166. Untier(3)

“Stop! Access to the Imperial University is currently restricted-“


As soon as I reached the temporary front door, I felt a knock on my chest.

“Oh! De, you can go in!”

The guard who saw the brightly shining black eagle changed his face color and opened the way for me.

I rushed inside and tried to figure out the situation.

Since before, I have been using communication magic to ask what’s going on, but the Imperial University has always been silent.

The front gate is still intact, but there’s no way the faculty members were massacred in that time.

The only thing I could think of was that something was interfering with communication.

It was clear from the fact that a communication urging Sergei’s return had flown in from some time ago.

‘Was there another raid?’

Seeing that the front door is intact, did you break in through the back door or the wall this time?

No, the barrier Ludwig had improvised was still standing.

So, did the fanatics who had infiltrated the inside explode?

‘Damn it. I don’t know.’

It was too quiet for that.

Even in the midst of this, no one received the communication magic I sent and sent a reply.

First of all, there was no way to get information from the professor level right away.

Unfortunately, I had no choice but to ask the lower level guard about the situation.

“What happened?”

“That’s… I don’t know yet.”

The guard was saying something strange.

It’s an emergency situation enough to call Sergei, but you don’t even know what’s going on.

“What do you mean by that? Then what is the communication transmitted by the investigation department?”

“We don’t know much about what’s going on inside the investigation department. However, as soon as we felt an unusual vibration from the side of the mountain behind the report, the faculty members were suddenly summoned in an emergency, and they all headed to the mountain behind it. …”

Damn it.

Unusual vibrations on the back mountain.

If what I’m thinking right now is correct, it was an emergency situation.

Just to find out for sure, did Ludwig lead the faculty into the back mountain?


“What’s wrong!”

I felt a sudden headache and collapsed.

My head hurt as if it would split, but I endured it desperately.

Intense waves of magic power were weighing me down.

Looking at the guards being decent, it must have been because of Schlust’s high mana sensitivity.

I’ve never had anything like this before.

So the most powerful wave I’ve ever felt was spreading out from somewhere.

“Evacuation order…?”

After calming down a bit, I was able to figure out the identity of the wave.

It was none other than communication magic.

Using the facilities of the Imperial University, a powerful communication magic that can spread a signal across the continent.

The magic said this.

-Confirm Untier release at Imperial University. Imperial University students and staff must evacuate quickly.


Ancient monster, Untier.

It was the news of the release of one of the worst monsters at the time, even the demons couldn’t defeat it and only sealed it.

I thought there was still more than a month left until the seal was lifted.

The schedule was very different from the original.

“The faculty said they were all facing the back mountain.”

“Yes. I am…”

All the professors except Sergei were about to die.

Damn it. I want to make sure that Emilia is all right.

But she knew full well that she didn’t have time for that.

“Please induce students to evacuate!”

“Hey, over there! Where are you now-“

I used ‘Selection and Concentration’ on my agility and ran towards the back mountain.

There was no time for hesitation.


“Please! Train me too!”


In front of the Chairman’s residence.

Tree, who came to see Schluse, had a wrinkled expression.

Einz, who had been waiting in front of the main gate, suddenly bent down and asked her for a favor.

“I hate it.”

“If it’s for tutoring, I’ll take care of it!”

“Do I look desperate for money?”

“Then I’ll take care of the honor!”

“You’re talking nonsense.”

As she tried to pass by, Einz moved quickly and blocked her path.

The rest of the annoyance aroused the urge to pierce the pit of the stomach with the handle of the sword.


“It’s strong enough, that alone…”

“No. Lately, he’s feeling his limits. Schluse handles magic as freely as I do, and he even uses a sword very well! I have to be at that level to be able to stand by Schluse’s side!”


From noble mtl dot com.

“Oh, don’t do that-“

“I’m not saying this because it’s annoying, it’s really impossible.”


Trie suddenly approached quickly and pressed Einz’s forehead with his index finger.

It wasn’t even that hard, but Einz slammed his butt from behind.

“Shulus had enough muscles to begin with, and his dynamic vision followed him, so he’s grown that much in a short period of time. You lack muscles and aren’t good at close combat in the first place.”

