According to Bayi Yonglin, the “sudden” outbreak of the war of the gods actually had a precursion.

As early as five hundred years ago, when Tianyu fainted because of his hard dancing. Those onlookers of the high-altitude plain gods and indigenous gods are already in a state of friction, you see me unpleasant, I don’t look at you well.

It’s just that the appearance of Bai Mo broke the atmosphere of saber rattling. And Bai Mo, regardless of the indiscriminate and indiscriminate practice of playing fifty boards each, also made those gods with fiery hearts quickly calm down, and returned to their own territory in ashes, and they did whatever they had to do.

No way, Bai Mo’s power is too terrifying, so terrifying that it is difficult for them to resist at all. And in this situation where it is difficult to protect themselves, it is too late for them to hide at home and defend, how dare they go out to find trouble with other gods?

Therefore, this pause is a full hundred years. In this hundred years, the gods and indigenous gods of the High Heaven Plain have tried their best to restrain themselves, and they can be regarded as safe and peaceful.

It’s just that this kind of peace is not destined to last long.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore?

Finally, a hundred years later, when a certain high-heavenly god finally couldn’t bear the temptation of faith and tried to launch a surprise attack on an unfortunate indigenous god, it was announced that this long and extremely cruel war of gods had finally broken out.

However, in the beginning, those gods were somewhat restrained.

After all, the white ink of a hundred years ago is still there. These well-behaved gods were careful in whatever they did, for fear that they would provoke the demon bear and suffer another beating of the national treasure.

However, later, when these gods found that Bai Mo did not seem to be interested in their battle at all, they became much more emboldened.

Conspiracies, sneak attacks, as long as they can collect faith, they will do anything.

As a result, the entire Japanese archipelago was caught in the flames of war with the gods.

The speed of the fall of the gods is comparable to that of a shooting star in the sky, and even worse, there will be such a funny thing as a village changing three protectors in a row within a year.

Of course, for those ordinary villagers, they don’t care which god is protecting them!

As long as they can be sheltered, they are willing to offer their faith. As for the war between the gods, it was so far out of reach for them, it was not as real as a grain of rice in the field.

In fact, for this war between gods, the real victims are actually the witches of the fallen gods.

The old gods have fallen, new gods have arrived, and it is natural that the new gods whose purpose is to plunder the faith will not let the witches of the old gods continue to stay in the village and collect faith for the dead gods.

After all, the witch, who is the “medium” of the gods, has been marked with the unique mark of each god. This kind of oath engraved on the soul, even if it is physically dead, can never disappear.

Therefore, for these witches, who no longer had much effect, they did not need to speak to the gods themselves, and the villagers would spontaneously expel them.

Even for some villagers, the expelled witch is likely to be their daughter or granddaughter.

And for those witches who were expelled, this was naturally a very painful thing for them.

From the high-ranking “Migami Son” to the “ominous person” who was spurned by everyone, the so-called change of identity was just an overnight thing.

Some haughty witches really couldn’t stand such humiliation, found a remote place, secretly committed suicide, and ended their lives.

Or rather, such witches are actually the majority.

After all, their lives are tied to their gods, and when the gods die, they naturally have no value in continuing to live.

However, the desire for life is an innate instinct of all living beings.

There are also a small number of witches who have been banished but still want to continue living. After careful consideration, they resolved to go to a pure place where even the gods could not interfere, and as the last believer, leave the last incense for their gods.

As for where is that pure place that even the gods cannot interfere with?

Naturally, they thought of the legend of a hundred years ago, and the “forbidden place” that even the Imperial Thunder God did not dare to infringe on the slightest.

Suwa Bamboo Forest.


Villages are not built in a day.

In fact, in the beginning, there were only three witches who came to settle on this mountain.

They are witches from different regions and believe in different gods. When they met on the road, and because they had the same experience, they became companions and came together to find a nearby mountain peak and build their respective shrines outside the bamboo forest.

It was a very rudimentary shrine, and after a simple torii was made from four wooden boards, a wooden plaque with the name of the god was enshrined, and a shrine was completed.

However, don’t look at its shabby shape, but it is undoubtedly a shrine.

For these banished witches, only staying in such a shrine can bring them enough security.

After all, the shrine is their “home”.

And now, although their gods can no longer provide them with any shelter, they are also people with a “home”!

Having a home means no longer having to wander.

However, to the surprise of Bayi Yonglin, when she relayed the news to Bai Mo, Bai Mo not only did not expel these uninvited witches. Instead, he also went to the bamboo forest, found a few newly sprouted bamboo shoots, and entrusted Bayi Yonglin to give these bamboo shoots to those witches.

These bamboo shoots represent Bai Mo’s attitude towards these witches.

And when Bayi Yonglin asked Bai Mo if he wanted to provide shelter to those banished witches, the careful Bayi Yonglin found a deep expression on Bai Mo’s face.

It was a depth that Bayi Yonglin had never seen before, like a vast and boundless earth, exuding an all-encompassing aura.

“They are all poor homeless people, so why talk about shelter or not shelter?”

“This peace of mind is just my hometown.”

PS: Woo hoo, wake up with a lot of flowers.

I was moved to cry.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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