Rong Yun was extremely anxious.

    If it was in the original plot, Zhan Fei should hide in the warehouse area, but because of her butterfly wings, Zhan Fei lost her identity card and disappeared...

    Shen Yi noticed the anxiety on Rong Yun's face, and couldn't help but panic.

    "Is it really dangerous in the restaurant? They haven't come back for so long, have my parents already?…"

    Rong Yun had a meal.


    Rong Yun glanced at their family portraits and was sure that he had never seen their parents in the restaurant. Maybe their parents were so lucky? The warehouse area is still safe at this time, and maybe their parents hid in the warehouse area with the army.

    Rong Yun said: "I have been to the restaurant, your parents are not there, they should be hiding somewhere else."

    Rong Yun hesitated to tell her guess, what if she told these two children that their parents might be in the warehouse area and they ran over by themselves? The spaceship is full of parasites, and once they encounter it, it's over.

    Besides, their parents may not be in the warehouse area.

    Rong Yun herself planned to go to the warehouse area, but now she has no blue potion, and there is only a little blue bar left in her ability. Surely you can't bring two children?

    She? Said to Yinlu You: "You? Protect them here, I will go to the warehouse area."

     Hiding here is not easy to spot.

    Yinluyou didn’t expect that Rong Yun would throw him down and frowned. But he doesn't have any abilities now? It's not realistic to follow Rong Yun to take risks.

    He nodded reluctantly and said, "Okay, you? Go."

    The spaceship is very large, and the warehouse area is not close, but because the spaceship is large enough, it can continue to operate stably even after two explosions.

    Although the restaurant has fallen, many people still escaped.

    Rong Yun avoided the parasite patrol all the way, and soon came to the warehouse area.

    The door of the warehouse area is specially made. In order to protect the materials inside, the warehouse area is made extra strong. The warehouse area can even fly independently from the main spacecraft.

    At this time, the warehouse area has been completely closed, but it has not been separated from the main spacecraft for the time being.

    There are many parasites guarding the periphery of the warehouse area, all of them are expressionless, but they don't seem to be in a hurry to enter the warehouse area.

    Rong Yun can guess the reason, since the parasites outside are not in a hurry at all, it means that the parasites have been mixed in the warehouse area, and it is only a matter of time before they fall.

    Rong Yun pretended to be a weak girl, stumbled and appeared in the sight of the parasite, while running and crying: "Help!"

    Hearing her cry for help, the parasites turned their heads to look at her, all of them still expressionless, looking extremely strange.

    Rong Yun: "…"

    Although I know they are all parasites, but they are so scary.

    The weak girl Yun realized that there was something wrong with the person in front of her for help. She screamed loudly in fright, and then ran away to the other side, her movements stumbled but agile.

    She? This scream made a lot of noise, and she managed to lure away all the parasites guarding the door of the warehouse area.

    When the parasites all ran away, Rong Yun teleported back to the warehouse area.


    "Stop! Don't move!"

    The light in the warehouse area was also very weak, but as soon as Rong Yun entered, someone pointed a gun at his head.

    Not just one gun, but many.

    Most of the people holding guns were soldiers. Their uniforms were almost the same as Xie Yuan's, but they were not broken.

    Rong Yun: "…"

    It seems that she underestimated the force value of the warehouse area, it should be a long time before the fall.

    Rong Yun didn't dare to move at all, for fear of accidentally being shot?

    "That, I am a human, not a parasite..."

     Being aimed at by so many black muzzles, Rong Yun was really stressed and couldn't help but explain in a low voice.

    An uncle in a military uniform walked up to her, looked at her seriously, and said, "I know."

    How come... Rong Yun is confused.

    Li Xiaowei saw Rong Yun's confusion, and said without a smile:

    "But you? Not on the ship. Who are you? Where did you come from?"

    Rong Yun: "…"

    She? Almost forgot about her?

    This question is really impossible to answer, do you know that there is no such thing in the original plot.

    Rong Yun scratched his scalp sadly and muttered: "Can I? Don't answer, I'm human anyway..."

    "I just came here to find two people, and they are not from here. I wonder if you have seen them?"

    "Oh, and also, when I came, I met two little children named Shen Yi and Shen Shuang, they were separated from their parents, I came to help them see their parents Are you here?"

    "I came to the warehouse for these two things. If they are not there I can leave immediately."

    Li Xiaowei: “…”

    He couldn't trust Rong Yun at all, who let Rong Yun open the warehouse door they thought was firm!

