On the morning of September 11, the 11th China Internet Conference officially opened at the Beijing International Convention Center.

The theme of the conference is openness, integrity and integration - welcoming the new era of mobile Internet.

Penguin Group Chairman and CEO Pony Ma, Ali Group Chairman and CEO Jack Ma, Baidu Chairman and CEO Robin Li, Qudong Group Founder and CEO Li Zhe, Xiaomi Chairman Rebus and more than 100 people Internet entrepreneurs attended the meeting.

The meeting lasted for four days.

Li Zhe was sitting in the front row of the venue, listening to the chairman of the Internet Society delivering a speech on the stage at the opening ceremony of the conference.

The original intention of holding the Internet Conference is to build a communication and cooperation platform for domestic Internet entrepreneurs to jointly discuss the development trends of the Internet.

But in the past two years, it has become more and more formal.

It will be replaced by the World Internet Conference in two years, and the elites of Internet companies will gather in Wuzhen.

Sitting on the left of Li Zhe is Rebus, chairman of Xiaomi, and on the right is Charles Zhang, founder, chairman and CEO of Sohu.

Charles Zhang yawned and looked sleep deprived. Li Zhe couldn't help but glance at him.

This Mr. Zhang enjoys it more than he does. There are so many beauties around him. At the age of 59, he is still a diamond king. He walks among the flowers without touching himself.

It's not like he tied his own hands and got married young.

In fact, Charles Zhang is considered the number one person in the domestic Internet industry, and he was a big brother figure in the past.

He was admitted to Shuimu at the age of 17, went to the United States to study at the age of 22, and graduated with a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

At the age of 32, he returned to China and founded Sohu, single-handedly creating the Internet era. Four years later, the company went public and topped the rich list.

This is a glittering resume that no author would dare to write like this.

Back then, Jack Ma was respectful in front of him, and Pony Ma was his little fanboy. Robin Li was also influenced by this before he decided to come back from Silicon Valley to start a business.

But Charles Zhang missed the golden age of the development of the mobile Internet, and his search for Weibo ended hastily, gradually falling behind the times. Later, he simply "slumbered".

He also said the famous saying, young people should not work too hard.

At this time, Chairman Hu on the stage finished his speech, and there was a warm applause in the venue.

That night, the big guys gathered in the box of Wuzhou Hotel (the supporting hotel of the International Convention Center). Jack Ma, Pony Ma, Robin Li, Zhou Hongyi, Ding Sanshi, Charles Zhang, Rebus, Richard Liu and others came.

Li Zhe held Zhou Ziyu's arm and pushed open the door and walked in. Suddenly everyone's eyes fell on the two of them.

"Mr. Li, you are finally here!"

"I even brought my family with me."

"My siblings are so beautiful."

Zhou Hongyi, Pony Ma, Rebus and the others greeted each other with smiles.

"Sorry, I'm late." Li Zhe pulled Zhou Ziyu to sit down next to Rebus.

He brought Zhou Ziyu here mainly to broaden her horizons and gain experience, and he definitely had no intention of showing off as a beautiful lover.

"Mr. Li, you are late, you will have to drink as a penalty!"

"Then I'll punish myself with a drink?"

"One cup won't do, I want three."

"Yes, three cups!"

Many people on the Internet have a blind admiration for business tycoons and regard them as idols.

In fact, bosses are also ordinary people. There is no difference. They also like to brag and fart, and they will also become dissolute after drinking too much.

After a few rounds of toasting, the atmosphere at the wine table became completely lively.

Jack Ma talks eloquently and gives advice, Pony Ma is no longer "shy", talks and laughs freely, and even takes the lead in persuading people to drink. Zhou Hongyi is even more like a big brother, able to drink and talk.

Although Xiao Ma is a southerner with a gentle manner, he is recognized in the industry as a good drinker and is very good at persuading people to drink.

