I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 330 The advantage is mine

Outside the mysterious palace.

A foundation-building monk flew from a distance with a hurried expression and landed outside the palace passage.

He had been entangled with those ice toad monsters in the deep black water for a long time, and had been delayed in the strange stone formation for a long time. He knew that he was far behind others. At this moment, he was extremely anxious and just wanted to rush into the palace as quickly as possible.

There are many spell marks and forbidden auras left in the passage, which should be the traces left by the monks who first entered the palace in order to break through the restrictions.

The monk's spiritual consciousness scanned the passage and found nothing unusual, then flew into the palace at high speed.

Suddenly, a cold sword light struck him head-on, cutting a deep crack into the defensive weapon on his body. Two early-stage foundation-building monks appeared out of nowhere and attacked him from both sides.

Two on one, another sneak attack, the monk who tried to enter the palace was easily eliminated in a few encounters.

"The second one."

The two people who made the sneak attack were a middle-aged man in a gray shirt with an ordinary appearance, and the other was a one-eyed monk. The other blind eye was wrapped in black cloth, and there was a faint black energy leaking out of it.

“Young Daoist Li’s strategy really impresses me!”

The one-eyed monk sighed while searching for the dead monk's net worth.

"There is no other way. There are too many foundation-building monks who entered the palace this time, and they are too strong. With the strength of the two of us, we can only serve as cannon fodder. It is better to think of other ways to obtain chance treasures."

The middle-aged man in gray shirt weighed the storage bag in his hand and took out a lot of talisman pills from it.

"Hehe, that's right. The monks who came into the secret realm only wanted to enter the palace as quickly as possible. They didn't expect that someone would resist the great opportunity and wait to attack them at the entrance."

"If we don't get the opportunity, we become our opportunity."

The one-eyed monk sneered, and the black energy leaking out of the black cloth became even stronger.

"Thanks to your invisible magic weapon, fellow Taoist, I was able to get the upper hand and catch the enemy by surprise, easily taking out the targets who entered the palace."

The two complimented each other.

"You still have to be more careful. Although my concealment weapon is good, it is difficult to achieve the effect in the middle stage of foundation building or in front of disciples from a large sect."

The one-eyed monk said coldly as they shared the talisman pills and other spoils equally.

"Of course, even if we succeed in a sneak attack, we can't easily kill the monks in the middle or even later stages of foundation building."

"As for those disciples who come from large sects, they have all kinds of weird secret techniques and treasures. It is difficult to attack them secretly. Therefore, we can only attack those who are from small families or monks who are in the early stages of foundation building."

"We can't wait too long here. Before the monks who entered the palace come out one after another, kill another fat sheep, then stop and leave the secret realm."


A layer of silvery white tulle appeared on the two people's bodies, and spiritual power emerged from the tulle, covering their figures and disappearing.

What the two of them didn't know was that a crack quietly appeared in the void above their heads, and a gray-white eye squeezed out of the crack, capturing every move of the two men.

"I didn't expect there to be such a trap at the entrance of the mysterious palace."

Lu Xuan's expression was stern, and the pupils in his palms reflected the scene seen by Void Nightmare Eyes.

The two foundation-building monks who hid at the entrance of the passage and attacked others were quite ingenious. They actually gave up the huge opportunity in front of them, keenly grasped the psychology of the other monks, and successfully attacked.

"Should I go through that passage?"

Lu Xuan rubbed his chin.

"There are restrictions placed all over the palace. The restrictions in the passage just now were opened by the foundation-building monks who entered first."

"If you want to bypass those two people and enter through other channels, it will take more time. If you are unlucky, you will have to break the restriction yourself."

"The two of them set up an ambush in the passage. One of them is stronger than the other by surprise, but now, they have become my first mover. I can completely use the flaws they hide in the magic weapon to attack them first."

"With the strength of the two of them, they can easily handle it."

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan made an instant decision in his heart and planned to forcefully rush through the passage.

If the two of them had some eyesight, then he would pretend they didn't notice it. If the two of them were looking for death and launched a sneak attack, then he would easily deal with them.

Outside the channel.

Lu Xuan controlled a sword light and stumbled to a stop at the entrance of the passage.

His eyes were covered with a layer of misty spiritual light, and under the Eye-Breaking Technique, the two early-stage foundation-building monks hiding in the silver gauze were unable to hide, and their blurry figures could be vaguely seen.

Lu Xuan's acting skills are realistic. He first looked around the entrance of the passage to confirm that there was no ambush, and then entered the passage cautiously.

As he got closer and closer to the mysterious palace, the caution on his face quickly disappeared, replaced by relaxation and joy.

Under the silver gauze, the middle-aged man in gray shirt and the one-eyed monk looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts instantly.

The two of them were quite familiar with Lu Xuan, and knew that he was an inner disciple of the Tianjian Sect stationed on this deserted island.

Therefore, when they saw Lu Xuan for the first time, the two of them subconsciously wanted to let him go.

But he immediately recalled what the other Foundation-Building monks said about Lu Xuan: he spent all his time with spiritual plants, wasted his practice, and had no intention of making progress.

Thinking of this, the two people's minds suddenly became alive.

Being from a large family means that he has many treasures.

Being a spiritual planter means that he is not good at fighting. It is foreseeable that he has not experienced much life and death experience, and he is likely to be in chaos when faced with a sudden attack.

In addition, only the early stage of foundation building...

The advantage is mine, it’s stable!

The two of them looked at each other.

The spiritual energy in his body surged wildly, and the one-eyed monk suddenly removed the cover of the silver gauze, and Lu Xuan's back was clearly revealed in front of the two of them.

Flying swords and talismans all attacked the big fat sheep in their eyes.

As soon as their figures were revealed, the sharp sword whistle sounded in their ears.

Countless dark sword intentions swept towards the two of them like a stormy wave!

The momentum is huge, like the power of heaven, there is no way to escape, no way to stop it!

"Fellow Taoist Rao..."

Before the two people's begging for mercy could be heard, they were buried inside by the infinite sword intent like waves.

The sword energy dissipated and the passage was clean. Occasionally, sporadic dark red flesh and pieces of magic weapon could be seen. It would be difficult to find them if you didn't look carefully.

"Well, I just want to take this opportunity to use the fourth-grade Xiaohai Sword Talisman."

In Lu Xuan's hand, a talisman that was neither gold nor jade and shaped like the tip of a sword disintegrated silently and fell to the ground.

This fourth-grade Xiaohai Sword Talisman was the first reward to be obtained from the sword-raising gourd. When he was in Langyue Paradise, he used up most of the sword energy in it in order to compete for the Phoenix Tree.

In order to finish the battle quickly this time and not waste time on the two sneak attackers, Lu Xuan easily activated the Xiaohai Sword Talisman which still had half of the sword energy left.

As a result, there are four fourth-grade sword talismans left.

"It's a pity that the magic weapon and talismans on me are missing."

Although they were unlikely to have any rare treasures on their bodies, mosquito legs were also meat. Lu Xuan glanced at the location where the two people's bodies were destroyed with great regret, and his figures were like a floating light, rushing towards the interior of the palace.

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