177. Original wife (3)

“Something was very confusing.”

“That’s right.”

In front of the Chairman’s residence.

Erica and Treee walked out the front door a bit dazed.

Both of them were unable to fully comprehend the situation up until a while ago.

Isn’t the prince suddenly appearing wearing a hood and casually exchanging elixirs with Schluse, or making funny jokes like Schluse’s real wife…?

It was full of things I didn’t know what was going on.

“She’s Schluse’s wife… That’s ridiculous, isn’t it?”


“Who likes a guy like that. An unruly, talkative, blunt, sullen, spoiled guy.”

“I like it.”


Erika’s steps stopped.

Trier tilted her head, wondering if her own answer was wrong somewhere.

Erika’s face began to heat up as she stared at Trier.

“So, then you… If you could marry Shu and Schluse, would you?”

“I have to. Our family is strong because of the mercenary business, but there aren’t as many high-ranking nobles as your mage family. If you want to connect with the imperial family, capturing Schluse is the best way.”

“Huh, huh huh… That’s how Schulzenburg is. Hmm…”

Pretending to be unfazed, she snorted, and Erica began to take her steps again.

She pretends to be the same as before, but Erica’s mind has already become more complex.

‘What is it? Am I the only one who agrees with Schluss?’

Isn’t marriage supposed to be with someone you like?

Your mother definitely taught you that.

She said that no matter how rich and wonderful she marries, she will not be happy without love.

But her mother said that she lived happily because she married a man who was rich and wonderful, but she also loved her ······.

Like her mother, I’ve been waiting for such a perfect man, and if you ask me if he’s a schluss-

‘It’s not him!’

She was able to answer immediately that it was not.

Schlus has a warm face that keeps attracting attention, but he is by no means handsome.

He takes care of every little thing, but his heart isn’t that kind.

The image of him fighting to protect something precious is definitely theft, but it’s not really cool.

‘Cee······. This isn’t it.’

Erica, whose mind was filled with thoughts about the Schluses, dyed her face red just by thinking about it for a moment.

To be honest, Schluss is a pretty decent guy for a commoner.

If Schluss proposes, should I say that he thought over and over again and then accepted it reluctantly?

But the problem lies elsewhere.

Schlus already has a crush on someone.

No, should I say that he was someone I had longed for?

He loves the dead.

I’m trying to achieve a love that can’t be achieved through my sister.

As she recalled that fact, Erica felt a bit bittersweet for some reason.

“You’d better hurry.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“There are many people who are after Schluse.”


Erica was there, her face burning even more red.

From noble mtl dot com.

She said it in a playful way, but Trier was half serious.

First of all, even Schluse’s attendants were struggling to capture Schluse.

He didn’t know much about the boy, but it was clear that he had great audacity.

If you really rushed, you might put Schluss to sleep and then secretly commit a crime and give birth to his child…

Even if it wasn’t for that child, Iris was suspicious as well.

No matter how much the saintess is said to be a sacred human being chosen by God, after all, Iris is also a human being.

It’s just a reference, but she says that she is no different from a normal girl.

Furthermore, recently, he was showing signs of liking that anyone could notice if he carefully observed him, such as being happy when he saw Schluse and smiling while following his eyes.

If it’s as revealing as it is even though you hold back and suppress it, what’s inside it…

Something creeped out in the tree.

‘Do I… Don’t like Schluse?’

Trie’s expression became strange as she walked side by side with Erica.

Surely Schluss is a good man.

He’s handsome, has a good personality, uses magic well, and although he’s not as good at swords as I am, he’s quite good at it, and he’s smart.

His only flaw was that he was a commoner, but now that he held the title of knight under the direct command of the emperor, with a bit of exaggeration, the position of Schluss was comparable to that of high-ranking nobles.

He was a wonderful man who was perfect for a marriage partner.

However, there wasn’t much ‘throbbing’ that comes from love stories that girls usually see.

Still, it wasn’t like I didn’t feel it at all.

Only once. When he was trapped in a minefield with Schluss, the moment he dismantled all the mines with a technique he had completed in concert with him…

At that moment, as he watched the beautiful sight beside Schluss, he was a little scared.

“Trie, are you one of those who are targeting Schluse?”

“Um… Isn’t it?”

“That’s right.”

“I’m sorry, but won’t you look at me?”

“I never said I was aiming?!”

Erica looked a little cute as she raised her voice and hated it.