“So, are you telling me to give up?”

“Uh. Give up. You’d better hone your magic more than focus on a talent you don’t have.”

Oh. I think I’ve heard it somewhere.

Triee, who tilted her head for a moment and looked back at her memory, remembered hearing something similar from Schluse.

At that time, Schluss also told me to give up since I have no talent at all.

But in the end he backed down and taught me magic.

Perhaps I am making the same mistakes as Schluss did back then.

Isn’t it cutting the buds of future knights?

“Stand up as you are. Don’t touch the ground with your hands.”

“Don’t use your hands? Ughhhhh!”

No. I ate that too.

The basic muscles were so weak that he couldn’t even raise his upper body on his own.

Even if I try to raise it to the level of Schluss when I entered school in that state, it will take many years.

I don’t know if it’s teaching the sword to those who are prepared, but I didn’t have the confidence to teach them how to attach muscles.

“I don’t have the confidence to teach you. Either put on some basic muscles and come back or give up.”


Having hit the wall of reality, Einz put his hands on the ground in despair.

If it was Triae, who made Schluse into a double-sword warrior who fights 2000 to 1, I came here just in case, but it was in vain.

“Over there…”


“The two of you, did you visit Heinkel by any chance?”

At that time, the door beyond the garden squeaked open and Emilia appeared.

They were just about to ask what the hell they were doing at the door.


A clear vibration echoed through the ground.

The gazes of the three were all directed to one place.

The mountain behind Imperial University.

As the sun went down before I knew it, vibrations came from that low mountain that gave off a gloomy aura.

“Evacuation order?!”

“Untier…? What is that?

Intense communication magic was received.

Anyone could read it right away without encryption.

The faces of the three people who met each other’s eyes turned white.




“This is the worst…”

Continuously, the ground shook, the wind blew, and Ludwig’s coat fluttered.

Cold sweat ran down his forehead.

Of all things, when Professor Sergei is not around…

No, since Professor Sergei is not there, it must have been an explosion.

Hearing the sound of a tree falling from a distance, Ludwig tightly closed his eyes.

“I don’t think any professor will run away!”


As if answering Ludwig’s cry, the professors behind him took a step forward.

Of course, what I just said was not addressed to these stalwart faculty members.

I was saying this to Professor Relic, who was staggering backwards and then came to a halt.

Maybe the last conscience was still alive, Professor Relic hurriedly ran and stood next to the other professors.

“The fact that it’s a monster that even demons couldn’t defeat might have scared him already.”


Professor Relic’s shoulders flinched and trembled.

After looking there for a moment, Ludwig, tut and tongue-tied, continued his words.

“However, you should know that the demons at that time were different from the demons of today. The population of demons at that time was over 10,000, that is, each person had a level of armed force comparable to that of today’s humans. Compared to the superhuman demons of today, On the other hand, sorcery has developed rapidly over thousands of years. You are professors at the continent’s best educational institutions. There is no need to be afraid.”

It was sophistry.

There is no way that professors from top educational institutions are the strongest.

However, the professors were gaining confidence from the sophistry.

Those students who thought they were simply out to buy time to evacuate were thinking that they might be able to deal with the ancient monster.


But all the professors froze at the sound of a roar coming from over the mountain.

The volume was beyond imagination.

In the first place, it wasn’t unusual to cause vibrations that made the ground shake just by moving, but…

“Are the preparations for the sealing ceremony complete?”

“More than 50 percent ready!”

Time was absurdly short.

In the first place, there was never a sealing ceremony prepared in case the ancient monster suddenly popped out.

She said she would be safe for at least ten thousand years. Where did she go?

As expected, Ludwig thought for a moment, thinking of Alexia, that she couldn’t believe what Mine said.

“When Untier shows up, I will temporarily block his movements with a barrier. In the meantime, I will use the sealing ceremony-“


At that time, a shockwave flew in with a roar.

The professors even had to use gravity magic to keep from flying away.

Dust was blowing all over the place before I knew it, blocking my view.

As Ludwig waved his arm, a gust of wind blew away the dust.


At that moment, the heads of the professors were raised and their faces turned pale.

