I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 918: meteor

The actual leader and spiritual leader of the organization were blasted face to face, and finally swallowed by a three-headed dragon who came out of nowhere, and the members of the Light Society who firmly supported Zhai King also collapsed in their beliefs.

What the fuck? Lord Zhaiwang... Was he eaten like that?

What about fate? Where did the old man go?

It's just that the members were brainwashed by the power of the Light of Destruction. Even if their beliefs were so impacted, the brainwashing would not be so easy to remove. A bunch of people are even looking for a reason.

"Maybe it's part of fate?"

"Lord Zhaiwang must have thought things would develop like this long ago! I understand, this is actually his escape route!"

"Master Zhaiwang is awesome!"


To be reasonable, I didn't expect that I could continue to lick You Yu. It can only be said that Zhai Wang's fine-tuning skills are in place, and the loyalty of his followers is beyond the table.

But no matter what, it is already a leaderless organization. Without the leadership of King Zhai and the Light of Destruction, the rest of the people are nothing to worry about, and You Yu is too lazy to ask any more questions.

Regarding the final decision on the disposal and the ownership of the case, I believe that there should be enough noise between the emperor organization and the D department, and You Yu is even more lazy to interfere with these matters.

Anyway, after running away from Zhaiwang, what's left is a pile of trash. If they can't even deal with these trash, then their departments can really be disbanded in place.

In fact, as a BOSS, Sai King may not be without merit at all.

You can see in the original animation that he brainwashed so many students, all of them were loyal to him and didn't dare to say a word of doubt. Especially Asuka-san, when the brainwashing was the most serious, the light in his eyes disappeared, and the whole thing was a puppet of Sai King, who said what he said.

However, facing such a sweet-looking, obedient and cute servant all day long, our Master Saio is staring at Yucheng Shidai all day long, thinking about his plan to destroy the world.

Telling Asuka to work is nothing more than running errands, passing messages, and occasionally playing cards to win over some newcomers.

However, Zhai Wang may not be honest, but he really has no intention in this regard.

After all, unlike Mr. Ma, this negative personality of Zhai Wang was derived from the "Light of Destruction" in the depths of the universe. The Light of Destruction is a negative energy that claims to destroy the universe, and the brain capacity may be completely filled with impulses such as destruction and destruction, and there is no place for anything else.

If Mr. Ma is like Liu Xiahui, he is a gentleman who is not disorderly. Then King Zhai may be closer to Sun Dasheng - a seven fairy who had been immobilized by Jiao Di Di was set there motionless, but he actually went to steal peaches...

The matter here came to an end, and You Yu temporarily left.

Originally, according to the request of President Haima, You Yu had to go back to Tong Shiye to report to him after finishing the incident. But You Yu decided to skip this step on his own initiative, and just made up a reason why he was urgently needed to go back to the academy, and didn't go to see the president.

Anyone who thinks about it with his **** will know that President Haima is a drunkard and not drinking.

The president cares about the results of the hammer's report, but he is not interested in the results of You Yu's operation at all. The so-called report is false, it is true to catch him to play cards...

So You Yu decided not to give him this chance and flew back to the academy directly.

I'm so witty.JPG.

Of course, President Haima may be angry, but if you are angry, be angry.

Not once or twice anyway.

Just like what he told Fujino before, the duel king is something that the president hates, but he still has to have it.


The trajectory of fate may have shifted, but the wheel of history is still moving forward.

In a way, Sai Wang may be right, and some things are really meant to be.

The entire universe is like an extremely large and extremely sophisticated computer program, or dominoes. The program works, the dominoes are knocked down, the events happen one after the other, and everything is doomed.

And the starting point of everything only requires the input of a variable, or a slight push.

Or it could be a rocket that ascended into the starry sky six years ago, carrying a cosmic hero drawn by a childish brushstroke.

For six years, fate went round and round and found its place.

A meteor pierced through the night, as if it fell from the stars, dragging a beautiful and eye-catching long tail flame, like a precision-guided missile, clearly knowing its own path and target. .

Duel Academy.

The dazzling light pierced the sky, and the firelight illuminated most of the night sky, and the momentum was quite magnificent. Many teachers and students in the college who were still awake witnessed this scene, and many people clasped their fingers together and closed their eyes to make a wish on the meteor that may be rare in a century.

And among the people who were awake, they also included the eldest brother of the Dueling Academy, and also the number one troublemaker of Yucheng's tenth generation classmates.

"Wow! Look at Xiang! It's a meteor, a big meteor!" Judai excitedly grabbed Xiang's arm.

Their other roommate, Koalako Maeda Hayato had graduated at the end of last semester and was personally recommended by Professor Chronos to go to the International Fantasy Society to print cards... oh no, he was a card designer.

So now he can only go out to explore with Maruto Sho in the middle of the night.

Maruto Sho couldn't wait to take a step and yawn three times. He had been nerfed by the tossing of his mentor, Ye Liangchen, and his mental state was seriously poor. He couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and would be caught by his elder brother to explore. He was in a bad state.

But seeing the meteor did make him a little bit refreshed.

"It's true." Maruto Sho thought for a while, "Is it necessary to make a wish to see a meteor? It is said that making a wish at this time seems to be very spiritual..."


Shidai's eyes lit up, he quickly put his palms together, and closed his eyes with a pious expression.

"Then, I want the canteen to have fried shrimp every day..."

Maruto Xiang was ashamed: "Big brother, is this kind of wish too wasteful?"

"Really? Then get another one."

The ten generation was easy to talk, and after thinking about it, he immediately changed another one.

"Then that just doesn't count! I want super handsome heroes, like Mr. You Yu's 'Masked Hero', a super powerful new hero!"

Judai was concentrating on making a wish, and suddenly he heard Maruto Sho speak again - this time his face was pale and his voice was distorted: "Big... big brother, it seems that something is not right.

That shooting star... is it coming towards us! ? "

"Calm down, I'm not finished yet...Nani!?"

Tendai's eyes widened, and he was astonished to see that a flaming ball of flame was dragging the tail flames that ripped apart the night, hitting him precisely and straightly on the top of his head!

Being hit head-on by this kind of thing, I am afraid that even the ashes will not be found, right?


The two quickly turned their heads and ran away.

boom! ! !

The scorching ball of light hit the ground~www.readwn.com~ The dazzling light stinged the retinas of both of them. Their vision was paralyzed, followed by hearing, and all the senses were disabled in turn.

Judai was pretty sure he was hit, but surprisingly the flames and the shock didn't hurt at all, instead it felt...soft.

His vision resumed after a few seconds.

Judai found himself in some kind of strange space, surrounded by nothing but beautiful colorful aurora.

A pair of eyes appeared in the space in front of him, followed by a round blue crystal... It seemed to be placed in front of the person's chest.

A man bathed in golden light with his entire body obscured appeared in front of him, and it looked as if his body was entirely composed of photons.

Judai was a little confused: "What... what's the situation? Am I dead?"

"No." The man of light said, "I finally found you... Youcheng Judai!"

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