"Mr. Li!" Xiaoman said hello to Li Zhe bravely.

She panicked when she saw Li Zhe. She really didn't expect that the customer she met when working at KTV turned out to be the big boss of the group.

Xiaoman values ​​​​this current job very much. Within a week of her arrival, she saw many girls earning more than a thousand from one video.

This is also the most lucrative job she has ever found.

Working in a KTV is also very profitable, but the environment is too messy and she really can't do it.

She really didn't want to lose her job.

"This is Lu Man. He just joined the studio and is doing very well." Anya introduced to Li Zhe.

She knew how to look and noticed that Li Zhe probably knew Lu Man.

After hearing this, Li Zhe just nodded slightly and said nothing.

Let the employees disperse and continue working.

Li Zhe and Anya went to see the employees' dormitories and work scenes together.

The six-story building that I rented has three units. The 105 girls live in the first two units, and the seven boys and the studio management staff live in the last unit.

The apartments are all in the layout of two bedrooms and one living room, shared by two girls or two boys. The room decoration is not very good, but after putting on wallpaper and doing some decoration, at least the shooting effect is not bad.

These 112 people currently mainly shoot short videos, but they will also start live broadcasts in the future.

After visiting the staff dormitory, Li Zhe took another look at their video shooting.

They have to shoot 1-2 videos every day, at least 7 videos a week, and have weekends off.

However, those who don’t perform well will be eliminated, so many people volunteered to work overtime on weekends to shoot videos.

People in this era are relatively able to endure hardships.

Especially these factory girls and male workers who have worked in factories.

After watching the filming of several groups of people, Li Zhe discovered many problems.

The main problem is that I can't put on makeup.

Even if you have found a professional makeup stylist and given them training.

Many people still dress in a very vulgar way.

Especially the pot lid with bangs, this kind of aesthetic is really hard for Li Zhe to accept.

But this is popular now, and many celebrities have done this look.

It seems that we still need to find Yu Xiangzi to come over and give them a good training.

In addition, their videos and live broadcasts are still too unprofessional.

Many people can't even compare to the two amateur teams from Hongcheng Normal University and Shanghai Normal University.

It is necessary to summarize a tutorial for making short videos and live broadcasts so that they can learn in a unified manner.

After the inspection, on the way back to Qudong Company, Li Zhe asked Anya: "Where did you recruit that Lu Man from?"

"Lu Man and the others were all recruited from an electronics factory in Kunshan."

Anya is extremely concerned about all matters of Qudong Company. She remembers all the information of 112 people in the studio.

"Mr. Li, does she have any problem?"

Li Zhe did not answer her question, but instead said: "These people in the studio must be strictly managed."

The studio's management of these employees is very strict, especially girls. It is stipulated that they must return to the dormitory before 10 pm.

In addition, if you want to have a boyfriend, you must report to the studio in advance and get permission.

If you go to bed late or stay out at night without any reason, you will be given a warning for the first time, a fine for the second time, and direct expulsion for the third time.

If she has a personal boyfriend, if the studio finds out, she will be fired directly.

Li Zhe asked the studio to manage these girls so strictly because he didn't want to cause any scandal.

There are many temptations in the short video and anchor industry, so it won’t work without strict management.

He didn't want the studio to become a mess and ruin the reputation of Qudong Group.

This consideration also exists when choosing to recruit from factories.

In this era, beautiful girls who choose to work in factories are relatively down-to-earth and more obedient to management.

Besides, the studio has the power of life and death over its employees.

Their short video accounts are in the hands of the studio, and they lose everything if they are fired.

At least until they become big anchors, they have no capital to compete with studios.

After Li Zhe saw Xiaoman...no, it was Lu Man, his first thought was to drive her away.

We can't let her ruin the atmosphere of the studio.

However, after hearing Anya say that she was recruited from Electronics, Li Zhe decided to give Lu Man a chance.

The fact that she can voluntarily leave the KTV nightclub and work hard in an electronics factory to make money proves that she has not completely fallen.

If he drives Lu Man away, she might fall into nightclubs again.

This is harmful.

At noon, Li Zhe and Anya, the management of Qudong Company, had a meal together.

In the afternoon, after returning to Quwan Technology, Li Zhe first took a look at the box office statistics of "Oldboy" sent by Quku Entertainment.

The movie "Oldboy" only took more than a month to shoot, and the cost was not high, only more than 2 million.

But in terms of publicity, Quku Entertainment spent more than 3 million on extensive publicity.

The promotion focuses on memories of people born in the 1970s and 1980s.

