Well. My school life opened with a fight being sold to the son of the Grand Duke, but it wasn't something I felt so new about.

Because wherever I am, it doesn't make much difference what I do.

Processing territorial government documents brought by Oscars, Claudia, and soldiers from the appropriate leadership, checking reports of irrigation works in the west, giving instructions, checking food production in the territory and estimating imported food… glance at Lindar's intelligence report, which for some reason now arrives from Yugfena.

This intelligence report cannot be viewed until it has passed through the House of Lords, with the exception of some of the commanders of the King's Army and those who exercise control over important defensive points.

... Since I was exempted from conscription on the grounds of attendance at the Academy for some reason, this has been sent by Lord Weegraff, and I have to organize the information and write an operational plan for the next battle and send it back.

Me, Elgnard, and Lord Weegraff were all in line for a terrible operation, so I guess it's hard to get out now. No, Ning Lo, it may be from the intention of letting you omit as much as you can to grasp the situation when you are put back on the front line for some reason.

Because of this situation, I have not been able to focus very much on my studies.

Speaking of lecture subjects that exist every day and how do you manage the massive number of assignments that are given in them - it's simple, I have two (...).

"Hey, I definitely got my hair pulled from a guy named Eric again today, and he stepped on the hem of my cape, and I guess he's good at it. Advanced Learning Institute? I was given an overview of the lecture. What's going on?

"I want to hear it"

I return just one word to Latka, who ripens the assignment put next to me, who silently stamps the mark of judgment.

... or pulling your hair or stepping on the hem of your cape, don't do anything unnecessary. A child. Thirteen years old... No, thirteen is a child.

"What is an overview of the lecture content?

"Hmm? Uh, they have a lecture using an Altras law book. So, from what I've seen, it seemed like a book based on the same sacred code, analyzing what the difference was between Altrus and Arxian law, and why such a difference existed, and predicting what would happen when we incorporated it, so I explained that."

"Comparative law, huh? What's the title of the book?

"" Discussion of differences in law in another sect ". It was a church book."

"Oh, then you've read it. No problem. Read it later."

Roger, Latka nods and returns to the assignment.

I know I shouldn't let another person do my schooling instead, but as far as Latka is concerned, it's my spare, so I can only consider it an exception. I don't know how to do this. It's an impossible amount of work to ripen alone.

I'm not pushing everything against Latka for once, but I'm in class as much as I can myself, so I have no choice... I'm telling myself.

Nevertheless, I gently glance at the side next door. From an early age I had felt that the colours and facial features matched very well, but from the time I had grown up, that face looked more and more like mine, and now that Claudia was so misplaced for a moment.

Compared to each other, Latka is slightly more of a woman's face, but if she's not someone she's used to seeing from time to time, she can't even question Latka, who made a pseudo such as my movements and expression.

That's why it's dignified to be replaced......

"... what?

Whether it is Claudia planting, or Ratka sharpened by the signs, without even looking at this one, asks what my gaze is intended to be.

Nothing, I took my gaze off him, returning it.

By the time a month had passed since enrollment, no one had been found looking for him with ease.

It will still be easy to find once the practical skills class begins, but there is no alternative to not making progress in inaccessible lectures from start to finish.

The searcher should be noticeably easier to find based on appearance information, but when he tries to look around the auditorium, mostly Prince Wang's violent beauty breaks into his sight, so there's a reason why it's in the way.

Even today when I entered the auditorium, I was attracted to the luxurious blonde hair playing the light, and the stream made me and Prince Wang meet my eyes. That horrible and conspicuous look, don't really draw your gaze regardless of this one's will...... Would it be a little different if we got used to it a little bit more?

Just be polite and just sit in the empty seat. I don't want to be invited around Prince Wang because they don't think his seat is empty. I know it's a concern, but I can easily predict that the environment (the nobles) will become noisy afterwards.

While listening to lectures already slapped in the head by Mrs. Mareshan, I think about Prince Wang, who treats me with intimacy without any hesitation.

... I know why the Elgnards care about me. Because I will be of service in battle. I guess I have to treat you like a king without a blood connection than I gave you because of your family name. I also understand that the face of the Teresian family keeps an eye on me as the only one raised by that Earl of Teresia.

But I have no idea what Prince Wang intends to do with me. When I leave the Academy, I will return to my own territory. What will become of him when he arrives from the royal palace to take control of the whole kingdom, besieging the lower counts who are lords of the outer and outer mainland?

Though three years of patience, it doesn't feel very good to be pawned in the rush of the aristocracy. I'd still be good on my own, but if it's going to affect my territory...... Since there is no reason to suppress Prince Wang, do we need to shut up nobles throughout the kingdom when they do poorly?

Giri, there is strength in his hand. At that moment, there was a bewildering noise in my hand.


Shit. The pen broke.

No, I knew it had gotten too old for boulders lately and the pen axis was the limit. but I just kept using it because it was still available. I never squeezed it with a superhuman grip like Claudia's.

The problem is that I don't have a replacement pen right now.

I did stab Todome, but nothing would have had to break at this time, and I stumble upon what was a pen in my hand.

... what to do with the lecture. Do you want to write with only the axes? I'd rather keep the professor's lecture in writing as intact as possible than share information with Latka.

"Excuse me, Count Cardia"

Called quietly from the straight side, I finally took my gaze off the wreckage.

That's how I turn my face to the Lord of my voice, and I almost raise my voice unexpectedly. The boy I've been calling out to is precisely because he was the one I was looking for.

The drowning son of the Mordon Borderline uncle was sitting next to me.

"Go ahead, use it"

Why didn't you notice when you sat down, on this distinctive stunning silver hair? The boy offered me a brand new feather pen, in a flattering mood, like when I was shown Tane's unknown magic.

"─ Thank you. It helps."

The words that gradually came out of my mouth became somewhat clumsy due to the shock of meeting and saying hello to someone I had never been able to find sitting right next to me, not to mention enrolling in the same class.

... or in that colour, in that face, and yet why hasn't he come into my sight as forcibly as Prince Wang or your father, this boy?

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