Yes, that was when I sighed.

"Hih-hoo!! Why, why are there vampires here?!? No. Ahhh!! I don't want to kill you anymore, I don't want to kill you. Fine!!

Suddenly a scream of confusion rises from the corner of the nursing room.

Vampires, it was at the same time that I smashed my tongue into the voice and the doctor headed over there.

Eric shook his shoulder as he stood victoriously late for a moment, looking around with a slight restlessness.

"Calm down, don't get excited! Somebody! Sedative!!

"No! No!! Lots of them already, I don't like hunting his bait anymore!!

"Why are you back? Wow!? I thought you and your nobleman went to school. Ooh!

"I can't fight anymore! Please stop. I don't want to die anymore. I don't want to kill you!! I can't fight. I don't have any more legs!!

Successive sounds of screaming and people falling from all over the place, as they responded, made the indoors noisy all at once.

Several glances pierce with obviously comatose emotions such as condemnation, contempt, and fear.

The doctor prompted me to leave the nursing room immediately, so that Eric could be caught and follow me flunkily.

When you close the door of the room so that you can push in the noise, a heavy breath comes up as a sigh.

Sometimes my reputation is not very good among soldiers of the Royal Army. There seems to be a strong emotional backlash due to too great a difference between the treatment of prisoners and the addition or subtraction of attacks on enemy forces.

I didn't even think I was the cause of their mental trauma... but I bite my lips when I hear doctors come through a thin door holding down soldiers who panic and summon them with tear-mingling golden cuts as far as their power is concerned, and recognition was sweet.

To them I am one of the symbols of death, violence, and battlefield. As the noise in the room continued, I felt the feeling of swallowing lead on the dovetail became more elaborate.

"... Baron Dovadyne, I'm sorry. It seems to have disrupted the place of consolation. I will tell Uncle Wang Yugfena to show her to someone else at a later date, so let's go back to her room."

I can't swallow the situation at all, and I call out to Eric, who stares at the nursing room door with a stunned look.

When he turned his gaze all the way at me, he stared at me with a terrible bewilderment.

"Yes, what's that... what's that about? Why are you so afraid of the soldiers of the kingdom?

"... a battlefield is a place that can easily hurt a person's heart."

While encouraging Eric to walk out the hallway, I decided to talk to him. I thought I needed to educate you a little bit, so I can't use this as a good opportunity. Once again, when he gives his condolences, he chooses words thinking that it would have been better if the circumstances had swallowed up a little more.

"Though enemies, having to contend with humans and kill each other creatures creates a sense of refusal, spiritual anguish. And as Lord Eric knows, I am somewhat known for killing more enemies unharmed. Their hearts are weakened to such an extent that they will never be able to stand on the battlefield again, and they will fear everything that reminds them of the battlefield without distinction between enemy allies."


"Injury and death are things that can happen not only to the body, but also to the spirit. As a matter of course, all creatures become afraid of the cause when they learn to suffer, just as burned people gain a strong fear of fire. To live, to die, not to be hurt any more."

While explaining the trauma to my heart, it's about the people who pass behind my brain.

Everyone was deeply wounded by the hellish life created by my father. Though it was necessary to do so, what Count Teresia and I did afterwards would only have been a complete cure for brutality. I wonder if I could care less about their hearts. Regret comes to mind.

"............... you are"

The voice returned by Eric was not a gavel, it was not an inquiry, it was something that got no guidelines.

"What about me?

Tilt your neck and ask back, not sure what you're trying to say. Eric didn't even seem to know exactly what to say, he had wrinkles between his brows.

"... you didn't try to kill those soldiers directly, did you?

I agree with the question, which has become somewhat far-fetched.

Though civilians, I have never considered such reckless acts against soldiers of the King's Army who deserve to be honored. They and I moved in a different chain of command in the first place, so I never even let them participate directly in my operation, which has a lot of bad reviews.

"............ are you okay? There's nothing I can do about it, like that."

I can't believe they screamed and stared at me. The words that should have gone on were broken, but I knew exactly what Eric was going to say and what he was going to do.

"They are not my people."

Put your shoulder down and just answer that. I didn't say whether it was okay or not.

Speaking of fine, I'm fine, and speaking of not, I'm not. The mood sank so much that, unlike the inhabitants, I didn't even get the feeling that one day you would understand.

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