227. Massage(1)

“Some demons are very interested in humans, especially travelers.”


Evening when the sun goes down.

From the balcony overlooking the high moon and Milky Way, Hurt Locker answered, slicing the meat in front of him with a knife.

Across the wide table, a middle-aged human male with a strong impression was devouring food.

Damian, Duke of the Desert Frontier.

Hurlocker was invited to the Duke’s house and was treated to a meal because he had exchanged a few words with the traveler Mine.

“Does the food suit your taste?”


I was sincere.

I have already eaten camel meat a few times because it is said to be a local specialty, but it was all bad because it smelled bad, but this was different.

It was a taste that would not be lacking at all even compared to beef.

It was supposed to be the meat that comes on the Duke of Hagi Knight’s meal.


Regular footsteps could be heard from afar.

Heart Locker, a former soldier, recognized at once that it was the sound of troops marching.

In the desert frontier, I could see troops moving like that from time to time.

“You said you didn’t know who he was?”

The Duke put down his wine glass and smiled.

“Yes. I didn’t know at all. I just followed him because he said he would give me directions, but I didn’t think he was a Mine.”

From noble mtl dot com.

“If you don’t mind, could you tell me everything you talked about with him? Oh, of course you can leave out the sensitive stuff. I’m just trying to collect every word he said.”

Are you a big fan of Mine called Traveler?

The Hurtlocker was puzzled, but began to tell the story of what had happened and what had happened during the short trip with the traveler.

He never said anything important, so he had nothing to hide.

In addition, there was a high possibility that if the duke was satisfied, the activities in the desert frontier would become easier and the investigation would be easier.

“So I went to a place called Gorgan’s Rock, but there’s nothing there. It’s just that I’m in trouble with that damn friend.”

“Wait a minute. You took on a bunch of sandworms all by yourself? That’s great.”

“Yes, well… I can handle a little magic.”

“Did he not do anything during the battle? Didn’t he get into a fighting stance? Does that stance look like that of any martial art? That’s enough.”


You would be surprised to hear that dozens of sandworms were normally dealt with at the same time.

Hurt Locker naturally anticipated the questions that would come after him, such as where he learned magic and what kind of magic he used.

However, the Duke’s interest was purely for the traveler.

There, Hurt Locker felt doubt.

It occurred to me that the Duke’s morbidly inquisitive nature might have been invented by him.

“Taking the story of a demon reminds me of another demon I met before.”

“Another demon…? Did you meet another demon?”

“Yes. It was a demon called a madman. The moment I got into trouble on my way to Eisburg…”

It was half a blatant lie.

Hurlocker never met a madman.

It would be difficult to determine the truth since the information about the madman that Schluss gave me was mixed little by little with a lie to be used in an unexpected situation.

“Hmm. Interesting. Can you elaborate?”

“Of course.”

Hurt Locker looked at the Duke’s eyes and began to write his answers with a smile.

He seemed to be interested in the Hurt Locker’s adventures, but it wasn’t hard to notice that his interest was actually a madman.

In other words, it was more correct to say that the Duke was collecting information about all the demons, not curious about the individual traveler.

Furthermore, it was suspicious that the duke asked every single detail about Majin, even the smallest things that made him think it was strange.

‘Are you preparing for war?’

Hurt Locker laughed and thought to himself that he suddenly had goose bumps all over his body.

The duke of the desert frontier is preparing for a battle against the Mine…?

How come this doesn’t sound like a funny joke.

“You seem to be quite talented. Do you have any intention of working with me? We are currently recruiting mercenaries.”

“You mean mercenaries? I’ll listen and judge what you’re fighting.”

“It’s not a big deal. The security situation has not been very good recently, so we just need someone to stand guard. If someone breaks in, we’ll need to fight against it, but… Well, the details are in the contract. Let’s talk when we do, let’s enjoy a drink today hahahaha.”

Once I had doubts, everything the Duke said seemed to sound meaningful.



“Whoops! I knew you’d be here!”


A cheerful voice resounded in the quiet chapel.

Til Fitz, who was kneeling in prayer in front of the statue, sighed and looked behind him.

Sure enough, Alexia was standing there with her hand on her waist.

“Wouldn’t it be all right for a little while?”

Til Fitz, who caught a rather serious expression from Alexia, nodded slowly.

“How is it? Was there any progress in finding the culprit?”

“No. Not at all…”

“Hmm! This is a big deal! Asylum’s power seems to be growing!”

“Yes. I feel it too. Recently, there are even people who confess to me that they seem to be getting involved in a cult.”

Everyone felt that Asylum was growing in size.

Thanks to the reckless expansion of power, more believers were discovered and arrested, and the reality was gradually being revealed to the surface.

At the same time, however, the identity of the key personnel was never exposed, so even if 10,000 followers were arrested, Asylum continued to grow stronger.

“Isn’t it time to give up on finding the Mine behind it? If you make up your mind and hide it, it’s possible! It could be me or Tilpitz!”

“What are you trying to say?”

