224. Something has changed

Drop. Pop.

Black blood dripped from the tip of my middle finger.


Anything that touches the human internal circuit is accompanied by a considerable rejection reaction.

To the extent that most people would die with even the slightest modification.

However, these fanatics are monsters who have survived an insane act of turning the entire internal circuit into an explosive spell.

In other words, you can’t die with just a little modification to the explosion spell.

“Lieutenant Count. You may release the barrier. I will escort him.”

“Is that thing alive…?”

The lady’s gaze turned to the bloody field.

In the pool of blood lay a strange piece of meat.

All of her limbs were cut off, her eyes were closed and she passed out, but she was alive.

I hit her recovery pills before she went into shock due to excessive blood loss.

Thanks to that, I had to spend 4 of her shop coins.

Damn it.

[Complete Quest]

[You will receive a skill enhancement ticket as a reward.]

Anyway, it’s a skill enhancement ticket…

What is this?

I decided to deal with the situation first and check it later.

“That just…! That magic that suddenly moved me behind me! How did you do that?”


As I was about to leave with the meat on my back, I heard an urgent voice from behind.

When I looked behind her, Yulia was on her knees trying to crawl on me.

It was difficult to answer that question here.

Because the teleportation technique is a confidential story at the Imperial University, except for some professors.

‘I can never say it…’

Furthermore, to tell that story, I have to say that Yulia secretly scarred her while she slept and implanted a spell inside her.

She says it’s to save Yulia in case of any possibility, but the moment she reveals that, she can’t avoid being branded as a scumbag.

‘No wait. But how did it become a cast?’

Suddenly, I had a question.

As a result of the experiment at the Imperial University, it was concluded that the teleportation technique could not be activated at all if the fish electron was a higher creature.

Even ordinary people who have not trained their internal circuits show a basic resistance reaction, because this interferes with the activation of the spell.

So they said that it could only be done by using low creatures like pigeons or mice, but how did it work against Yulia?

“Your Excellency?”

“Answering is taking too long. Let’s put things right for now. Deputy Count. Erica is still in the cave. She’s all wet and I’m worried about hypothermia, so you’d better go quickly.”

“Oh! Butler! Quickly get the boat-“

Avoiding her answer, I decided to leave her seat.

There was no other special reason for the teleportation spell to be activated against Yulia.

At that moment, Yulia didn’t even have a basic level of resistance to the changes that occurred in her internal circuits.

There was only one way to make this possible.

Yulia must trust me from her instinct stage.


The back of her head stung and she glanced back once more.

Unsurprisingly, Yulia was still staring at me with empty eyes.

Yulia trusts me.

Beyond the level of believing deeply, to the level of dying without hesitation…

Her level of trust in her family has already been exceeded.

What reason did Julia have to trust me like that?

I haven’t done anything so far.

All I did was try to find the ghosts of Yulia’s past on Yulia’s face from time to time.

“Your Excellency! Are you feeling well!”

“The situation has already ended. I plan to escort this to the special prison myself. You guys should investigate whether there are any spells left by the enemy inside.”

“I will.”

When I came out, the front door was full of police.

Since a terrorist attack took place at the home of the three major families, this kind of reaction is only natural.

I decided to leave the handling of the scene to the police and accompany this piece of meat to the detention center.

If you leave it entirely to the police, it’s obvious that Asylum will attack again on the way and take you away.



At that time, someone brushed past me and stuck a piece of paper into my inside pocket.

I wanted something, so I secretly opened it and took a look.

It was a coded text.

From noble mtl dot com.

The password used by Emilia.

After a quick deciphering, the contents were as follows.

– Found in Asylum, a spell that matches 90% of the teleportation spell. Relic gallows information.

‘As expected.’

As expected, this bastard also entered the barrier using a teleportation spell.

Can it be said that the discovery of a teleportation technique in Asylum, which was unknown even at the Imperial University and was the exclusive property of the Holy See, was a coincidence?

I could only see that there was an exchange between the two in some way.

Even if it was leaked by an Asylum spy, the Vatican would not be able to escape its responsibility for failing to secure it.

Attempt to assassinate a saint. Even if it can be said that they tried to purge insiders by themselves, this issue will not be easily overlooked.

The most important thing in uncovering the connection between Asylum and the Holy See is this piece of meat without limbs.

Because he used the teleportation spell himself.

I don’t expect it to come out cooperatively, but there are many ways to open a person’s mouth in this world.

I don’t know at all, but the experts will take care of it.

I decided to put my hopes on the imperial interrogation technique that boasts thousands of years of history.

‘Anyway, this is really dangerous…’

The penetration rate of Asylum was beyond imagination.

I would have thought that following the Imperial University, the Vatican had already been robbed.

The Imperial Palace will never be an exception.

