxian kingdom does not recognize slaves. But this is how they are not guaranteed their lives, they have no freedom, and they are taken up for nothing in return for the food they have earned for themselves. They are slaves... what the hell is different from what they call a serf?

I have no intention of sympathizing with the people of Lindar. If they were to convert to Kusha, the Arksian kingdom would have been notified to them at the time of the occupation when they accepted asylum.

However, there is no responsibility for what the country does, and my feelings stand for treating those who were just sending their daily business like serfs.

"With Denzel in mind, Arxia was ready to release the prisoners to Pranates. Now that the declaration of war has been made as a result of that conflict with Planates, we cannot even liberate until the end of the war. … once the war is over, we can talk about the treatment of prisoners anew."

Weegraf, who answered that including a self-derisive sound to my whining, also began to open a map there on his desk.

When the war is over, huh? Sure enough, all we can do is put an end to this war quickly.

"I wish I could have finished it sooner. Specifically, eight months ago."

"That's it. In order for our kingdom to remain quiet and at peace, it is important to be as non-interferent as possible."

With that said, Weegraff arranges pawns on the map with a hand that does not hide his frustration, and piles up reports of the state of war that arrive one after the other from the front line by the red dove around the bass and pawn.

I took my gaze off the peasants and went back to my desk. Time for an ops meeting.

"─ Well, it's quick, but you have to work a little busy."

What irony, Weegraff hand-fold red flowers from a vase decorated on his desk and placed them on the map.

The place where it was placed is not the remnants of the hills that have already been turned into battlefields, but further east. It was the capital of Ellis, home of the Denzel army.

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