“It means moving the target of execution from demons to humans! Now the situation has reached a stage where humans can’t solve it on their own! I think we’ll need our help to end this conflict!”

“It’s too early to talk about that yet.”

Maines do not intervene in human quarrels.

It was also included in the peace treaty signed thousands of years ago.

If you violate this, the peace between demons and humans will come to an end.

For thousands of years, humans and demons have lived without major conflict, but each other must have secretly prepared spears to stab each other.

If a war broke out, neither side would win an overwhelming victory, and there was a high probability of massive blood loss on both sides.

“I don’t think I’m ready to take the risk yet.”

“It’s cold! At this rate, we might be stabbed in the back too!”

“What do you mean?”

“Even Tirpitz knows! After Asylum sweeps over the humans! The people behind it will seek to unite the Mine!”

“This is a nonsensical elixir.”

While shaking his head in denial, Tilpitz admitted inwardly.

It’s not like I didn’t think of that possibility until now.

Kill all the other demons, become the last one, and gather all the powers in one place.

Anyone can imagine it, but it was taboo to bring it out of your mouth.

This is because the premise is that there will be fratricide in the first place.

It was theoretically possible to steal only the authority without killing the demons, but it had to be seen as virtually impossible.

“What! It looks like you haven’t chosen a direction yet! Then I’ll come back to talk next time! I hope the conversation will be easier then!”


Alexia waved her hand and left the chapel.

She decided there was no room for conversation.

Til Fitz, left alone, knelt down and closed his eyes for a moment before reaching out his hand.

At that moment, a purple light flashed in the air, and cracks began to form.

Tilpitz’s hand, digging into the crack, began to draw out a huge longsword.

Finally, the dimension-slicing sword, Durandal, has fully revealed itself.

Till Fitz opened his eyes as he carefully embraced his longsword.

“The decision was made long ago.”

The important thing is the center of conflict.

In this case it was Schluss Heinkel.

What is that non-human being doing right now?

Tirpitz stroked the blade, recalling his empty eyes.





Suddenly, I felt skeptical about what I was doing.

In front of my eyes, the knights of the Holy Knights were standing straight and looking this way.

Without the slightest distraction, expressionless.

In front of him, Fellain took off all his armor and melted away as he accepted my touch.

No matter how much you block the view, there is a barrier between them, but you can clearly see the outside scenery from inside the barrier.

I had to stick out my tongue in admiration for Fellain’s boldness.

“Why don’t you touch the belly? You’ve stroked the belly before.”


Feline lay on her feet and stomach and looked up at me.

Is this a cat seal?

In fact, I doubted whether it was a dog or a fox.

“That’s not stroking it, it was washing it.”

“Uhhh… I like this.”

As I put my hand on my stomach and gently stroked it, a pleasant laugh leaked out.

It was a strange feeling.

I have solid abs, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel like men trained hard.

I even touched the soft flesh here and there.

Is this the limit of the female body?

Still, muscle mass doesn’t mean much in this world.

How great the internal circuit is is much more important.

“Ahhh?! Wait there…”

“What is it? What’s wrong?”


I massaged him by pressing down on his lower stomach, and then Fellain suddenly stood up and grabbed my wrist.

His wrist almost got crushed because he was caught in that grip.

If I hadn’t reflexively activated the internal circuitry slightly to harden his hand, it would have been destroyed.

It looked like he was so startled that he couldn’t control his strength at all.

What the hell are you doing this for?

“Ha······ Ha ha······. Master Schluse······.”

Feline’s breathing became rough.

At some point, the serene smile on Fellain’s face disappeared, and the eyes of a ferocious beast appeared.

Feline immediately shoved my chest down and lay down on top of it.

I froze under the weight of the momentum that seemed to bite my neck at any moment.

“What’s wrong. What’s going on?”

“Chulus-sama… This is what I’ve been thinking all along, but I think I’m one of the strongest women on the continent.”

“I think so too.”

It’s difficult to give a definite answer since we don’t know how skilled Triae is after leaving training, but I can say for sure that she’s at least ranked second.

Even if you don’t limit the gender to female, it’s enough to fit within ten fingers.

“And Schluss-sama is the strongest man on the continent.”


“No, that’s right. Although the body is a little weak, everything else is perfect.”

“Uh… Anyway. Why is that?”

“There are certain things that the world’s strongest men and women must do. Wouldn’t it be a great loss to humanity if we don’t leave offspring?”


No what? Suddenly?

“Suin often conceives twins. The average is between triplets and quadruplets. So you should be able to leave a lot of offspring.”

“Now, wait a minute. Fellain, what are you talking about-“

“You don’t have to worry. I won’t let anyone know that I’m Schluse-sama’s child. I’ll take care of raising them into warriors. Schluss-sama just needs to provide seeds.”


All limbs were bound.

Instead of resisting, I was completely crushed and unable to move.

Fellain pulled back her shirt and put her nose in it, breathing heavily as if she had completely lost her temper, and began to breathe.

“Sniff sniff sniff…”


It was only then that I realized what I was experiencing.

Still, strangely enough, my limbs didn’t work well.

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