I plant a field in the last days

The seventh eighth chapter of the countermeasures to Harold

Run about ten minutes or so, Lu Yuan finally chased those people in front.

I saw that these people seemed to escape from the four battles, Lu Yuan just caught two people. These two people were caught in an instant by Lu Yuan. They immediately pulled out the dagger to a knife.

However, in a timely, the Lu Yuan reaction is in time, one foot will go out to the dagger in the hands.

"I still want to run? Where to run!"

Lu Yuan once again filled the knees of one of them again, and then chased the past toward another person.

I saw that person in the forest, I tried to slow down the speed of the land, but he didn't expect Lu Yuan's speed. It can be more than a few seconds, just ran less than a few seconds.

Lu Yuan took him on the ground, and took out the rope from the secondary space, and bundled two people together.

After a minute, this kind of person who is struggling is caught up.

"Damn, let these bastards run."

Lu Yuan is kicked with the two of the two constantly called.

"Fortunately, I found two people, take it back to interrogate, see which tribe is."

Zhou Tong immediately nodded, and then let the soldiers behind him bring these two people.

In the interrogation room, there was a scream, Lu Yuan quietly stood at the door, and Chen Han's face was also the sweaty dripping of Bean.

After a few minutes, Zhou Tong was full of sweat from the interrogation room.

"Well, almost can be interrogated, and find a difficult translator, otherwise, the words are in the face of this bloody scene, she may not accept it."

Lu Yuan nodded was preparing to call people. This time, he saw a woman holding a camera ran over.

Fang Yuan has a breath, and his face is anxious.

"I heard that you caught the prisoner, so I want to take a documentary, where is people?"

Lu Yuan referred to the interrogation room next to him: "All have been tried, we still think about it or not to call you, but you should not be very afraid to compare the bloody scene?"

After the face of Fang Yuan, after the end, it was still tough: "I can bear, people, bring me in, I just took the documentary as a translation!"

So Lu Yuan nodded and took Fang Yuan into the interrogation room.

There are two men who have not worried people in the criminal frame. The blood on the two people is constantly dripping. The teeth have been knocked out a few, and the nose is swollen. It seems difficult to distinguish between the people. The body is also a whip, which seems to be very painful.

Lu Yuan turned his head to see Wing Tong: "Is it now in question?"

Zhou Tong nodded, and then nodded in the presence of the team, and then picked up a bucket from the side of the ice water, and fell down by the two people.

The blenettic ice water is poured on the body, and the two men suddenly fly shive.

Then, the two recovered some gods, Lu Yuan only asked.

"Which camp are you?"

However, after this sentence, the two did not respond.

Wen Tong, of course, will not be used to these people, directly get up and punched in a person's belly, the other party immediately spit a bloody water.

"Mom, eating people, fucking, fucking hard in this place? I want to look at the capture of you, I have already killed you! Eating people actually knew that our people's head!"

Then, after a throw, that man finally chose to succumb.

"I said, I said! We are Harold Camp, we have already can't eat it over there, Harold old says let us go outside to eat.

I heard that this is a lot of Chinese people, saying that there is a lot of eating in the hands of the Chinese people, so we have been watching outside these days, but they find that the people here have not eaten, but also put the quarry of adults One way to bring back.

We are also hungry, so we will catch people in the camp. Really, we are the first time, ask you to spare me, spare us, or give us a good luck! "

After hearing this, Lu Yuan and Zhou Tong couldn't help but look at it: "Well, I didn't expect Harold, it is really playing our idea!"

"Yeah, I feel some accident before, how is these people who are always going, it is a special horses and tiger eyes, I said that this time is always a small person!"

Then, the Han Han, who took the outside, ran in the other side.

"Did you count this time? How many people missing in our camps?"

Chen Han quickly took out a little bit of a small pocket in the chest, after a few pages inside, the slight calculation said: "According to statistics, we have missing twenty-three people in this forest. ! "

"Twenty-three people? Ok, I didn't expect that I didn't have so many things in these days! It seems that it is time to start the camp of Harold!"

Zhou Tong also nodded: "Must give them a lesson, otherwise, think that we are so prosperous, find it to our side, you can't find it, eat us, this is What logic? Mom's is damn, the most hated of Laozi is to eat people! "

Seeing Zhou Tong's face angry, Lu Yuan gently put his hand: "Old Zhou didn't worry, this matter I estimate is not that simple, after all, the number of people in the opponent is a lot, 50,000 people are true If you have a conflict, we will suffer from this side, and you will not come hard with them! "

Zhou Tong nodded, he certainly didn't want to be injured in himself. Although these people saw people brought by high-rise in the underground fortress, these people were originally not dealttage.

But after all, it is a Chinese people, and the internal things I have solved myself, but foreigners will definitely not agree with their people.

So after Zhou Tong silen, looked at Lu Yuan: "What should we do next?"

Lu Yuan turned to see Linzi: "Harold people don't like to hunt in Lin Zi, then we will empty the wild in Lin Zi, see what they eat, break their food Source, they will naturally come to us! "

Zhou Tong listened, suddenly a shot: "Hey, this idea is good, broken their food, they will definitely succumb, we will tell them to compensate!"