Then there's Rebus, who doesn't drink alcohol or coke, but is the most talkative one.

It can only be said that a person cannot be judged by his appearance.

Richard Liu sat in the corner of the wine table and spoke relatively little.

He is still considered a junior, and his strength is incomparable to that of Pony Ma, Jack Ma, Li Zhe and others. Last year, he only ranked around 290 on the Hurun Rich List.

Li Zhe and Brother Ma had another drink. After putting down their glasses, they took a deep breath and felt like they had drank a little too much.

Each of these people is better at bragging than the other, and they are also better at drinking than the last.

Especially when Brother Ma tries to persuade him to drink, he is extremely sinister. As expected, those who wear glasses are not good people.

Zhou Ziyu sat quietly next to Li Zhe, picking up food and pouring wine for him, and watching him talk with Jack Ma, Pony Ma and others.

She knew that it was an exception for Li Zhe to bring her here, and no one else brought their family members.

There is no place for her to interrupt here, and she will not be ignorant of the importance.

Seeing that Li Zhe was a little drunk, Zhou Ziyu took the opportunity to pour the wine and sprinkled some powder into the wine glass.

This is the capsule hangover powder version.

"New energy vehicle project?"

In order to strategically cultivate emerging industries and strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction, the state began to subsidize the new energy vehicle industry in 2010.

With strong policy support, new energy vehicles have broad prospects.

Domestic car companies such as BYD and BAIC have increased their investment in new energy vehicles in the past two years.

So when he heard that Li Zhe intended to build cars and enter the new energy industry, he also invited them to participate. Jack Ma, Pony Ma, Rebus, and Richard Liu were all more interested.

Later Jack Ma invested in Roewe, Pony Ma and Richard Liu jointly invested in Weilan. In 2021, Xiaomi and Baidu also announced their entry into the electric vehicle market.

Domestic Internet giants are not so much high-tech companies as they are Internet financial capital. From manufacturing mobile phones and cars to competing to sell vegetables, there is no industry they do not want to get involved in.

However, after all, pony horses and others still have great concerns about the risks of building cars.

Building a car is not a simple matter. It requires not only a large amount of capital investment, but also long-term technical accumulation.

Cross-border car manufacturing, firstly, without production qualifications, and secondly, without a car factory, has a huge risk of failure.

The first step in Li Zhe's car-making plan is to recruit car-making talents from all over the world, and form or even directly poach a mature car design team.

Then acquire a car company, or find a strong car company to sign an OEM cooperation.

In this way, capital, talent, technology, and factories are all ready, and the first batch of prototype cars can be built in a year or two.

This is what the founder of later generations of Azure did.

Li Zhe's goal is not high, as long as he can create a better mid-to-low-end electric vehicle brand.

There are mid-range brands such as BYD and high-end brands such as Tesla. To avoid fierce competition and seize the market as soon as possible, it is best to start from the low-end market first and build a reputation as a low-end quality product.

He is not optimistic about taking a high-end route like Weilan to compete with Tesla.

Competition in the new energy vehicle market will become increasingly fierce in the future, and sooner or later there will be a price war.

Once Tesla drops its prices significantly without moral integrity, who can compete with it?

To popularize a piece of trivia, Tesla is the most exported new energy vehicle brand in China, accounting for nearly half of the market share.

People who buy BYD are driving online ride-hailing vehicles. This is not entirely a joke.

After listening to Li Zhe briefly talk about the car-building plan, Pony Ma and Rebus expressed their willingness to invest some money to give it a try. Richard Liu also wanted to invest, but he had no money.

Now Goudong has not yet gone public, so all he has spent is investors' money.

Seeing that Li Zhe, Pony Ma, and Rebus had negotiated a multi-billion (upfront) investment in three to five minutes, Zhou Ziyu was shocked and looked at him with eyes full of admiration and love.

Her support has grown into a big tree in the sky!

Glasses are just a joke, I also wear glasses.

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