On the day these guys go mad and suddenly assassinate Arya…


I hate to imagine that.

If such a thing were to happen without a legitimate heir, the empire would be plunged into chaos in an instant.

To prevent such a thing from happening, it would be better to make a successor as soon as possible.

‘Isn’t that right?’

I came up with a stupid idea.

I had to come up with a more fundamental solution.

“Should I call Feline?”

The Holy Knights will later attach as the emperor’s escort.

What if we brought that future into the present?

The Holy Knights are famous for filtering out all of Asylum’s followers until their size grew to thousands of units in the original work, so you can rest assured.

Imperial University’s semester will start again soon, so the expansion of a reliable bodyguard might fill the void while I’m gone.

I decided.

I need to bring the Holy Knights to the island.


“Wow, is this a system?

“Shh. Don’t show off as a country boy and walk diligently, you guys.”

The men in armor entered the island.

Amid the eyes of the citizens pouring in, they walked with dignity and filled the road without losing moderation while looking around curiously in all directions.

Feline climbed into the carriage and watched it with a hearty smile.

Even though they all look foolish, they were veterans among veterans who had been wiping out the remnants of the southern rebels.

‘But I don’t think it’s time to escort His Majesty yet…’

While excited about coming to the island, Fellain couldn’t stop feeling anxious.

Surely, the Holy Knights have achieved explosive growth.

After successfully leading the riot forces to victory during the civil war, the size has grown dozens of times, and now it has 500 knights.

In the south, they were more trusted than the imperial army or the privates under the direct control of the duke.

However, it would be difficult to answer if you asked if the Holy Knights were stronger than the Imperial Guard.

“You look nervous.”

“No, I’m not nervous.”

“Then it’s even more strange. You weren’t nervous about going to see His Majesty?”

“Oh! I was nervous.”

“I was joking. You can relax. You deserve to be escorted by His Majesty the Emperor.”


Schluss, who was sitting next to him, naturally reached out and started stroking his hair.

While his ears trembled at the kind touch he hadn’t felt in a long time, Fellain looked around constantly, afraid that he might be seen through the carriage window.

However, after confirming that there were no gaps in the curtains, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the strokes.

Feline seemed to reluctantly accept his touch at first, but before he knew it, he was closely approaching Schluse and tilting his head.

‘Something has changed…’

I felt that Schluss, whom I hadn’t seen in a while, had changed somewhere.

First of all, the person himself has softened a lot.

Since that time in the bath he had known at least that Schluss was in fact a warm-hearted man on the inside, but now he had softened up on the outside as well.

I didn’t feel much of his hardness from the beginning.

So if you ask me if I don’t like this change, it’s a bit ambiguous.

The soft tone of Schluss’s voice is good, but thinking that everyone else can hear it makes his heart a little complicated.

Although he looks heartless and hard on the outside, I was the only one who knew that he was warm on the inside…

I felt somewhat regretful about sharing this with everyone.

“Heck… Heck…”



Schlus’s embarrassed voice.

Only then did Feline realize that the hand that was stroking his hair had stopped.

As soon as he finally came to his senses, Feline noticed that a drop of saliva had flowed down his chin and landed on Schluse’s shoulder.

“Oops! Oops! Oops, sorry! I’m so sorry!”

“No. Wipe your mouth.”

“I’m sorry…”

Schluss casually wiped his shoulder with his hand and handed him his handkerchief.

It was a white handkerchief with a pretty ribbon.

Feline took it with both hands and slowly wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

‘Smith Schluse’s handkerchief…’

Then, while watching Schluse’s eyes, he secretly covered his nose with his handkerchief.

The moment I breathed in, a fragrant smell permeated me.

The problem was that it wasn’t the smell of Schluss.

‘The other woman?!’

Feline’s eyes flashed open, and her bloody eyes were directed at Schluse. She

She, of course, she dared, she knew that she must not look beyond the master of the Templars, Schluss.

Still, fearing that someone else might snatch it away, she secretly put a lot of my scent on the schluss, and I would have thought that a woman whose liver was swollen enough to ignore it would be her opponent.

Nine times out of ten, Schluse would be unhappy with such a strong-willed woman.

“Chullus. I have a question. Are you dating someone of the opposite s*x right now?”

“Ahahahaha… It’s so obvious. This is actually a secret-“

That’s right, the master’s secret must be kept.

Feline perked up his ears and followed the movement of Schluss’s lips.

This is not about interfering with other women to flirt with Schluse.

I’m just trying to give you a very small piece of advice for Schluse’s happy married life.

“There is someone I promised to marry. Two.”


A schluss who eats, laughs and confides.

Feline froze as it was.

“You’ve arrived. Let’s go pay our respects to Her Majesty.”


Fellain remained motionless until the carriage stopped.

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