201. One Day Couple(3)

“Imperial Army 3rd Corps Commander, Roman von Byrne honors His Majesty-“

“I know everything, so stop talking and come here.”


Roman, who had bent his knees and lowered his head, could not hide his puzzled expression and raised his body again.

The new emperor, Arya von Freyja, was annoyed as she rested her chin on her chin and beckoned her to come closer.

Cutting off her courtesy to the royal family was unthinkable during the reign of Emperor Dani.

Even when he was alive, Hwang Tae-son must have been exemplary and valued manners.

“Do you know why it was called?”

“Yes. His Majesty said that he would promote me directly to the rank of captain, so I came running.”

“I know you well.”

It was as Schluss said.

The Schluss Roman saved was appointed to the imperial family, and his influence must have influenced Roman’s promotion.

With this, Roman was liberated to some extent from the vicious faction fight.

He will be the captain of only 5 men in the current Imperial Army.

Now there was no soldier capable of suppressing him with power.

“As of now, I will release you from the position of commander of the 3rd corps.”


“And I appoint you to the post of Commander of the Imperial Army.”


At that moment, Roman was startled and made the mistake of making eye contact with the emperor.

Roman’s head hurriedly lowered his head.

Are you saying that being the commander in chief isn’t enough?

I wondered if there could be such an unprecedented promotion.

“The term of office given to you is one month. After completing that one month, he will be promoted to Marshal and appointed to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army.”


Roman got confused and forgot to answer.

I thought that the rank of marshal had completely disappeared after the retirement of His Excellency Sergei von Freus.

It seemed that the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army would be held concurrently by the emperor forever.

With the opening of the post of marshal and commander-in-chief, Roman, who is still only in his 30s, will rise to the position.

Beyond being unconventional, it was unprecedented in history.

“Originally, I was going to promote the enemy at once, but there was a lot of backlash even though I said it couldn’t be done. I had no choice but to leave a gap of one month. I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m just embarrassed, Your Majesty.”

Roman’s hand was shaking slightly.

He looks like he’s got a place he’s never been before.

Is the emperor really trying to put me in the position of enemy just because of Schluss’s recommendation?

‘That can’t be.’

The reason why Schluss Heinkel’s recommendation took effect was, at most, the promotion to captain.

It was correct to regard the post of commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army as purely the discretion of Emperor Arya.

Soon after, the emperor stepped down from his throne and took up a brilliant sword that glowed silvery white.

Then he approached Roman on his knees and hit both of his shoulders once with the back of his sword.

“Kkeuh…. It’s filthy heavy. This is the end of the promotion ceremony.”

“Glory to you, Your Majesty.”

“Don’t betray your expectations. I expect a lot from you.”

“I will definitely live up to Your Majesty’s expectations.”

Even while answering that, Roman still couldn’t figure out what exactly the emperor meant by ‘expectations’.

He can only roughly guess that he wants to reform the Imperial Army….

Roman made eye contact with the emperor, who did not know what he was thinking, and greeted him.

‘Do you want me to change the military in my own way?’

Isn’t it okay to do as I please if there are no clear instructions?

However, at this point in time when the empire is in chaos due to the prevalence of Asylum and the kingdom of Trude is unstable outside, is it okay to try a large-scale military reform?

Roman, who had been struggling for a while-

‘If it’s too much, a separate instruction will come down.’

I made up my mind to proceed with the reform as usual.

Over the next month, large-scale reforms were scheduled to take place, with the heads of dozens of generals blown off.


I kept wondering if it was okay.

Since she was a saint, she had to keep her chastity for the rest of her life, so that was not my business.

From noble mtl dot com.

Those are the rules of this world, and I had no intention of following them one by one.

But it was something else that put the brakes on my urge.

That was the worry that I might end up getting attached to it.

Her marriage to Emilia was promised, but she hadn’t mixed her bodies yet.

She made an excuse that the child was because she was underage, but she said that was not the only reason.

But if she mixes lips with Iris and becomes attached to her, then it will be a real problem.

I won’t be able to abandon my attachment to this world.

That was so scary.

“Are you scared? Are you touching a saint?”