A huge black hand gripping the mountain peak.

As I slowly raised my trembling head, I saw a huge chin extending from that hand.

It was an unreal sight.

No one would have ever imagined a monster of that size.

The creature resumed its advance, crushing the peak of the mountain with its large claws.

In the place where his foot passed, the peak was completely ripped off and became a mountain with a broken tip.

Soon the guy came over the mountain and his whole body was revealed.

Two legs with huge claws.

And a long tail followed behind the body connected to the head.

It looked like a lizard with two hind legs removed.

Of course, that ugly face with dozens of eyes in a mess couldn’t compare to that of a lizard.

“Is the sealing magic ready?!”

“Progress 65%!”


I couldn’t wait any longer.

Ludwig immediately stretched out his arm and deployed a giant barrier magic.

He didn’t leave even the slightest bit of mana behind and put everything into it.



He hit his head in the air and stopped.

That’s it. Even if you look at it like this, the strength is comparable to Alexia’s barrier, so you should be able to withstand it for at least one minute…



The belief called

Was shattered along with the barrier.

As its claws gripped the air, the barrier could not hold out for even 3 seconds and was shattered.

There was no magical interference or disruption.

The barrier, which poured everything into physical damage immunity, was broken only by physical force.


Magic exhaustion came and Ludwig collapsed.

Or maybe it was because of his despair.

Even in the meantime, Untier did not stop, advancing step by step towards this side, toward the Imperial University.

Now there was less than one kilometer left.

Due to Untier’s gigantic size, it created an optical illusion as if it was right in front of your nose.

In about ten steps from here, those big toenails would instantly crush the professors into pieces.

“Sealing Spell! 71%!”

“Give up the seal! Attack begins!”

The head professor’s order has been given.

Since the seal was now eaten incorrectly, he instructed to pour all his magical energy into killing magic.

At that time, flashes of light flashed in all directions, dizzying Ludwig’s vision.

Somewhere, millions of degrees of flame magic, and somewhere else, lightning magic was fired.

Utilizing each professor’s specialty, the magic with the maximum killing power exploded, and an explosion rang out with the momentum to tear the eardrums.

“Cool! Cool… Cool…”

Ludwig coughed and shook his hand.

However, the incomplete wind spell could not dissipate the smoke.

“Have you done it?”

The rumble of the ground stopped.

Did you kill him?

History This amount of firepower was poured at once, but it was normal to receive at least a level of inability to maneuver.

If you’re still fine, it means that even bringing the Imperial Army’s annihilator cannon is not enough.

The wind blew in from afar with a dreary sound and cleared the smoke.

“Damn it…”

Five hundred meters ahead.

There, a huge, dark figure stood still on its two legs, its body drooping backwards.

His closed eyes opened all at once, and his eyes turned to the professors.

He was fine.

Without a single wound.

Besides, with the distance narrowing this much, the magic energy it radiated was already poisoning the bodies of the professors.

Some were already exhausted and collapsing.

The amount of firepower that the people gathered here poured out at once was one of the few in history.

Except for one case, there must have been no magic stronger than this.

How can you subdue a monster that is fine even after doing this?

As the professors were all standing in a daze, waiting for their approaching death, a gust of wind suddenly blew from behind them.

Ludwig felt a large hand rest on his shoulder.

“Buying time. Thank you for your hard work.”


Schlus Heinkel.

He was standing beside me, sweating profusely.

I was perplexed as to what the students were doing here without evacuating.

From noble mtl dot com.

“Go back, Schluss Heinkel! This is something you can handle…”

Ludwig’s horsetail hung down.

Come to think of it, there was only one instance where the firepower was much stronger than what the professors just poured out.

That was also an example made by one person.

Lightning magic in Wist Forest.

Remembering the caster of the spell, Ludwig’s mouth fell open.


The operating sound of the internal circuit can be clearly heard from the outside.

At the same time, Schluss Heinkel’s body heated up and began to emit white smoke.

It was an obvious internal circuit overload.

But Ludwig couldn’t even think to stop him.

“What is this…”

From Schlus’s outstretched right hand, an endless pillar of light rose with momentum to pierce the sky.

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