    But he can see that Rong Yun is telling the truth, and there are indeed couples who have said that they want to go out to find their children, but it is too dangerous outside, and their children may not be Still alive, he didn't agree.

    "Have you seen Shen Yi and Shen Shuang? Really?"

    A woman put down her gun tremblingly and asked in a sobbing voice.

    Rong Yun looked at the reputation and saw the whole family? The hostess of Fuli, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, they are hiding in the room in the rest area, I am one Friends are taking care of them and they are safe."

    Shen Wei heard Rong Yun say this, a strange light flashed in her eyes. It seems to be comforted, and it seems to be extremely frightened.

    She? Couldn't help asking: "Have they been hurt anywhere? Shuangshuang her? Are you scared?"

    Rong Yun shook his head and nodded again, and said, "They weren't injured, the little girl was indeed frightened, but her brother was very protective of her."

    Shen Wei's eyes filled with tears, and she said angrily: "You? Nonsense, I saw them injured! They were injured by the shock wave during the explosion, how could it be possible that they were not injured? "

    "You? Why? Take my child? Lie!"

    Shen Wei was extremely disappointed, she thought that the children were really lucky to survive, but how is it possible? It's really impossible.

    Rong Yun was stunned.

    No, those two children? They really don't look like they are injured? Ah?


    Rong Yun is already stupid, she firmly believes that she is vigilant enough, if those two children are really parasites, why don't they directly attack her and Yinluyou?


    What is the picture?

    Is it just to deceive her? Open the door of the warehouse?

    Rong Yun smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, I may have already put the parasite in."

    If the purpose of the two children is really to let her open the warehouse door, they can't do nothing, she may already be covered with aliens mutant cells.

    As soon as she enters the warehouse, the warehouse is finished.

    And she had no choice but to watch the warehouse area fall.

    With a "bang", Shen Wei shot at Rong Yun, hitting her heart.

    Rong Yun lowered his head and looked at the blood hole in his chest, his brain was completely short-circuited.

    She? Was actually shot? Still in the heart?


    Rong Yun turned into a parasite in a posture he never imagined.

    In fact, when she first entered the game, she already had the consciousness of becoming a parasite, but as long as the identity card is not lost, even if she becomes a parasite, it will not affect the game. win or lose.

    The only risk of becoming a parasite is loss of self-awareness.

    Since becoming a parasite, Rong Yun has always felt a power to control her consciousness, but every time she is stubbornly resisted.

    After Rong Yun left the warehouse, he found Yinluyou with blood all the way, and he also became a parasite. Although the identity card is still there, he is not him anymore.

    Rong Yun was disappointed. So beat him up.

    But didn't? Beat him up.

    Oh. This guy has already lost.

    Being a parasite has an advantage. Rong Yun is no longer afraid of other parasites. Even if that power cannot fully control her consciousness, other parasites will not attack her.

    Because she is their own.

    That's good.

    Rong Yun wandered around in the spaceship with the identity cards of Zhan Fei and Ma Shuai, intending to find them before they were determined to win or lose by the system, but these two were too good at hiding, she ?Searched every corner of the ship and couldn't find them.

    No way? Did you leave the spaceship?

    There are only two explosion areas that have not been searched yet, but they are already exposed to the universe.

    Rong Yun walked towards the first explosion zone with extremely complicated feelings. She had actually passed by here several times, but she really didn't think Zhan Fei and the others would be outside.

    There was no choice now, she had to put on a special interstellar spacesuit and open the closed door to the blast zone.

    The spacecraft and equipment in the first explosion zone were almost completely blown up, and the entire zone was exposed to space, with no gravity and extremely low temperature. But some places are still relatively intact, but because the line is broken, the control of the main brain of the spacecraft is lost.

    Rong Yun took a flashlight and searched in the corridor where he could not see his fingers. There were various debris floating in the corridor, including fragments of spaceships and fragments of human bodies.

    It's okay to see the debris of the spaceship, but to see the humanoid...she? I'm afraid.

    No, there is nothing to be afraid of, she? A parasitic body, what are you afraid of human corpses, it is a joke!

    Rong Yun bit the bullet and pulled away the frozen corpse fragments on the road, all the way forward.

    When she opened the corpse, she had to take a closer look, for fear of encountering the corpses of Zhan Fei and Ma Shuai... Fortunately, there were none of them.

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