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In Japan, hell was born even earlier than Takamagahara.

And about hell, the most famous story is probably the break between Izanagi and Izanami.

Back then, Izanami was burned alive because she gave birth to the god of fire and added a native life, and Izanagi missed his wife and chased him to Huangquan, but helplessly found that Izanami had eaten Huangquan’s meal.

Of course, as a creation god, a little willfulness is still possible, and Izanami expressed her willingness to return to heaven with Izanagi to continue the business that the two of them had not completed.

However, Izanagi did not agree.

Because Izanami, who had eaten the rice of Huangquan, had been filled with maggots, her throat was blocked, and her whole body turned into a total of eight thunder goddesses from thunder to vole, and she would no longer return to the posture of the beautiful goddess of the past.

In this regard, the frightened Izanagi naturally did not dare to think about any unfinished business, and turned around and ran.

And the embarrassed Izanami also got up and chased.

The two gods ran and scolded all the way, and naturally all kinds of stories happened. In the end, when Izanagi escaped to a place called “Yellow Springs Than Sakara”, he blocked the road to Huangquan with a thousand lead stones, which was considered to have escaped Izanami’s pursuit.

Then, on both sides of this thousand stones, the model couple who were once loving made a vow of determination and finally parted ways.

Izanami said, “My husband, since you have treated me like this, I will kill thousands of people every day in your country.” ”

Izanagi said, “My wife, if you do that, I will build fifteen hundred delivery rooms a day.” ”

The oath of the Creator God is naturally followed by words. From then on, a thousand people will die every day on this island, and fifteen hundred will surely be born.

The population is increasing, and the infant humans are finally able to open their eyes and take a good look at the world.

Since then, Horasaka has become the dividing line separating the present world and the underworld, and the two worlds look at each other from afar, but they do not interfere and operate steadily.

That’s right.

Unfortunately, the relationship between reality and the underworld is not as stable as people think.

The previous practice of Gu Ming Dijue is the best example, under the combination of inside and outside, a big monster can open the entrance between hell and this world, and release all the grievances, which is a disaster for the world.

Beyond that, the gods also seem to have the power to interfere with hell. Otherwise, the number one black fan of the Sun Goddess would not be sent to hell and would never be able to live beyond life.

But now is not the time to explore whether the relationship between hell and this world is precarious.

Because in the current situation, hell or something, it is likely that it no longer exists!

“Although Bayuwu is dead, her flame has not been extinguished, and after such a long time, hell has long ceased to be a suitable place for souls to live.”

With her eyes closed and silently accepting the “information”, Shiki Yingji quickly figured out the cause of the matter.

Hell is in turmoil, the old order is burned by the flame, and the ghosts who have nowhere to return float between heaven and earth, shedding tears of sorrow.

That is, this rain that has lasted for seven days.

In addition, Shiki Yingji also received “bad” news.

“If these grievances are not properly dealt with… They become grievances. ”

Ghosts and grievances, a word difference, but a thousand miles of difference.

The so-called ghosts are the dead undead, who will go to the reincarnation of hell, set the guilt according to the merits of life, continue to be reincarnated, and maintain the harmonious operation of the living and the dead.

However, the grievances are not eligible to be reincarnated.

A resentful spirit that has been manipulated by obsession can only have two endings.

One is to be purified and disappear between heaven and earth – just as the wind and the witches did before.

As for the other one, if these grievances are “lucky”, they may be able to demonize and become a terrifying creature that even monsters do not want to touch.

However, in the eyes of Shiki Yingji, no matter what kind of ending, it should not exist, and it should not happen!

“We must find a new home for these souls!”

Four Seasons Yingji looked at Yakumo Zi and said one by one.

But it was a little inexplicable to see Yayun Zi.

“Then you go find it!”

When he said this, Yakumo Zi was actually whispering.

She couldn’t help but think how good it would be if Shiki Yingji could take this opportunity to leave here and never come back.

Then she can return to the original state of sleeping until she wakes up naturally, and eating snacks until her mouth cramps!

However –

“I can’t do it.”

The rather painful words were so painful that Yayunzi was a little surprised.

She never thought that the four seasons Yingji, who was so stubborn that she installed the south wall and did not look back, would even have a time to admit it?

However, her ears did not lie to her.

“I need everyone’s help.”

Shiki Yingji’s eyes are persistent and firm.

But it is the same as the wind and fragrance of the year!



The dark hell looks eerie.

However, when Bai Mo came to this hell along the yellow spring where countless corpses flowed, he instantly felt an oncoming heat.

“Well, it’s so warm.”

To be honest, Bai Mo, who has grown up in that secluded bamboo forest, feels quite comfortable at first coming to this hell.

At the very least, it’s warm enough, it’s like it’s on the heat.

However, it is clear that this warm place is not suitable.

According to Gu Mingdi Lian, hell should have been a place of bitter cold!

“As you said, hell really happened.”

Bai Mo pressed his ear to the ground, incorporating the whole of hell into his hearing.

He found that this place was, by and large, a dead silence.

There are only two exceptions.

A place located far, far underground and bubbling like boiling water.

“That’s it, that’s where Yayun was sealed.”

Four Seasons Yingji’s face was a little anxious, and it could be seen that she wanted to use the fastest speed to solve this big trouble that could no longer be dragged on.

However –

“Don’t worry.”

Bai Mo turned his gaze to the other side.

There, a magnificent building stands quietly, silently declaring its defiance and domineering.

“Since you are here, how can you not say hello to the owner of this place and say goodbye to the pier?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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