However, when I said this, Zhou Tong suddenly realized that it seems that I can't come out if I have to compensate in Haro's poor ghost.

"Right, this is a poor meal can't eat, what is the compensation?"

Lu Yuan is a surrounding forest, and there is a camp outside: "Don't forget, now we are in the land of others, people are too arrogant, and strive to get the land to make their local people's consent At that time, we can figure out this place to our huge territory! "

When I heard the turf, I nodded from Zhou Tong: "Well, it is quite good to take this thing. Hey, it is a pity that we have!"

"It doesn't matter, we will concentrate on compensation, there is a good damages for your family, no family is a good burial, don't be cold, these brothers!"

When Lu Yuan's story suddenly let Chen Han standing on the side and thinking thousands.

He finally understood, why did she have ruled the top of the entire underground fort, but it is still easy to overthrow, everything is the hearts of the people, they can more stabilize their own rule.

If you don't walk according to your heart, you only have a dead road. After all, the people in Haixia are no longer a few thousand years ago, and now everyone's thoughts have their own ideas.

Then, Lu Yuan sent a few people to send Harold to a letter.

Subsequently, Lu Yuan took a circle in the camp, and I was constantly cleaning the ruins of the earth layer: "Old Week, how long can I clean up the soil layer?"

Zhou Tong smiled and shook his head: "If you want to clean it all this place, it is basically not possible for a few months. It seems that we can only spend this time in this forest! "

When I heard this, Lu Yuan suddenly wrinkled: "The danger of the moon is a sharp lack of oxygen, and the lack of food and the damage of rays. If there is no housing, once it is exposed to the ray, the first will appear The skin is burned, and it will cause the body's lesions! Is there a good way, put this place to clean this place as soon as possible? "

Zhou Tong, who is standing on the side, then refers to Lu Yuan: "If you are willing to help, it should be very fast!"

When Lu Yuan suddenly understood what he did, he looked at his own dollar necklace, and then looked at the ruins of the distance, a helpless in his heart.

"You really put my secondary space as garbage pile!"

"Isn't this not a way? The speed is so speed, if you want to quickly cover the room, you can only give it a flat, now look at the moon, but we have no way, engineering equipment is not as good. You are so fast! "

Lu Yuan sighs, finally nodded: "On, I will go to the time to find it, see what is good! Otherwise, after these life waste garbage will go in, it is likely to put it inside. Hand it to pollution! "

In the end, Lu Yuan also explained the situation on this side before leaving, after all, it has been torn with Harold, and now I have to prevent them.

However, in the strength of the army here, the strength of the army is more stronger, resisting these local aborigines, is nothing to do, is afraid that they are engaged in sudden attack, this is not very convenient.

In the middle space, Lu Yuan has always thought about preparing to select a relatively suitable place to place garbage in these ruins.

But looking at a variety of lush in the whole space, Lu Yuan suddenly gave birth to a distressed thought.

Even if there is a wasteland, Lu Yuan does not want those foreign garbage to pollute it, and now the domestic garbage in the city is in the city, and various chemical and waste garbage need to be dealt with, and they cannot be discharged at will, they specialize in finding. Several huge boxes to store these rubbish to prevent the land here from pollution.

When I passed the door, Lu Yuan finally didn't endure her home.

First, I looked at my daughter. Xiaoshan had some super-over, because Lu Yuan left for a long time, I went back now, so she came to follow the front of the nurse.

"What? What is going on?

Lu Yuan shook his head: "No, by the way home, I miss you!"

After listening to Lu Yuan, Xiaoshan's heart rose a small sweetness, she wants to live with Lu Yuan.

But it is always necessary to fight against, all kinds of things need to be dealt, a wave of disasters are constantly hitting, resulting in now that they have not been able to achieve stable life.

"Oh, what happened?"

So, Lu Yuan will say the situation outside, and Xiao Shan is sitting in the bed, sitting in the bed and thinking about a moment: "Right, Korean and Xiwen have a few months for a few months, and I don't know Where is it now?

They should be the most familiar people in the entire secondary space. If you go to see where they are, maybe they can give you a suitable location! "

Listening to Xiaoshan's suggestion, Lu Yuan also remembered that there were two people in the secondary space.

Han Wen and Xiwen's two haven't been there for too long, if not Xiaoshan mentioned that Lu Yuan has forgotten what they are doing now.

So he left the room and then launched his ability to start search.

This ability is rarely used in the secondary space. Basically, it will only be used to come to a place where he is familiar with, like he has not been able to have any time to detect the entire secondary space.

Because I don't know where Korean and Xiwen have went to, Lu Yuan can only be moving forward towards a direction.

However, the area of ​​the secondary space is too big, glance over, Lu Yuan, even some nerve fatigue, this large-area search ministerial space will make his mental power consumption.

Now, with a long time, Lu Yuan feels more and more powerful, and each time it uses a large area of ​​handling.

The symptoms of this headache will last for several days, but he did not say that he did not say that he was too fatigue.

But now that Lu Yuan feels that this thing is not so simple. He has been resting for a week. Every day, it will accompany the child, this is just going to go out for a long time, where is it tired.

But this is just a range of hundreds of kilometers, and Lu Yuan feels a tingling in his head.

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