116 – Decisive Battle – 5

Before bumping into Rex, who took a halting stance, I said to Leon.

“I will block that attack.”

“Are you okay?”

“… Yes.”

Because the odds of doing the opposite are much higher than if Leon blocks that attack and then I attack.


I was thirsty for tension just by simply posing.

The atmosphere is that even the lack of a left arm is a simple handicap.


But there was no time to stop.

Believe it.

Believe in the efforts I have accumulated so far.

Trust Leon, who is running with you to defeat Rex.

Trust Sophia who is assisting us in the back.

Trust Reina.


Rex slams down his greatsword.

I felt that if Leon and I tried to block it, we would crush it with our defenses.

It was obviously an attack that would have been dangerous even if the two of them blocked it.


I nodded in agreement, and Leon immediately moved aside to get out of attack range.

At the same time, Neia and his greatsword collided.

Koo-ung, a heavy sound that could not be thought of as swords clashing resounded.

At the same time, intense wind pressure pressed his entire body, and that alone added an enormous burden to his already trembling body.


It must have been a fleeting moment.

Even though I know that the confrontation lasts for a few seconds at most.


There was a me who thought I was about to collapse.

Even if you receive Sophia’s auxiliary magic and protection magic.

Even if Rex is under Reina’s weakening spell.

Nevertheless, the weight of the greatsword oppresses me as if to say that skill never changes.

“Is your aspiration, after all, just that much!”

My posture started to break down.

Nothing like skill, just overwhelming power.

Find a way.

If I keep going like this, on the verge of collapsing, Leon won’t be able to dig into Rex.

The moment you do that, Rex will immediately step back and counterattack.

It would be best if it could be drained, but can an attack like this be drained without taking any damage?

I have already been told by Sophia that I am at my limit.

A body like that without any damage?

That is nonsense.

“With just that much determination, Avatar will not collapse!”


… Just that level of determination?

How much resolution is that?

“… Do not be ridiculous.”

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People died because of you.

Charlotte’s teacher, Dean Ender, is dead.

Sophia’s older sister, Elin, is dead.

Senior Andrew, who dreamed of becoming a knight there, lost his arm.

How many people have been hurt and suffered because of you, do you think you deserve to say that?

“… Okay.”

I was thinking wrong.

How can I shed it without any damage, Rani?

It was a really selfish idea.

Dean Ender, Elin, and Andrew senior.

There’s no way he moved while calculating all those things.


Slightly changes Neia’s direction with spirit.

From nob le mt l dot com

Pushes Neia up towards her left arm, which Lex doesn’t have.

Her left shoulder sprained.

With the tremors getting worse, the intense pain begins to set in.


Rex must have read my intentions as well, and the power contained in his greatsword grew stronger.

That was exactly what I was aiming for.


Instantaneously twists Neia’s trajectory.

Then Rex’s greatsword slipped in an instant, literally crashing into the floor.

I felt a pain that seemed like my shoulder would fall off, but that was enough.


Rex’s voice mixed with bewilderment.

And Leon wasn’t an idiot enough to leave that gap unattended, and in an instant burrowed into Rex and threw the holy sword at him.

“Like this, I’m afraid I’ll get hurt!”

But as if the saying that Rex was also the strongest wasn’t a lie, he quickly pulled out the greatsword stuck in the ground and swung it at Leon.

But it was a sword wielded in a very unstable position.

“It’s over.”

Leon lightly let go of the greatsword, then inserted the holy sword into his chest.

Rex looked around quietly.

Leon Aegis Astrea, who had already pulled the holy sword from his chest and stepped back from him.

Sofia Eris still not relaxing.

Reina Rogelia is looking at Ike with concern.

And Ike Axus, who is glaring at himself without being completely vigilant in this situation.


He had no intention of stopping the blood flowing from his chest.

Rex already felt that the holy sword was purifying the blood of the demons inside his body.

“Now, is it the end?”

It was the ending he had been expecting since he heard all the stories from his master.

But he wanted to deny it, so he went on a rampage.

But he looked into the eyes of those standing in front of him now.

“… Well, even this last one isn’t bad.”

Rex couldn’t help but think that way.

With a cooing sound, the greatsword plunged into the ground.

And at the same time, Rex quietly closed his eyes.

The greatsword stuck in the ground stood there like a tombstone without collapsing.

“… Well, even this last one isn’t bad.”

Rex slammed his greatsword into the floor at the same time as he said that, then stood still and closed his eyes.

The floor was stained with blood from his chest.

A wound that could never be regenerated with his power, unless he was struck by the holy sword.

That is.

“Did he knock it down?”

As Leon said, you must have defeated Rex.

“Ha ha.”


As I relaxed and sat down on the floor, Raina approached me calling her name.

“Oh, are you okay?”

Raina’s purple eyes were constantly trembling.


Rex’s last attack must have seemed ridiculous even to Reina, who was obviously unfamiliar with swordsmanship.

You should consider yourself lucky just to have managed to get through that and be alive.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. There are no wounds at all.”

First, I waved both of her hands at Reina, smiling at her to reassure her.

