Oscar, who should have come as a member of the Knights, was totally familiar with it by the time he stood for even a month, and when he finally helped Berwaier to run to the joint conference mounting of the Yugfena regional trirealm, and even stuck his neck in the earl of Teresia, he had a terrible amount of work.

Writing down planned activities for the next two years from the draft operating budget for the Knights, draft training, draft provisions for new entrants and proposed allocation to the writing down of immediate work. In addition, information records are prepared for each soldier as materials created in the proposed restructuring of the leadership. And for some reason, the creation of a table of contributions, the design and design of the garden of the city mansion, some proposals for cooking with pumpkins, a draft horse training manual, Etosetra.

What is truly frightening is that Oscar is blowing around doing all this, but also doing the territory, King Yugfena's realm and the king's capital.

How did that happen?

I held my head. I thought there were serious people here, but there was another Claudia who didn't make sense. Travel speeds vary from Claudia to Claudia.

"I'm finally getting my plans together"

If I did it, Oscar would say so with a satisfied face, but I would just say "well" in an indescribable way. The sparkling, energetic look is great, but in his case his eyes are dead from fatigue. Too much work.

"We have almost finished adjusting the dates with King Yugfena and Lord Junas of the Border, and if we stay this way, we will be ready for the meeting by the end of the summer. We're setting the city mansion on the border of Junus as a venue."

"Oh, that was smoother than I thought. Keep it up. Even though I am not officially a knight, it is painful to make me do unrelated work..."

"No, because it's what I like and do"

In other words, he is a work addict.

I can see for sure that it draws the blood of the Earl of Teresia thick, but unlike the Earl, it doesn't look good to be comfortable when he accomplishes his job in the case of Oscars. I've noticed lately that Oscar looks the same as Claudia when he's waving his spear while he's doing something. I know it sounds fun and I should say it above all, but I don't want to say it. I'm not sure myself, but I really don't want to say it.

"Work is fast and helpful, but try to get some rest and move your body once in a while..."

It draws quite a bit of attention to Oscar, who reminds me of the remains of a puffy floating fish in the pond. I tried to make that suggestion for a refresher, wondering if it would be a little distracting.

"Don't worry. We spend as much time as we can working out to match Lord Claudia with a spear."

I think the color of his eyes stared even more with a horny smile on his face. Of course, the exercise I wanted to say is a light exercise, and it's not like I'm going to test the limits of my strength, such as accompanying Claudia's training.

I swore to my heart that I would no longer touch Oscar when it comes to the work he liked and held on his own. Touch it poorly and you're going to be exposed to the madness of an addict. Better pretend not to look at mental health.

But why do you have the time and leeway to do all that work every day to pair up with Claudia...... I twisted my neck, but when I thought about it, I felt like my head was about to burst, so I decided to stop thinking there.

More competent men and above all. Long live Oscar, who replaced Count Teresia with a few jobs, and the Count's labor load, which I thought it was time to do something about.

I recognised in a somewhat tired mood that talent is still a necessity.

Outside the window, thin darkness is beginning to take hold. I was lighting a candlestick and calculating tax revenues for a territory I had spread out on my desk.

The exchange of tax revenues becomes the job of the Lords, as the economic form of the Kingdom of Arksia is the monetary economy by banknotes, known as alcs, but closed, like the Cardian territory, and the territory with high food self-sufficiency is completed by bartering and redistribution. The lord exports the goods as taxes paid from each village to other territories, and places some of them on his own income and the rest on the territory.

In Cardiac territory, the lord's share is 30%. Pretty little compared to other territories, but nothing particularly troubling. In addition to the tax revenues, there is also an income of 60% of the selling price of wheat that was allowed to be grown by the leadership. The cultivation of black wheat is more prevalent in eastern Arksia, where there is less land suitable for the cultivation of wheat, and wheat has a higher unit cost.

As for the new tax revenues, I am thinking of the pumpkins of the new inhabitants. Pumpkin cultivation was successfully carried out on an experimental basis in the wheat fields around the hall and in the villages of Pioneering and Claria last summer, which has led to further efforts to cultivate pumpkins in two villages starting this year.

Until this year, pumpkins are outside the tax range because they have not increased the area of the field, but I would like to have one or two new fields opened next year. Wheat fields could be used twice without a good time, but black wheat needs to be built for a different time. Wheat fields also want to change the fields that make pumpkins and those that don't to prevent dysfunction from year to year. I'm not a farmer so it's an amateur idea, but it would be better than nothing.

Besides crops, I also want to increase the number of livestock brought to me by the Sil tribe in the corner. I also want to get my hands on dairy farmers more than increasing livestock. But we often think about not increasing the burden on the inhabitants at once.

Thanks to the entry of Carlson woodworkers last year, life in Pioneering Village has also stabilized. I also heard you created a trap this year to capture marsh fish, so I need to think about your distribution. Raw fish do not have the means to export to other territories, so they would basically be distributed in the territory.

Though Oscar has reduced my work a lot, the improvement items in the realm are always overflowing.

I tried to write down what I had come up with on the paper before, but I buried about six pieces surprisingly. When will we finish working on everything written on those six sheets?

Since the Earl of Teresia is also of age, my work increases year after year, but the burden on the Lords is even greater because there is also more room in the realm.

I know the only problem with being able to do paperwork properly is Oscar, who just got into Count Me Berwaier, but I don't have the talent.

When I finish clearing the paperwork to a well-separated spot, I lean against my desk and weaken. A creaking groan leaked out of my throat on its own.

... Shall we talk to Mrs. Mareshan, who is a tutor, about whether she will return to her job as a civilian? She is a nobleman, so she can register as a Cardiac consul. For the time being, she should have just more and less simple tasks like calculating tax revenues.

I feel like my stomach hurts just thinking about when the Earl of Teresia will fall out.

Anyone can be my next guardian. It will be time to plug in at a time when I need to find someone who is likely to be. Even if I can't ask for the administration of the realm, I need an adult who can count on me as a minor.

We are understaffed in every way......

I sighed and groaned small again.

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