From a man’s point of view, a woman with such a charm would look more attractive than a woman with strong muscles.

I haven’t jumped into the battle line yet, but it seems like I can already see victory or defeat, and Tree sighs with a bitter smile.

“If you continue to be disingenuous like that, you will regret it later.”


Erica soon turned her back on Trier and walked away.

It was a story I already knew.

Since I was young, I’ve missed one or two things because of this disingenuous personality…

Even if you know everything, there are some things that are hard to fix.




“Brigade Commander. This is a letter from the Islands.”

“Is it Schluss Heinkel?”

“Yes. I am, but… This is not me.”


An envelope was put on the desk.

Then the adjutant immediately saluted and ran away.

Roman, puzzled, reached for the envelope and immediately figured out why.

The envelope was torn.

‘Is it something the headquarters did.’

I wouldn’t have dared to do something like this at the post office in the Corps.

Perhaps the higher up intercepted the letter on its way, checked the contents, and handed it over.

In the past, I tried to avoid being caught by secretly peeking and sealing.

But now they didn’t even try to hide the wiretapping.

“My heart hurts.”

Roman took out a letter from the envelope with a big smile.

There were many forces who envied him for becoming the youngest general in the Freya-Trude War.

Even in the military right now, except for the division commanders under the 3rd corps, virtually all generals were enemies of Roman.

Roman was the wind leading reform and a thorn in the eyes of his existing personnel.

In order to bring down Roman like that, the headquarters used all sorts of dirty and nasty means.

The result was this mess.


Roman’s eyes widened as he carefully read the letter.

The concise contents were as follows.

-You said you would grant my wish just once. I will write it now. When the ‘crisis’ you speak of comes, help me in whatever way you can. Of course, you can move within the line that does not violate military law and imperial rule.


Roman couldn’t stop laughing and burst into laughter.

It was to the point where I doubted that he was really asking for help.

I could have just pretended to help, then later make excuses that this was all I could mobilize or that I couldn’t help it because of military law.

However, instead of giving specific instructions, Schluss Heinkel left it to Roman autonomously.

Is this because he is stupid?

No. Schluss Heinkel was no fool.

Even if it wasn’t for the right to wish, he must have noticed that Roman was actively trying to help Schluss Heinkel.

In addition, ‘without conflicting with the military law and the Imperial command…’ This unnecessary part could only be seen as inserted considering the risk of wiretapping.

No, rather than considering it, it must have been because he was convinced that he was being intercepted.

‘What the hell are you doing, Schluss Heinkel…!’

Roman felt his heart pounding.

This is the guy that His Excellency Sergei advised to follow even into the fire pit.

At that time, I was a little nervous.

But now it seemed that his true value was finally being revealed.

I wondered how he would respond when an unstoppable crisis came, Roman grabbed the letter with excitement.


“Stop it…”

Iris’ pain escaped from her mouth as she lay on the bed.

In her hand was an envelope with a beautiful yet understated decoration.

At a glance, it was a letter from the Holy See.

She hated reading it so much that Iris ripped open the envelope and threw it away after rolling around on the bed for a long time.

She then looked at her correspondence, hoping that she would read it quickly.

-Hello, Holy Lady. Long time no see. Are your studies going well? A bunch of crows have been flying in and causing trouble in the Papal States. How noisy…

“Ha ha.”

Immediately, a deep sigh came out.

I can’t read this right away.

Anyway, it was clear that neither the imperial family nor the Vatican did not know how to write short sentences.

In addition, even in this useless-looking preface, it conveys the intention by subtly mixing metaphors…

It was no different from a cipher text that could only be deciphered by rereading it over and over again and chewing on its meaning.


Finishing her decoding, Iris put her stationery on her desk and took off her glasses.

If someone else reads it, it will only read that she wishes Iris well.

However, the hidden contents were as follows.

-The direction of the wind is fixed.

-Don’t try to confront it, just leave your body to the wind.

This was a more explicit and concrete interpretation than this.

-Schlus Heinkel is a losing year anyway.

-It is certain that he will be purged, so stay away from him.

“What can I do? It’s difficult.”

Iris, who was caressing her cheek, smiled involuntarily.

She recently looked into the very distant future.

Through the dream, I had the opportunity to look into the very distant future for a long time and in detail.

If that future is true, the direction of the wind will change.

Not by nature, but by one man.

“I’m sorry, Pope.”

Iris decided to take a step in the opposite direction, overcoming the blowing wind.

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