I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Vol 2 Chapter 3939: : This person is too scary

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"If we win, can we give them a day off?" Mo Hongshan looked at Feng Chunxing and said.

"no problem."

A group of people arrived at the training base, which was modeled after an abandoned building. The bullets were all turned into blank bullets. As for the so-called hostages, they were replaced with dummies.

"Comrade reporter, what weapons do you need?" Feng Chunxing asked.

"No need for anything."

"Huh? Are you sure? This is not a joke."


After responding, Lin Yi walked into the training base, but was stopped by Feng Chunxing.

"Wait a minute, you haven't put on the equipment yet."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. It's not a real thing."

The training base has three floors. The first floor is in tatters and has everything, restoring the true condition of an abandoned house.

Directly in front is the staircase leading to the second floor, but the entire first floor is quiet and there is no movement.

Lin Yi could guess that there must be several people waiting for him at the corner of the first and second floors. As soon as he showed his head, he would be attacked, so he would be passive.

Stopping, Lin Yi looked at the window on the right, then picked up a stone, accelerated to the window, stepped on the lower edge of the window, and calculated the distance to the second floor window. With his jumping ability, the problem was not big.

But Lin Yi did not act immediately. Instead, he threw the stones into the corridor on the first floor.

Just as Lin Yi expected, the sudden noise ushered in more than a dozen gunshots.

Lin Yi took this opportunity to jump up with all his strength, grabbed the lower edge of the second floor window with both hands, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, straightened his body, and successfully reached the second floor.

Lin Yi slowed down, kept the noise to a minimum, walked quietly behind a person, and covered his mouth.

The latter looked horrified, not expecting Lin Yi to appear from behind him.

In his opinion, this is completely impossible.

Lin Yi made a gesture of silence, which also represented his sacrifice.

Then he rushed to the next person and quietly eliminated the two people guarding the second floor.

At that second, Lin Yi looked towards the stairs on the third floor.

There are four people upstairs, so it's not a big problem.

The two people sitting on the ground said nothing, looking at Lin Yi's back, lost in thought.

It was so embarrassing to be killed silently without doing anything.

It also proved that this man was stronger than he thought.

But the question is, why would such a person become a reporter?

Lin Yi picked up the gun on the ground and fired several shots at the platform between the first and second floors.

The two people who were knocked down by Lin Yi didn't understand what it meant for a while, but they could only watch and couldn't ask questions.

About half a minute later, Lin Yi fired two more shots at the window on the left, and then the window on the right...

This made the two of them even more confused. This operation was too unconventional.

I completely couldn't understand Lin Yi's intention.

After several operations, Lin Yi threw the gun aside and patted someone on the shoulder.

"Please be a hostage and come up with me for a walk."

The latter couldn't say anything and could only cooperate with Lin Yi and walk towards the third floor step by step.

At this time, Ma Tiezhu and three other people were guarding a dummy on the third floor.

Among them, Ma Tiezhu and another person were staring at the stairs, and the other two people were staring at the windows on both sides.

"You heard the gunshot just now, right?" Captain Zhao Dongdong said, "He should have been preparing to rush in, but he was stopped."

"There were three gunshots, and the sounds were different. They should have come from the stairs and the windows on both sides. In other words, he tried to come up from three directions, but was blocked." Ma Tiezhu said.

"Five minutes have passed now. I guess he hasn't reached the second floor yet. Trying to come up and rescue the hostages within ten minutes is nothing more than a daydream." Zhao Dongdong said with a smile.

"I think we don't have to be so nervous anymore. Lao Zhang and Lao Wang can stop him. Once ten minutes are up, we can have a day off."

Everyone laughed and started thinking about what to do during the holiday tomorrow.

"But having said that, it's really unfair to compare him like this. He doesn't even have a weapon, so it's definitely impossible to rescue the hostages." Zhao Dongdong said.

"Indeed, but he is indeed very powerful. There should be no one more powerful than him in our team." Ma Tiezhu said.

"So I'm very curious as to why such a person becomes a reporter. It's totally inappropriate."

"Could it be that he quit because he was injured?" Ma Tiezhu said.

"He's still so fierce even though he's injured. What's he like without being injured? With his current skills, he's fully capable of staying and is unlikely to retire."

Zhao Dongdong's analysis was also a question raised by others, and they couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

Bang bang!

At this moment, gunfire rang out, and colorful smoke rose from the bodies of Zhao Dongdong and Ma Tiezhu, which proved that they were killed in battle.

Seeing that something happened to the two people, the other two people reacted instantly, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net raised his gun and aimed at the stairs, only to find that the person in front of him was his comrade. Just as he was stunned, the rhythm slowed down a beat.

At exactly this moment, gunshots rang out, thick smoke rose from their bodies, and Lin Yi walked out from behind.

"It's okay, it took seven minutes in total."

Looking at the thick smoke on their bodies, the four of them were still in a state of confusion. They couldn't even realize what was going on. They felt like they were dreaming.

"It's over, let's go downstairs."

After handing the gun back, Lin Yi took the lead and walked down.

Zhao Dongdong and Ma Tiezhu glanced at each other, and then looked at Zhang Zhengcai.

"How did he come up here and you didn't stop him?"

"He came up from the side window, and he was very fast. Lao Wang and I didn't even realize what was going on and we were out."

"Didn't you stop him? How could such a thing happen?"

"What's wrong? After the two of us were eliminated, it was him who fired the gun himself, creating the false impression for you." Zhang Zhengcai said:

"And we both came up a long time ago. He also heard what you said upstairs. He caught you off guard while you were relaxing. If you were both nervous, it might not be like this."

Hearing this, the four of them were stunned. They didn't expect to be able to play like this.

"He touched us thoroughly. This man is too terrifying. We are no match at all."

"Okay, stop talking and get ready to go back and be criticized."

Following Lin Yi's footsteps, several people walked out dejectedly.

Outside the training base, when he saw Lin Yi walking out safely, Feng Chunxing smiled and said:

"They have been blocked from entering. It has been eight minutes now. It should be impossible to rescue the hostages within ten minutes." (End of Chapter)

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