“No. Not at all.”

I soon made up my mind.

No matter what happens, there will be no affection for this guy.

You will get physical pleasure, but you won’t give it to your heart.

These guys are like the children I gave birth to through writing.

Because they are the ones who will break up when they see the ending.

“Close your eyes. And give me your lips.”


I grabbed Iris by the neck.

Iris was startled and tried to fall behind her, but she only brought my hand closer and closer to her face.

Soon after, Iris gave up her resistance and closed her eyes.

She was so nervous that her lips were pouting and pouting, which was cute.

For now, I was thinking of lightly kissing her on the lips to ease her tension.

“You’re back, Heinkel-“


At the same time as the sound of the door opening, Iris jumped up.

Iris pushed my chest in an instant and tried to stand up, but Iris fell behind her and slammed the back of her head on the table.

“Mr. Heinkel! What’s going on now…”



Emilia’s eyes widened as she hurriedly ran.

Saint Iris was holding her by the back of her head and rolling on the floor.

The way Emilia looked at me was absurd.



“It’s not a big wound. It’s slightly swollen, but if you leave it alone, the swelling will subside within three days.”

“A noble saint has a bump on her head.”


As Iris showed Emilia the back of her head, her ferocious eyes turned towards me.

I don’t know why she’s glaring at me when she’s self-absorbed.

“But somehow I got stabbed in the back of the head… No way, Mr. Heinkel!”

“Schlus did nothing wrong. It was my mistake…”

“Ah. If the saintess says so.”

Even as she said that, Emilia didn’t take her eyes off her suspiciously.

It seemed that he still thought that I had contributed to some kind of cause.

It’s not very wrong…

Moan. Driving me crazy.

Anyway, this completely broke the mood.

Wouldn’t it be better to finish the daily couple experience with this and continue it next time?

“Huh. I wasted too much time. Let’s continue quickly.”


“Whatever it is. Of course it’s something a married couple would do.”

Iris approached me with a face as if asking for something obvious.

She then stretched out her arms to give her a hug again.

Instead of hugging her, I grabbed Iris’s hand and gently pushed her away.

“I think you’re misunderstanding a little about being a couple.”

“Isn’t a husband and wife a relationship where they stick together all the time, share warmth and give each other comfort?”

“That’s true to some extent, but… It can’t always be like that.”

“Is that a corporation?”

“Yes. Let’s do something more fun today. Emilia. I’m going out, so I’ll follow you-“

“I don’t like it.”


I couldn’t hide my embarrassment.

I didn’t expect to be rejected with a single knife.

I thought that Emilia would naturally want to follow Iris and I to see if we were doing something different.

Are they reassured that we won’t do anything?

But looking at the strangely sharp-edged voice, it didn’t seem like that at all.

“I’m running out of laundry. I need to do laundry. If you’re going out, just the two of you.”

“Uh uh…”

“Please be careful not to tarnish the saintess’ honor.”


Emilia fired at her like that and then left.

He seemed carefree, but it was clear that he was also angry.

Iris must have been surprised by her rather blatant annoyance.

“Whoops. Now we’re alone? You said you were going out? Where are you going?”

No. That was my mistake

Iris whispered in an excited voice and held the pod in my hand.

“They said they were going to deviate today. Why don’t you try doing what you’re doing right now?”


Iris, who is extremely pure and respects her principles, decided to deviate for just one day.

If you think of Iris’ personality, a day like today will never come again.

Then she had to let her enjoy it properly so that she would not have any regrets.

I took the bewildered Iris by the hand and led her.



Late night.

Returning to her mansion, Iris sat down on her bed and sobbed from her exhaustion.

There was no part of her body that did not tingle.

Holding and kneading her thighs, which spasmed with her sore muscles, Iris slowly recalled her day.

The first place Schluss led was none other than a clothing store.

Schluss secretly poked money at his employees and asked them to keep quiet about everything that happened here.

I wanted to do something, but the staff took me inside and started measuring my body size.

They told me to choose the fabric and style I wanted, so I pointed it out stupidly and came out without knowing why, and the clothes came out in an instant.

