234. Dimensional Rift (1)

“Are you an acquaintance who came to look for the body?”


“Well, I’m sorry. If you want to retrieve the body, feel free to do so.”


A shabby hotel.

The shoes that entered the room stopped as if they were frozen.

A pale-skinned man was hanging from the ceiling with his neck hanging.

Soon, with a terrifying sound, the corpse spun around, revealing her face.


It was as expected.

That face was definitely that of a magician.

Til Fitz, breathless for a moment, moved closer as if possessed, stepped on a chair, stood up, and untied the long rope around his neck.

As the corpse fell to the ground, Teal Fitz hurriedly checked his pulse.

No sign of life was felt on the cold skin.

I wasn’t even breathing.

There was also no heartbeat.

All circumstances tell us that this body has been dead for a long time.

Could it be someone else who only resembles a face?

Till Fitz, just in case, put his hand on his chest and connected his internal circuitry, already dead and twisted.

A circuit that is too complex and vast to be human.

At the inner core, there were traces of demonic authority.

There was no doubt.

This corpse belonged to a demon, a magician.

“I heard there are still three years left…”

Tirpitz’s body trembled.

At that time, the magician said that he still had 3 years left.

It hasn’t even been three months since then.

But how did this happen?

“Who are you?”

When he opened his eyes, Teal Fitz’s eyes turned fierce.

The demon cannot die by hanging herself.

Even if she wanted to die, she couldn’t suffocate with the weight of her own body pressing down on her neck.

The magician probably didn’t commit suicide.

Then, it would mean that someone killed the magician and hanged himself after faking it as suicide.

Can a lowly human be able to kill a magician?

I will do it if possible.

If you bring a loud weapon like an annihilator.

The problem is that for the past month, this rural village has been quiet, and there has been no commotion.

An existence that can assassinate demons quietly and without fuss.

That kind of thing didn’t exist except for the same demon.

“What kind of bastard are you?”

Tirpitz’s teeth were grinding.

The most suspicious was, of course, a madman.

If he gets into a fight, he will attack anyone, even if it’s the same demon, indiscriminately.

A magician who lost part of his authority had a good chance of being defeated without being able to resist.

The next suspect was the traveler.

That’s because his whereabouts have not been known at all for the past hundreds of years.

And Alexia … She didn’t want to be too suspicious.

Alexia was the one who noticed before anyone else that magicians would die soon and even held a mine meeting to inform them.

If the culprit was Alexia, Till Fitz felt that her heart would break and she would no longer want to live.

‘The hunt has begun.’

From noble mtl dot com.

Her fists clenched on their own.

Mine is hunting Mine.

Erase all demons from this world, become the only demon, and gather her powers in one place.

One day, someone was realizing the idea that I had thought about in my head for a while and then brushed it off.

‘We have to stop this kind of fratricide.’

Now there are only 4 demons left in this world.

There were only four individuals of the same kind who shared the same agony.

I couldn’t let her die any longer.

No matter what means, hunting between demons had to be stopped.

But how? The question

Kept bothering Tilpitz.

How to stop it?

Shall we call all the demons together and have them at least eat and sleep in one building?

That kind of thing was impossible.

The demons don’t like to stick together.

In that case, would you like to visit each person and ask them a question?

Did you kill him?

It wasn’t a bad way to catch lies by detecting minute changes in facial muscles using Majin’s superhuman body vision.

If the opponent wasn’t a demon who could completely control her own emotions.

Therefore, there was no way to peacefully stop the hunting of demons.

All that remains is to forcibly block it using fear and brute force.

To do so, prerequisites were necessary.

There should be no other force besides Mine that could threaten Tilpitz.

You won’t have time to worry about the outside world while trying to control the demons.

First of all, you have to break all the spear blades that can be pointed at Tilpitz before you can even try to control the other three demons.

“I can’t help it…”

In the human world, there is a weapon that can kill Tilpitz in the blink of an eye.

There were monsters like Schluss Heinkel and Sergei, and there were also annihilation cannons, and even the obelisk was a weapon that could kill demons, although it was restricted to the location.

I had to destroy them all.

I clearly remembered what the easiest way to do that was.

A cult called Asylum taints all mankind.

A religion that worships demons as rulers destroys all deadly weapons that can be aimed at demons.

Only then did Tilpitz decide that he could focus on suppressing the fratricide of the demons.

Because human beings are a species that laughs in front of their eyes for thousands of years and then stabs them the moment they turn their backs.

You can have people you get along with, but you can never trust them.

“Let’s break the most dangerous spear first.”

After making up his mind, Tilpitz picked up the magician’s corpse and stood up.

For the safety of his people, he could break a peace agreement that had lasted thousands of years at any time.


“No, it’s too smooth…”

Recently things have been going well.

It was to the point where I felt uneasy about whether it could work out like this.

First of all, Einz, who took the real power of Wiegenstein, seemed to take a long time arguing with the elders, but soon made a decision and made an official declaration.

Wiggenstein will absolutely obey the imperial family and actively support Schluss Heinkel.

Of course, there are no families that openly oppose the imperial family, but there are few families that follow them unconditionally.

Empire looks like a despotic monarchy on the outside, but the emperor did not wield as much power as he thought, and he had to pay attention to powerful families.

But recently, the Vatican completely collapsed, and Wiegenstein, one of the three magical families, stood by my side.

As if waiting, Lichtenburg has also come to officially declare that it has already entered into an alliance with me.

Of the three magical families, only Fleschette remained, but since the secret marriage was concluded through Iris, in fact, all three magical families supported the imperial family and me unconditionally.

Then, if I were to think of other powerful families, only the Dukes, Bermansteins, and Schulzenburgs remained.

