"Senior Lu, I keep a dragon carp in this pond, but for some reason, I haven't been feeling that its growth condition is very good recently."

"Senior, could you please help me take a look?"

Song Sining's clear black and white eyes looked at Lu Xuan, and she mustered up the courage to ask softly.

"Okay, you can summon it."

Lu Xuan said softly that he had gained so much knowledge about spiritual beasts in the Tianjian Sect's Scripture Pavilion and had rich experience in raising them. He was very confident in the spiritual beasts raised by a little girl at the third level of Qi training.

Besides, if it really can't be solved, you can also feed something and check the detailed status of the spirit beast.

The surface of the pool kept bubbling with bubbles, and soon, a big fish emerged from the water.

The big fish is more than half a foot long and has a slender body, somewhat similar to a dragon. It has fine light red scales on its body and two red whiskers that are constantly swaying in the water.

Lu Xuan's spiritual sense swept over it and he sensed that the big fish's spiritual power fluctuations were probably at the level of a first-grade monster. However, at a glance, it seemed that it had no vitality and stopped weakly on the water.

"Senior Lu, this is the dragon carp I raised. It is a second-grade monster, but mine is still in the growth stage, and its strength is equivalent to that of a first-grade monster."

Lu Xuan nodded slightly, and his spiritual sense carefully searched every part of Long Li's body, trying to find the source of the problem.

"What does this dragon carp usually eat?"

After careful inspection and finding nothing unusual, Lu Xuan asked the little girl.

"On weekdays, I raise some monster insects, small fish and shrimps. In addition, dragons and carp can also eat silver algae in the pool." Song Sining answered truthfully.

"Go and get some of the monster insects that the dragon and carp usually eat. I'll see if it's a food problem. I'll feed it some by the way to deepen our relationship so that we can check it better."

Song Sining hurriedly ran into the house and took out several insects of different shapes.

Lu Xuan picked up a gray-white ring-shaped insect and threw it in front of the dragon carp.

The dragon carp instantly became energetic, swam quickly to the gray-white insect, and swallowed it in one gulp.

When Lu Xuan saw this, his mind focused on the dragon carp in the pool, and he quickly learned detailed information about it.

[Dragon carp is a second-grade demon beast. The extremely thin true dragon blood remains in its body. After countless generations of dilution, it has become almost non-existent. 】

[It feeds on monster insects, fish, shrimp, and seaweed. It is born with great strength. When mature, it can learn simple water spells on its own. 】

[Due to the limited range of activities and the worrying water quality of the growing environment, it is in a state of considerable sluggishness. 】

"I see, it's simple and effective to feed him something."

Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

This dragon carp actually has a very thin trace of true dragon blood. However, it just sounds bluffing. Even compared with the dragons and giant pythons in Qianlong Lake, it is still far behind.

"Maybe the problem has been found."

"The dragon carp is a second-grade monster. It grows in the wide sea and can swim freely."

"But your dragon carp grew up in such a shallow pool. When you first raised it, you couldn't feel the difference. But as it gradually grows, this pool becomes a kind of confinement for it."

"In addition, after all, the water quality in the sea is different from that on the island, which made the dragon carp a little uncomfortable, so it slowly lost its vitality and became what it is now."

Lu Xuan smiled and said to Song Sining.

“If conditions permit, you can take this dragon carp out for a walk in the offshore to release its nature. In addition, the water in the pool needs to be changed regularly to better simulate the growth environment that dragon carp needs. "

"So that's where the problem lies."

Song Sining opened his mouth slightly, suddenly enlightened.

"Senior Lu is indeed from a well-known family. He can see the problem with my spirit beast at a glance."

She looked at Lu Xuan with full admiration in her eyes.

Lu Xuan asked her some common sense about water spiritual beasts, and then left with Song Yun.

On the way, he suddenly noticed that a white jade talisman around his waist was shaking.

Lu Xuan's heart tightened. The talisman was a communication talisman left by Song Yu. It was used for emergency communication. If it sounded, it meant that there was an abnormal situation on Kongming Island that the Song family could not solve smoothly.

He quickly took off the talisman, and a ray of spiritual power seeped into it. Song Yu's anxious voice came from the talisman.

"Uncle Lu, I am afraid that there will be a large number of sea beasts invading the sea area where the Kongming Spirit Fish is raised. I would like to ask Uncle Lu to come over and control the situation."

"okay, I get it."

"Senior Lu, take me with you."

When Song Yun heard this, an expression of eagerness appeared on his face. He had practiced swordsmanship under Lu Xuan for a long time, and he would not miss the rare opportunity to check the results.

Lu Xuan nodded, and the purple electric sword surged with spiritual power, hugging Song Yun, and arrived at the sea area where Song Yu was at lightning speed.

In the vast sea area, Song Yu and hundreds of Song family qi-training monks spread out, staring closely at the sea in the distance.

"what happened?"

Lu Xuan stopped in front of Song Yu, put Song Yun down, and asked calmly.

Seeing him like this, Song Yu, who was originally anxious, relaxed a lot, as if he had found a backbone.

"Uncle Lu, the monks of the Song family who were patrolling the sea noticed obvious changes in the nearby sea area. It is very likely that a large number of sea beasts will invade the area where the empty spiritual fish are raised."

"A large number of sea beasts invade? Is this common?"

"not much."

"The Sky Spirit Fish is of great benefit to many sea monsters and fish. It is a natural high-quality tonic. Therefore, there are often sea beasts who want to sneak in and hunt the Spirit Fish."

"There are generally two ways. One is to hide from the Song family and sneak in from the bottom of the sea to poach the spiritual fish. The other is to forcefully attack the defense line arranged by the Song family and take advantage of the chaos to hunt the spiritual fish."

"The second situation is relatively rare, but once it occurs, if the protection is not comprehensive enough, a large number of void spirit fish may be hunted, resulting in huge losses."

"So, Uncle Lu, I will trouble you to come to the town later. If there is an emergency, please use uncle's thunder to suppress it."

Song Yu said with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there won't be any accidents."

Lu Xuan said confidently.

He looked around and found that he was in a sunken sea area, backed by an island on one side, and blocked by a large number of reef walls on both sides, which could provide a certain protective effect.

The most important thing is the part in direct contact with the boundless sea.

After entering Kongming Island, he learned some relevant information. Due to the peculiar terrain and special water quality here, it is suitable for the growth and reproduction of Kongming Spirit Fish. Therefore, the Song family designated this sea area to specifically raise Kongming Spirit Fish.

In terms of protection, since the frontal contact with the boundless sea is nearly ten miles away, and the water depth in the surrounding area is a hundred feet, unless it is a fifth-grade high-level formation, other ordinary formations cannot have a significant effect.

The Song family could only lay down some simple protective devices and send monks to patrol day and night, so that they could better guard the sea area.


His spiritual sense felt the movement in the depths of the sea, and he spoke softly.

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