It was a blue dress that gave off a sense of innocence.

Schlus said, Today, instead of wearing a nun’s uniform, let’s go around wearing this.

He immediately felt repulsed by the words, but was soon persuaded by his words.

It’s going to break the rules and deviate anyway, but it’s said that if you do this enough, you won’t have any regrets later…

Her words really touched me.

“What if I run into priests at this rate?”

“Don’t worry, that’s not going to happen. And besides, you won’t think it’s you at all if you run into it? Who would have thought that the noble saint Iris, always wrapped up in a nun’s uniform, would walk around the city dressed like an ordinary girl like this?”

Persuaded again and again by Schluss.

When the clothes change, the mindset also changes.

As my mindset changed, so did my behavior.

Even though I walked neatly at first even wearing these light clothes, later on, I found myself hugging Schluse’s arm and walking close together like a lover.

‘It was a bit difficult in crowded places…’

When she thinks of the time she went to the market, she gets dizzy again and laughs.

Fortunately, no one recognized Saint Iris.

Even if they recognized him, everyone seemed to accept him as someone who looked similar.

But the problem was the Schluss.

This person had to mobilize the barriers to ostracize everyone because he drew attention wherever he went.

He didn’t know it would turn out like this because he hadn’t been out of town lately.

I felt like I was deliberately trying to show off my popularity, so I was a bit unlucky.

Also, there were so many women among those who followed…

I was a little annoyed.

Since then, I have visited many places, mainly in places where there are no people.

I’ve been to the new town of Jedo many times, but this was the first time I’ve been to the old town like this.

The unknown park, the unknown plaza, and the unknown old castle were with Schlust, so they all looked beautiful.

Unfortunately, the year was too short, so we couldn’t see all of the islands.

I must have returned without walking a few steps, but my whole body was in so much pain, just like the day I took care of a patient all day.

It was a strange thing.

Time seemed to go by so fast when I was with Schluse.

“Are you dragging too much? Doesn’t your leg hurt?”

Soon after, Schluss appeared, drying his hair with a towel.

As soon as I saw that face, I smiled spontaneously.

It was very difficult, but it was so much fun.

It was the first time in my whole life that I had wandered around like this just for the purpose of entertainment…

I liked the stone bridge I crossed with Schluse, the street food we ate together, and the short play we watched together.

“It doesn’t hurt at all.”

“You’re lying. Then who was the one who was carried on his back because he collapsed earlier?”

“I just got a cramp in my leg all of a sudden. Actually, I can go out to enjoy the night view from now on…”

“Okay. You worked too hard today, so take a break.”



The moment Schluss is about to leave.

Iris inadvertently grabbed his hand.

Even Iris herself was surprised by her unconscious action.

But he didn’t let go of that hand.

He wanted to pretend that it was not a mistake, that he had been caught on purpose.

Iris pulled Schluss as it was.


As it were, Schluss, who was naturally drawn to it, pushed Iris’ shoulder and laid her down on the bed.

The breath of Schluss, who lay on top of it, was rough.

Iris was conflicted as she caressed his cheek.

I already had a lot of thrilling and enjoyable experiences today.

Perhaps you will be able to reminisce, chew, and laugh for decades to come.

But if we take just one more step…

Then you will regret it later.

Or do you regret not being brave enough?

It was unknown.

It has already changed a lot from the past when people believed that they would be happy if they just listened to the instructions of the Holy See and lived according to the law.

Now I had the urge to pursue the happiness that ordinary girls pursue and enjoy.

“Schlus·······. If you’re going to deviate, I told you to do it properly.”

“It was.”

“Then, shall we… Cross the line to the end?”


Iris’s hands wrapped around Schluse’s neck and interlocked.

Then, as I slowly pulled it back, Schluse tried to hold on at first, but was pulled down within no time.

‘I don’t regret it.’

From noble mtl dot com.

I have already made a decision.

I wouldn’t have done such a thing from the beginning if I felt guilty and suffered.

He wouldn’t have even thought of taking this man away from Emilia in the first place.

Iris closed her eyes and spread a barrier around the room.

A powerful barrier that no sound or vibration can escape.

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