239. Dimensional rift (6)

“Damn it…”

Thirty-six hours of the disappearance of Schluss Heinkel.

Arya banged her head against her desk, where the amount of her paperwork had piled up rather than reduced.

She hadn’t been able to close her eyes at all for two days and couldn’t even rest.

“As a temporary measure, it was blocked somehow…”

For now, I managed to somehow solve the internal problem.

She’s a bit ungainly, but ‘for now’ regains control of the generals by way of the emperor’s decree to give weight to Roman Command.

She also dispatched the Imperial Knights to the Duchy of Monarch to block the Vatican’s disquieting movements in advance.

Perhaps they did not intend to wage an all-out war, the cardinals withdrew the Heretic Questioner and lowered their tails.

All bureaucrats who rebelled as a group were beheaded.

Their duties were meant to be distributed to ministers.

Since the emperor couldn’t sleep at work, there was no reason for the ministers who had been brought in thanks to Schluss Heinkel to refuse additional work.

“I still have problems.”

However, now the problem was coming from the outside, not from the inside.

As expected, the kingdom of Trude was the first to react to the suspicion of Schluss Heinkel’s death.

Originally, the kingdom had been begging for an end to the war after demarcating its borders along the current armistice line, but now it was demanding that all territories before the start of the war be vomited out.

That’s while the warlords’ rebellion surrounding the capital hasn’t ended yet.

Without the energy to wage war, the news of Schluss Heinkel’s disappearance was the first thing to bet on.

There were not just a couple of things that were tricked by this.

First of all, reports flew in from the desert frontier, and it was said that the chiefs of the elves held meetings several times a day and showed suspicious signs.

Also, they said they witnessed a strange sight of thousands of elven cavalrymen training, which would normally never gather.

The southern colonies also reported that the Great Forest had not assembled an army yet, but it was still cluttered.

The war capabilities of the Imperial Army were being questioned from all sides.

At the same time as he lost the huge power of Schluss Heinkel, he is suspected of not being able to properly protect even one head of state.

Isn’t this the time when a pincer attack from three sides can destroy the traditional and powerful hegemon called the Freya Empire?

Even if they didn’t say it out of their mouth, it was obvious that everyone had such thoughts.

‘If you can come back, please come back now…’

I waited a long time.

I hope you come back as soon as possible, Arya gritted her teeth.


“You’ve been running away for a long time.”

Burned twigs.

It was a trace of a fire.

After touching the ashes with his hand, Schluss Heinkel slowly walked down the stony mountain.

Shullus Heinkel, who had no magical powers, had to try to run away, but there was no choice but to come up with a limit.


A nearby river.

There was a thick magic energy fog that made it impossible to see even an inch ahead.

This is all magical energy emitted by humans.

I thought that even in my human days, I had tremendous power.

It was not by mistake that Schluss left his mark.

It was intentional, no matter who sees it.

He did not hide his intention to dig a trap and wait.

He had no reason not to get caught in this.

Because Schluss Heinkel, who had power close to omnipotence, couldn’t die no matter what.

‘Looks like you’ve lost your head.’

It was not long after the date changed.

It meant that the time limit for his ‘Select and Focus’ ability had been reset.

The most powerful firepower that can be poured can be poured, but I did not worry too much.

“Me in my brilliant days! Give up and give Yulia!”

Schluss Heinkel thrust his foot into the black mist without hesitation.

The magic energy penetrated his skin and was sucked into his respiratory tract, but he didn’t care at all.

I couldn’t hit the Transcendental One just this much.

In addition, the fog did not even have the effect of blocking the view.

Because Schluss Heinkel had eyes that peered through the thick fog.

It was a mistake for him to spread the magic energy fog thickly.

“I’m not very angry! If you ask for forgiveness even now, I can show you mercy!”

I saw him spread his arms and laugh out loud and say that, but-


He never walked out of the fog.

I’m going to see blood no matter what.

History At that time, it was a time when I did not know how to give up.

Shouldn’t you give up only when you try to hit it with all your might and break all your limbs?

“But when will-“


At that time, the ground shook greatly and I lost my balance.

At the moment of hesitation, a blue flash emanated from the ground and flew in, cutting Schluss Heinkel in two.

Blood gushing out, Schluss Heinkel split in half and fell, his hands sticking out from the ground, and Schluss crawled out.