As long as I am attending Imperial University, Bermanstein will not turn his back on me as the head professor, and Schulzenburg is in a favorable position for me since he has Trier.

In fact, all forces other than the duke’s family to keep the imperial family in check had disappeared.

“Have the three families ever held hands like this?”

“No. Never. Not once since Lichtenburg was founded.”

Mrs. Lichtenburg sipped her tea across from her and smiled at her.

She used to think that she was just a woman with ferocious eyes and a scary look, but recently she wasn’t exactly like that.

Could it be because her ferocious eyes disappeared?

Maybe it’s because she doesn’t want to kill me anymore and has been actively cooperating with me.

There was something strangely addictive about the face of the lady who looked into her relaxed tension that drew people’s attention.

She might have thought that if she hadn’t had any daughters, she might have taken her as her wife.

“So what was it like before Lichtenburg was created?”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t Pleschette and Wiegenstein ever work together before Lichtenburg was born?”

“I’m not sure about that.”

The lady’s expression distorted as she was terrified to praise her for being pretty.

It was because of pointing out that Lichtenburg was the last of the three magical families.

I couldn’t even ask why you were angry with me for your ancestors’ late establishment of a family.

Because I was the one who came up with the setting.

In a way, the lady was pouring her legitimate irritation on me.

She was very awkward, by the way, to say that she used her honorifics, which was not like a lady.

The reason why I don’t wear shorts like usual is, of course-

“Mother. There are wrinkles on her face.”


It was because Erica was here with me.

The startled lady straightened her expression and shut her mouth, while Erica rattled her spoon and cut her meat.

Except for the occasional occasion when her maid would come and set her food down, there was no other sound.

‘I’m dying of awkwardness.’

Today, I attended a dinner to thank Lichtenburg for declaring an alliance with me.

But this seat was extremely uncomfortable.

Erica isn’t very witty either, so she probably couldn’t bring this up, and neither did I.

Regardless of whether Mrs. Lee had the ability to do so, she did not seem to have the will to do so.

She already wanted to leave.

I have already missed Yulia, who is not here.

“Yulia, why doesn’t she have a meal with her?”

“Haa… That’s it…”

“They don’t want to eat in front of you.”

“Yulia? Did she really say that she did?”



It was a bit of a shock.

Are you lying?

It must be a lie.

My head got complicated.

Yulia doesn’t want to eat in front of me…

Is it like that when you look at my face, you lose your appetite?

Or the feeling of bloating in the stomach.

“Oh, maybe it’s not because I don’t like you. There was no sign of it.”


“Yeah. She loves going for a walk with you, Yulia. Maybe she doesn’t want to see her ugly with food in her mouth.”

Erica hurriedly addressed her.

Did she just think I was downcast because she heard that?

No way. It couldn’t have hurt me if I had been told I didn’t like it by an 11-year-old girl.

It was so absurd that I almost burst out laughing.

“Don’t do that, just ask.”

“I guess so.”

Yes. What’s the use of talking about her in her absence?

If I judged only by listening to Erica, I would end up misunderstanding.

After the meal, I decided to have a direct conversation with Yulia to solve her doubts.

It was the moment I raised my wine glass thinking that.


“Why? What?”

Intense magic waves pierced my brain.

It was a password. This must be the password assigned to Iris.

Let’s decipher it immediately.

– There is a risk. Come out right now


This is it? Lichtenburg Mansion?

Then where is safe?

Isn’t there a place other than the imperial palace that’s safer than here?

“What was it, Schlust?”

“Iris’ communication. It’s dangerous, so evacuate.”

“Mother, issue an evacuation order immediately.”

“What? Where are you going to evacuate to?”

“Let’s go to the imperial palace. If it’s Iris’ words, that’s for sure.”

“That’s right?”

“Yes! Hurry up!”

Erika was right.

She has no time to hesitate.

This is what Iris, who can see the future, said, so I had to run away and see wherever I was without asking or arguing.

Because it was said that something would explode, whether it be a meteorite that would destroy the entire barrier of the Lichtenburg mansion.

“Yulia is-“

“I will evacuate with you. The two of you are evacuating first.”


“I’m not the fastest. Hurry up.”

I pushed the backs of Ms. And Erica and started running to the other side.

Soon, the sound of sirens echoed throughout the mansion, and a voice came out telling them to evacuate to the imperial palace.

The maid and her butlers rushed out, but no one reached Yulia’s room before me.


“Shu, Mr. Schluse?”

The moment I slammed the door open, I let out a sigh of relief.

Julia struggled to climb into her wheelchair in front of her bed.

The face of Yulia, who met her eyes with mine, also showed a relieved smile.

I immediately ran to her and hugged Yulia.

Because this will be much faster than a wheelchair or something.

Just as I was about to run out, I saw maids belatedly running outside the door.

“Your Excellency! Leave the young lady with us and evacuate!”

“You guys evacuate first! I’ll take Julia-“


At that moment, a roar and the sound of a stone wall breaking were heard from behind.

I turned around in surprise to see purple cracks splitting in the air and engulfing the walls of the room.

“Damn it.”

I had to run away.

It was the moment when I looked toward the door again with that thought.

From noble mtl dot com.


The door was missing.

No, the place where the door used to be was filled with purple cracks, and only black air was shining through.

In an instant, all directions were filled with purple light.

“Sir Schluss. What is this…”

“Hold tight to me.”

I gave up on resisting and hugged Yulia so that I wouldn’t let go.

If this is what I know, there is no way to escape anymore.


The purple fissures surrounding us gradually narrowed and approached us.

In an instant, with no way to escape, we fell into the crack.

I have described this kind of scene in the original work.

At that time, I described it as a dimensional rift.

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