Facts have proved that this publicity is very effective and successfully earned a wave of memories.

"Oldboy" was released on April 21. It took in more than 28 million at the box office in the first six days, and the movie's reputation is also very good.

In the second week, it took in a box office of 36.5 million.

So far, the movie has been in theaters for 19 days, and the box office has exceeded 80 million.

If nothing else happens, the final box office is likely to exceed 100 million.

This is also QuKu Entertainment’s first movie with a box office of over 100 million.

New director Xing Boqing has become the fifth mainland director to enter the billion-dollar club after Ning Hao, and has become famous in the industry.

Xing Boqing has been with Quku Entertainment for more than a year. He has worked as an assistant director and executive director in many movies and TV series, and finally got a chance to direct.

As a result, the box office of the first movie exceeded 100 million.

Xing Boqing was a little confused and couldn't believe it.

In addition, the male protagonist’s chopstick combination and the female protagonist Zhao Yuhuan are also popular.

Among the artists under Quku Entertainment, Zhao Yuhuan cannot compare with Wang Zhining in terms of qualifications, and cannot compare with Luan Xiaolin in terms of relationships, but she became popular first.

The heroine of a movie that grossed over 100 million yuan, she will not be missing movies for a while.

The box office hit of the movie "Oldboy" made Quku Entertainment completely famous in the industry.

The three movies invested by Quku Entertainment, "Unexpected", "Crazy Lottery" and "Oldboy", were all huge successes and have not lost money yet.

Compared with the success rate of film and television investment, which is only 10%, this is a bit incredible.

Li Zhe put down the box office statistics table and sighed in his heart.

One "Oldboy" film can earn almost 40 million.

Or make a "youth movie" and sell your feelings to make money.

This is before the domestic movie market has exploded, otherwise the box office of "Oldboy" would have been at least 300-400 million.

Rubbish movies like "The Left Ear" have 485 million.

Li Zhe knows a lot of good movies, why not make them?

It’s just that the domestic film market is too small now, and no matter how good a movie is, it won’t get much box office.

"Husband, the reporter from Shanghai TV Station is here." Shen Xin opened the door and walked in.

Only she and Liu Kaiyue could enter the president's office without knocking.

"Let them come in!" Li Zhe nodded and said.

Shanghai TV Station is going to do a special news report on young entrepreneurs in Shanghai. One person can have seven or eight minutes of footage, and about 30 seconds of it will be included in the evening news column.

The interview team was led by a female reporter named Yang Yue, who was in her mid-twenties, tall and thin, with good looks among reporters and a good temperament.

In addition, there is a male photojournalist in his 30s and a female intern named Xiao Yu.

"Hello, Mr. Li, thank you very much for accepting our interview!" Yang Yue said with a smile.

"Reporter Yang, it's an honor to be interviewed by you."

After Li Zhe shook hands with Yang Yue, he also shook hands with the male photographer and the female intern named Xiao Yu, acting very approachable.

He knew very well that the more wealthy you are, the more humble you must be.

No matter what you think in your heart, you must do what you do on the surface.

When shaking hands with Xiao Yu, Li Zhe glanced at the other person subconsciously. This intern was more beautiful than many celebrities.

This should be the most beautiful female reporter he has ever seen, much prettier than that Bingbing.

After the male photographer set up the camera, Yang Yue took out the interview outline and communicated with Li Zhe. After confirming that there were no objections, the interview officially started.

Since it was a special interview, Yang Yue asked in great detail, starting from when Li Zhe was admitted to college and ending with the release of Quku Entertainment's new movie "Oldboy".

Li Zhe also talked about everything he knew. Except for the relationship, when he looked at the interview outline, he asked Yang Yue to cross it out. He talked about everything else.

Yang Yue had done his homework before coming for the interview and knew that the young man in front of him was very powerful despite his young age.

But listening to Li Zhe's own words, he couldn't help but express his admiration when he started to write novels and in less than two years established an entertainment group with four or five companies and a market value of several hundred million.

Xiao Yu, the intern on the side, looked at Li Zhe with admiration in his eyes.

The interview lasted for more than an hour. After it was over, Li Zhe smiled and said to Yang Yue: "Reporter Yang, how about we have dinner together?"

"No, there are still some things on the stage, so I won't disturb you, Mr. Li." Yang Yue declined with a smile.

"Okay then!" Li Zhe was just polite.

He sent Yang Yue and the others outside the office and asked Liu Kaiyue to send them out of the company.

When they came outside the company, Liu Kaiyue stuffed a red envelope for each of Yang Yue and the three of them.