Of course, it was easy to see that her physical condition was already messed up.

Just waving both of her hands at Reina made her limbs tremble little by little.

Her left shoulder was already numb, and her knee was pierced with needle-like pain as if it were a reward for receiving the attack from the front.

The cold sweat continued to flow from her back, and she started feeling nauseous little by little, as if she had injured her internal organs.

I just smiled, not wanting to make Reina worry about her.

“Prince Ike….”

Sofia was looking at me with a worried expression, as if she had already noticed my physical condition.

“Miss Reina. First of all, I want to talk a little bit separately between the two of you about what to do in the future, is that okay?”

It was Leon who spoke to Reina, who was holding her hand next to me.

“Wouldn’t it be better to talk together here, Your Highness?”

Raina didn’t want to leave my side, but she looked at me with worried eyes and said so.

“First of all, Ike thought that getting treatment from Miss Sophia was the first priority. You don’t seem to be hurt on the outside, but you’ve been fighting Avatar since before we came, right? In the end, I even blocked the attack by myself. Wouldn’t it be better to give them a little rest?”

At Leon’s persuasion, she finally nodded and stood up.

“Ms. Sophia. Please take good care of me.”

“Yes, Lady Reina.”

Looking at Leon taking Reina away like that, I quietly nodded her head.

Leon created the current situation because it must have been a consideration to create an environment where I could receive treatment comfortably.


“Princess Ike!”

I was able to breathe heavily after Leon and Rayna were barely visible.

It was difficult even to maintain consciousness if I did not clench my teeth from the intense pain that engulfed my whole body.

“The last one was too much.”

“If I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t have been able to win.”

It wasn’t a lie.

The moment I relaxed even a little, I would have been cut from the head by that great sword.

“… It looks fine on the outside, but on the inside, it’s a mess as if it’s been hacked to pieces. In particular, the left shoulder is in such a serious condition that it is difficult to explain.”

“But since Miss Sophia is a saint, it will be fine.”

I spoke to Sofia with some comfort, but she shook her head quietly.

“You used the magical furnace beyond its limit and are on the verge of tearing it apart. Prince Ike knows what that means, right?”


Healing magic is magic that heals the body by directly interfering with the magic furnace.

In other words, healing magic puts a certain strain on the magic furnace.

In other words, in my current state, I had to use minimal healing magic.

“It’s so serious that you need to rest for at least two months to get better. The only thing I can do right now is to alleviate the pain.”

“… Is that so.”

Of course, if Sophia, who is recognized as a saint and even possesses divine powers, does her best, there will be a way.

However, in the current situation ahead of the final battle, the consumption of magical power should be reduced as much as possible.

“Avatar’s boss is still inside, right?”


“I hope Prince Ike does not participate in that fight.”

“… Is it that serious?”

“Yes. If you overdo it here, you may end up not being able to use your mana for the rest of your life.”

As expected, I want to avoid that.

I don’t like having to watch at the end, but it’s better than not being able to use magic for the rest of my life.

Even in the original story, it was Leon and Sophia who fought against Diet, and in the end they won.

Now that Reina is here too, there’s no way she’ll get tired of it.

“… All right.”

In the end, I had no choice but to nod my head at Sophia’s gaze.

“First of all, we came to the conclusion that we should wait until Master, Miss Michel, and Arvain arrive, Ike.”

“I guess so.”

When Reina and Leon returned, thanks to Sophia, they felt little pain.

At most, the whole body shuddered slightly so that it was hard to notice.

“Then I will have to wait here until you come.”

“Hmm. Shall we talk briefly about our current situation?”

“That would be fine too.”

Charlotte said that Sofia and Leon had been cut off.

But how did the two of them come here?

From what you’re saying, it sounds like Michelle and Arvain came together.

“Um, you guys knew that we were out of touch, right?”

“Yes. Master said that he prepared for it just in case, but I didn’t hear exactly.”

“As you know, we were traveling all over the country, but somehow we ended up in a certain ruin.”

“Is that a ruin?”


This is….

“At the ruins, along with a strange slab, there was a magic stone.”

It was also an episode of excavation of ancient ruins in the second half of the original work.

The episode where the method I used to increase my magic furnace came out.

“When I followed the instructions written on the stone tablet, I was unconscious for almost two weeks. That’s why I couldn’t reach you.”

“Is that so?”

I was curious about what the episode would be like in a situation where the future was twisted, but it turned out just like the original story.

Considering that he obtained the Holy Sword, is this the feeling of deterrence?

“And when we left the ruins after waking up, we met Miss Michelle and Arvain, who were looking for us on Charles’ orders.”

“As soon as I heard the news from the two of them, I immediately followed them to Ethiopia.”

There must be a reason why Charlotte assured me that she was fine.

It was really close for something like that, but it must have been fortunate that the results were good anyway.

“Ike. You three months….”

After briefly explaining their circumstances, just as Leon was about to ask us a question, a voice rang out from the aisle.

The owner of that voice was, without a doubt, Dait Chernobog, the leader of Avatar.

And Diet said in an emotionless voice.

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