“A monster…”

At some point, flesh was protruding from the piece of meat that had been split in half and was regenerating.

I had to finish the job before I could fully regenerate and stand up.

As Schluss raised his hand, a gust of wind blew and all the magic energy mist gathered in his hand.

Just before his hand was completely necrotic and rotting away, Schluss thrust his right hand into the bastard’s chest.

“As expected…”

However, the finger did not touch the heart.

In his body, each cell was resisting and creating a solid barrier.

I felt it the moment I touched it.

No amount of powerful magic could break this barrier.

“Thueouk! Of the splendid times-“

“Shut up.”

Before I knew it, he had completely regenerated and regained his consciousness.

But it was too late.

He converted all the magical energy he had already accumulated into magical energy, and used that astronomical magical energy to construct a spell.

From noble mtl dot com.

Schlus Heinkel’s eyes widened as he grasped the identity of the spell implanted in his skin.



The new type of Schluss Heinkel has disappeared.

Suddenly, just disappeared from the spot.

While examining the blood stains on his right hand, Schluss slowly raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Even with ‘Selection and Concentration’, mana was insufficient, so even magic energy had to be mobilized.

That’s because the teleportation distance was enormous.

“Burn forever, damn you.”

I imprisoned the small creature with the teleportation spell planted in a barrier and threw it into deep lava.

He’s swapped places with it, so he’s probably drowning in seething lava by now.

He would have melted in an instant in the heat and died.

Even if you’re not dead, you’ll regenerate, burn, regenerate, burn indefinitely.

There was no difference in the point of defeating either way.

“Yulia. Yulia…”

At that time, Schluss thought of Yulia and started running.

Perhaps the magic energy fog was blown by the wind and blown towards it.

What would happen if magic energy touched that fragile body?

Worrying and scared at the same time, Schluss broke through to the speed of sound and ran towards the place where Yulia was hidden.


“Chullus… Huh?”

I finally found Yulia.

Yulia crawling out from under the tree roots.

But there was something strange about Yulia’s expression.

She looks like she is terrified ······.

Only then did Schluse look back and-

“Nice try.”


I found the shape of a man whose entire body was on fire.

As soon as I tried to respond by pulling out the barfe immediately, I was hit by a fist that flew at an invisible speed and flew away.


Schlus’s body crashed and toppled the tree, crashing into the ground after flying away.


With that blow, Schluss became a corpse that could only breathe.

None of the bones in his body were intact.

His spine was broken and no part of his body was responding.

With a strange breathing sound and barely breathing, he desperately tried to deploy the spell.

To drink the recovery medicine, I had to pour it into his mouth not with his hand, but with magic.

However, the spell was never completed and just collapsed every time.

“Give up. If you’re in that condition, the store’s recovery medicine won’t work. You need an elixir.”


The culprit who destroyed the tribe while the magic was unfolding.

Schlus Heinkel walked with a bitter expression on his face.

His whole body was on fire until just now, but before he knew it, he was wearing black again.

“You don’t think I’ve ever jumped into lava? I’ll bet you, I’ve tried every way you can imagine. I’ve even jumped into the sun. I’ve tried everything to die for a hundred thousand years. But I can’t die. “Until the universe condenses into a single point and disappears, I am a body that will never die.”

“Kkeuk, kkeuk·············.”

“I thought about it again, but I think the conditions were too severe. If it were me in my brilliant days… I would have been weak enough to break my heart just by abandoning Yulia and running away alone. This is my fault for not being considerate. “

“Kureuk, kuk… Kkeuk…”

“I’m sorry. So I’ll kill you properly. So that you don’t suffer. I’ll kill you with my own hands so you don’t live with the guilt of abandoning Yulia. My heart hurts really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really aching heartache, but I can’t help it.”

I was sincere.

I wanted to hold my breath and keep talking to you from the side, but that wouldn’t be considerate of me in the past.

Definitely killing him was the way for him.

It was the moment Schluss Heinkel pointed his finger at him, concentrating his mana.

“Ah, no way…!”


Yulia crawled over and wrapped herself around the bloodied Schluse.

Crawling over that distance…

Yulia’s legs and the width of her skirt were covered in blood.

“I will stay by your side… ··· Ughhh. Please send Schluse back to the original world. Please······ This is it.”


She was sobbing and pleading.

No, Yulia was laughing.

She forced a smile on her face.

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