It is also an unspoken rule of the industry to give red envelopes to journalists who come for interviews as travel expenses.

Of course, it’s okay not to send it.

But stuffing red envelopes can at least make reporters more particular about their wording when reporting, and they will tend to choose positive rather than derogatory meanings.

After Yang Yue and the others got into the interview car, they opened the red envelope and took a look.

I found that Yang Yue's red envelope was three thousand, the male photojournalist's was two thousand, and even Xiao Yu, an intern, had one thousand.

This Mr. Li is really good at life. No wonder he can achieve such a big career at such a young age.

In fact, even if Li Zhe didn't send such a big red envelope, Yang Yue would still write a positive report.

People like Li Zhe who have achieved such achievements at such a young age will definitely become big shots in the future.

For such a person, if you don't take the opportunity to form a good relationship, will you offend him?

At around 6 p.m., Li Zhe arrived at the Hyatt Hotel on the Bund in an Audi A8L.

The crew of "Oldboy" held a celebration reception here.

Originally, we should have waited until the movie box office exceeded 100 million before holding a celebration cocktail party.

However, in order to create a wave of popularity and make the box office of "Oldboy" exceed 100 million early, Jiang Jingxian held a celebration party in advance.

At the celebration party, everyone from the crew of "Old Man" came, including Jiang Jingxian, deputy general manager of Quku Entertainment and film producer, director Xing Boqing, deputy director, starring Chopsticks, heroine Zhao Yuhuan, etc.

Artists from Quku Entertainment, including Luan Xiaolin, Wang Zhining, Nini and others, also came.

In addition, many media reporters came to the scene.

The three movies invested by Quku Entertainment were successful one after another. While they became famous in the industry, they also attracted more attention from the media.

This time, more than a dozen media came over.

The venue was very lively with people coming and going.

Seeing Li Zhe coming, Jiang Jingxian, Xing Baiqing and others came to greet him.

Li Zhe chatted with them for a while, and soon the celebration officially began.

The main creative staff of "Oldboy" took the stage to speak one by one, opened champagne to celebrate, and then accepted interviews with the media.

As the producer, Li Zhe also said a few words and drank a glass of celebratory wine with the creative staff.

After the interview, the next step is the cocktail party.

Li Zhe and the crew all had a drink.

However, he just took a sip, but everyone else drank.

Luan Xiaolin, Wang Zhining, Nini and other artists from the company also came over to toast one by one.

Luan Xiaolin also took the opportunity to clink glasses and deliberately touched his hand lightly.

Li Zhe didn't stay long. When he saw that the time was almost up, he left.

When he came outside the hotel, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was Luan Xiaolin who sent a message asking him if he had time tonight.

I thought about this long legs again!

"Mr. Li!"

Seeing Li Zhe coming out, Shen Baoshan drove the car over and opened the back seat door.

Li Zhe put away his phone temporarily and prepared to get in the car.

At this time, I heard a female voice coming from behind, "Mr. Li!"

Li Zhe turned around and saw Nini, wearing a white skirt, walking out of the hotel.

Her makeup is exquisite and she looks more mature and sexy.

"Mr. Li, are you going back?" Nini said with a smile.

Li Zhe nodded slightly, "You want to leave too?"

"Yeah!" Nini hummed with a smile.

"However, it doesn't seem like it's easy to take a taxi."

Is it difficult to take a taxi from a five-star hotel on the Bund?

This is such a lame excuse!

I still have little experience in tea ceremony.

Li Zhe looked Nini up and down and said, "Where do you live? I'll give it to you!"

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry to trouble you." Nini agreed immediately.

The two got into the back seat together, Shen Baoshan started the car and left the hotel.

"Where do you live?" Li Zhe asked Nini beside him.

The rear seat of the Audi A8L is quite spacious, but Nini sat right next to Li Zhe.

Li Zhe didn't move aside. How could he, a grown man, be afraid of a girl like her?

"Mr. Li, do you have time? I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Can't you say it now?"

"How about we find a place to talk?" Nini stretched out her hand to smooth her long hair and said with a smile.

This was blatant seduction. Did she think he would fall for it?

Li Zhe looked at the time, it was now around 8pm.

"Okay, let's go to my house."

"Mr. Li, I'll excuse you then!" Nini said without hesitation.

"Don't bother!" Li Zhe glanced at her and smiled.

Shen Baoshan saw this scene through the rearview mirror, but his heart was unmoved.

As a boss, he has no other hobbies besides beauties!

Scumbag... No, it's Li Zhe who is trying to take advantage of the situation.

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