Wait for Eric to be at the medical office today, and read the reports of the prisoners that Latka had gathered up in front of the medical office.

As Vanita said, the prisoners seemed to be suspicious of each other. It seems that some children are frightened when an undercover watchman kills himself and escapes the prison after being caught lightly, a situation that is mentally dangerous.

Does it really include boys and soldiers who can continue to deceive suspicious eyes under that circumstance? While I suspect so, Kamil's appearance burning into memory denies that suspicion. Like him, who killed an adult soldier without madness, there is certainly something good about his abilities as a young man.

"─ Cardia"

Eric called me out of the hospital, and all the while I lowered the report.

"Baron Dovadyne. Thank you on behalf of Yu Father for your concern for the soldiers today."

Eric distorts his face to me standing up and thanking him. You still didn't think it was a good idea for my voice to be heard inside the medical station, and he snapped the hallway with his jaw and ordered me to move the place.

He finally turns to me when he thinks he has been sufficiently distanced from the medical station by the corner of the hallway and plugged into the stairs.

"I don't know how many times I've repeated it again, but I don't do my honors. Return to the king's capital and give His Majesty and Father an immediate truce and peace."

"─ Please reconsider. Without the words of Baron Dovadyne, the King's Army will be unable to reach any slave soldiers who will be treated as friends of the enemy. The enemy will come out on the offensive using the slave soldiers as shields, that way, the Arxian army..."

"Shit. The answer is the same, retreat. If we go back to Fort Yugfena, we'll be able to fight in the name of stopping the invasion of the state, no matter what kind of opponent?

Over the past few days, me and Eric have been having exactly the same interaction.

─ ─ This was Eric's newly lifted 'problem'.

"Taking land and property by force is against Kusha's teachings. And yet, how about the front now? You do not just drive back your opponent's army, you put the lands and people of Pranates and Denzel under your control, and you are corrupt in their defense. Without even thinking about soldier depletion!

Eric yells like a slap. It's a little different than the eclampsia that blew me up against my opponent in the Academy. That's an explosion of feelings, if you ask me.

Dyeing his face with anger purely out of his thoughts of others, he can't even find penetrating gaps like self-denial or self-loathing that he has shown so far slightly.

... the impact of the presence of the heartbroken soldiers on him far exceeded our expectations.

I knew he was delicate about mental injury, but no one thought it would make him leap so far as to deny the very battle that caused it, not to the care of that soldier.

Baron Dovadyne will understand that if you abandon the land you have occupied and lower the front line, you will stand in the way of peace negotiations.

"Hung, what are you talking about? You know that, don't you? That's not what you need for peace negotiations. Lindar's demands are an improvement in the treatment of the First Prince."


That's what everyone involved in this war thought once. Therefore, I lose words to say back.

"Return Prince Albert from the monastery to the royal palace and back to the Academy of Learning. Revoke the crown prince of Alfred, too, so that there will be no cause for this war. ridiculous such as using the lives of the people of the kingdom for such pointless strife...... wow!?

I pulled him into a nearby room before Eric could wake him up in the hallway.

Words beyond that are not good to say in your mouth, even if you are a Grand Duke person. Obviously, it would be an insult to the House of Lords-- to the highest decision-making body in the kingdom.

Even though he is a Grand Duke human, Eric is only born in a side chamber, and no matter what, he can't take it back when he says it.

"Do what... wanker!

"Calm down a little. Try saying 'ridiculous' to His Majesty's decision in grandeur in such a place, and you know how much impact that information would have if it came out?

I whisper so as to restrain his mouth and encourage him to calm down so that he could pinch the door closed with knowledge of disrespect. I dare you to change your tone of voice to that of normal too, forcing his consciousness from wounded soldiers to me. I hope this makes your head a little chilly.

Eric opened his eyes to my words and then nodded slowly. The moment I let go of my hand, he moves quickly sideways to distance himself from me.

"I apologize for imitating the absurd"

"No.................., fine. I think I was... inadvertent."

Eric, blue-faced, sat down in a chair that was fluttering nearby. It was like a balloon out of the air, drilled by swollen emotions, losing the shape I was supposed to take.

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