"... you were a student. It's good to have you back from the convent."

"Oh, right. I think so too."

A young man nods at my innocent words. But the voice sounded flawed.

Will the circumstances of the house remain complicated? It's enough to get a child into a convent before they welcome a quasi adult, so it's not surprising that there are difficult circumstances that cannot be helped in a few years or so.

"... I didn't like my life at the monastery."

He added blur, and I nodded vaguely.

Well, I guess so.

諸Life in monasteries is well known, but abstinence, qualities, service and harshness are common in all meetings. Whatever you want from yourself and go into the convent, it's natural that you don't like it if you've been forced into it.

"That squire, are you okay with the injury? I saw the other guy as a civilian, and I broke him in for now."

"If there's no bleeding in my head, I don't think there's a problem. It doesn't even seem like a broken bone."

Thank you for helping my squire, and the young man laughed all the time. A good laugh, but a cheerful, exhausted human face gives the same impression as before. I thought reflexively about what that expression meant, but I didn't understand anything about him at all, and I just felt a little bad aftertaste.

More darkness than when we met in the monastery only once before, it gets heavier and more elaborate in the back of my chest as if when I looked into the eyes of the inhabitants staring at me.

... but he is not my territory.

Sharpen all your feelings for him that sprang up in one word. I am Lord of the Cardians. There must be no other heart-shattering beings besides the people.

Was it about four years ago that I last saw this young man? I was only slightly disappointed that the people and their thoughts on it had not changed at all since then.

The conversation is interrupted. But I still want to give Leka a break. I cannot leave this place, I must remain here until the young man in front of me leaves.

Silence with the person who killed his interest arbitrarily was quite uncomfortable, but no matter how much he looked for it, he could not find a topic that would shake him to someone with too little contact.

"... it was this spring that you entered the Academy? Or, like, one year ago?

It was the youth who eventually opened their mouths first.

"Since this spring."

"Right. Then that sounds tough. Because there are too many influential beings this school year."

"... oh yeah"

It is precisely because of that influence that I am here now that my voice has become naturally low. The young man who was present at the scene also somehow has a conjecture about it, and his gaze moves to Leka, where he lies for a moment.

"His Royal Highness Prince Wang... what's he like? Is there any difference between a royal treasure raised in the back of a castle the whole time?

My gaze was immediately removed. Apparently, he's not willing to stop the conversation.

Are you unwilling to touch on the factional feuds that have begun to occur in the Learning Institute, or is the story not so widespread in the Advanced Learning Institute, the youth narrow the subject to Prince Wang, who has been away from school for a while.

Well, what should I answer? I chose the words carefully because I cannot determine whether the youth is in a favourable position to Prince Wang.

"... you deserve the status of Prince Wang. That one gathers people's eyes just to be there. I think that's a difficult quality."

"I've heard you say you're the most beautiful prince since the Royal Family's founding. But I haven't seen him before.... I can't imagine how well His Royal Highness Prince Wang looks. For example, I think you have a very good face that's going to tear the hearts out of the ladies."

I don't know what that means. I don't mean to look so noisy...

I'm not sure if I've been praised or denigrated, and I feel subtle. The appearance of the two melons to the father may indeed be beautifully shaped by worldly standards, but I feel far from beauty as a woman, and I don't really like this face in the first place, so I don't see what's wrong with excellent standing.

"It's also embarrassing to compare me and others. His Royal Highness Prince Wang is truly outstanding in everything, because he is an excellent man"

But, well, it would be as lovely in front of that king's prince as it is in the face of his father.

Appearance, status, academic ability, which is very much a first-degree presence of Prince Wang, is not good compared to the rise of a region with a bad reputation, etc.

"... I guess so"

But the young man slanted his neck slightly with his sneaky, dark, sinking purple eyes.

"In addition to Prince Wang, there will be another person in the first grade who will be drawing attention. Congratulations on the memory of the King and the Chancellor, the excellent princess."


I tilted my neck. I've never heard of such an existence.

"... you don't know?

"Never heard of it in the Academy. Are you a royal person?

No, the young man shook his head. Then someone from the Duke's house. I think someone from the nobility of the King's capital would like to congratulate the King and the Prime Minister on their memory.

"Maybe you're standing up for His Royal Highness Prince Wang to make sure he doesn't stand out within the Academy. I heard he was awarded a praise for his accomplishment in setting up a war operation..."

Is it Laurenzorel's connection to the war operation? Sometimes this war with Lindar has been a long time for Arksia, and quite a few people are getting praises, so that's not going to narrow it down.

There's nothing a woman can do without actually standing on the battlefield if she just thinks about the operation.

The children of the Laurenzorel family are educated to acquire tactics and martial arts as well as men and women, and it is not surprising that there are excellent tactician princesses......

"Is His Royal Highness the King truly superior to his princess in fulfillment? Will women of the same age be allowed to lose, even if it is a tactic, as Prince Wang? Is that what you're trying to say?

"... right. His Royal Highness Prince Wang, despite the precarious situation, was raised until he unloaded His Highness the First Highness. Even if that's how much to expect, it's natural, isn't it?

I accidentally took my gaze off the eyes of a young man. I had a chill on my back and almost reflexively regretted seeing his expression.

Behind a slightly narrowed eyelid, my pupils opened and black emotions erupted there, I saw the moment.

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