I plant a field in the last days

Chapter 440 The final return

The task location is confirmed, and the tool is also ready, but the only difference is that the team leader in the three groups has not come back.

Lu Yuan screwed his brow and looked at several people in the three groups.

"Can we start working first? Do you have to wait for Liu Dafa to come back to work? In case he doesn't come back in three days, are we still waiting for three days?"

Several people are the relatives of Liu Dafa, and persuaded that they did not agree to start.

"This is waiting for the dinner! Do you have to wait for someone else?"

Zhou Tong is also a bit can't see, and I asked in front of him.

Several people are still in the neck.

"You must wait for the second and Dafa to return, otherwise, if he does he have to leave?"

Lu Yuan is just a laughter.

"Do you have a dream! There is still a chance to leave! If there is a chance, Laozi still uses this dedicated task?"

After saying, Lu Yuan stared at them tightly: "Give a quick story, do you still do?"

The other party seems to be not very afraid of Lu Yuan, still insisting on Liu Dafa to come back.

"Good! Since you have to wait! I will fulfill you!"

After saying, Lu Yuan shouted: "Bring someone to bind them! Give me a good! Looking back, I will follow you again!"

Several people immediately panic: "What do you want? You are the cooperation of the corruption team!"

"Oh! Laozi destroys cooperation? I don't want to be stupid with you! Tie it!"

Xi Wen has long been impatient, directly waving, and several people have immediately hosted, and all the people who take the lead will be bundled.

"Does the people in the three groups do not agree?"

Three groups of people did not have the main bone, and the face of one by one was panicked.

"Since no one disagree, then began to work! There is a counted! Follow the plan!"

After that, Lu Yuan will no longer pay them, and the task will be issued directly.

Because there is no main bone, three groups of people will be merged by people of Lu Yuan seven groups.

A strip is tightly fixed on the boulders on the edge of the pit, and the people of the action team will be buckled on the rope in the order in order.

Lu Yuan is a head array, so his first falls below the pit, the foot is a soft snow layer, step on it very soft, Lu Yuan does not dare to force, slowly put the sled plate behind it. On your feet, then start with the person above.

The number of people in the first squad fell on the fan of the fan, because the snow is really too thick, Lu Yuan has to take someone to clean around, looking for a ladder.

On the side of the smooth pothole, Lu Yuan's tightly fixed his body with a hook, and started to move forward. Every time I move the body, Lu Yuan was afraid that the ice on the edge of the pit was knocked down.

Suddenly, I don't know where to come from a strong wind, swing all the land of the land.

"Hey! What is this special?"

Lu Yuan bite his teeth tightly grabbed the iron hook, looked at the bottom, a piece of black paint, couldn't see it at all, Lu Yuan suddenly swallowed a sight.

"Damn! This special task is no wishes!"

The person above is staring at Lu Yuan, and even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

The wind scraped through the pit hole, formed a strong cyclone, and Lu Yuan felt that his body was spooped from control.

Waiting for about ten minutes, Lu Yuan is even a bit can't feel his arm, and the heart is a horizontal, and it has worked hard. Then, the land is like a monkey. In the past.


The iron hook is fixed in another ice layer, bringing a large piece of broken ice to the head of the land.

"Call! It's not a stone, this is the stone, it is estimated to fall!"

Thinking here, Lu Yuan once again biting his teeth and started to move next to it.

In the eye of the pit, Xiaoshan in the mouth contains tears, the air is not dare, and it is afraid that it is accidentally buddy to Lu Yuan.

Finally, Lu Yuan is swinging back and flex in his flexible body, and the iron hook is finally on a steel bar.

"found it!"

On Lu Yuan, I will shoot the snow on the reinforcing stairs with your hand.

With the light of the headlights, the ladder is intact, which is a bit slipped above, and Lu Yuan must be careful to break the ice. Otherwise, if you accidentally fall Go to the bottom of the valley.

The ladder is very long, and Lu Yuan doesn't know how far he climbed. It is finally a solid ground.

In order to determine that he was determined to the bottom of the valley, he looked down at it. He saw a blue and secluded light at the foot, which is the scenario that the light can be seen in a thick ice layer.

"So thick ice? Nima, if all melt merge, it is estimated that there will be hundreds of people!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan's heart is sinking. However, after a while, he shouted directly from the people above: "I have already arrived! I will throw the rope!"

Soon, I came to a cheering voice.

Korean links a few short rope together and then throws it.

Lu Yuan is rope, and it is determined that there is no danger to tell people to fall.

The first group, the second group, the third group ...

Until the nearby ice is standing, Lu Yuan is relieved.

"Finally, I am looking for it, where is the controller, let's find the controller, then fix it after starting the fan!"

Korean is a few people starting to find a controller on the ice.

The huge fan cable is used to generate electricity.

Soon, Korean found the place where the controller is located.

Looking at the controller covered by ice and snow, Lu Yuan suddenly gave birth to a hope.

"Ok, start breaking ice, start the fan as soon as possible, as long as the fan starts, the snow will not fall down, our last task can start!"

Everyone is excited to find their own tools to start the ice skilled ice soot.

However, since the temperature here is high, a large amount of ice and snow is melted directly to freeze the controller here, in which a large amount of mud water is mixed.

Lu Yuan only looks forward to not damaging the controller because of the problem of mud water, otherwise it will not pay.

It's good to have a lot of power, and the ice on the controller is completely rejected.

A group of members responsible for electricity in the team began to check the controller with a few depresses. Lu Yuan gang was not busy. It can only be a smoking on it.

Suddenly, a sound came over.

"Lu Lao Da, Liu Dafa came back!"

Lu Yuan looked up and looked at: "Let him come down to find me!"

I am in the opponent: "I may not come!"

"What do you mean?"

Lu Yuan is slightly wrong, asked: "What does it mean?"

"He was hurt! I want to see you!"

"How is it hurt?"

"It's Gu Wenzhong! His brother is like it!"

At this time, the face of the members of the three groups of people in the camp with a strong fear.

"Damn, Gu Wenzhong! What do you want to do?"

A secret, Lu Yuan quickly told the rope to climb the rope.

Following the player to the tent, I heard Liu Dafa's cry.

Opened the curtain of the tent, Lu Yuan saw a man lying on the lower moisture pad, it is blood, it is Liu Dafa. After the other side saw Lu Yuan, it took a desperate.

"Gu Wen Zhonggan?"

Liu Dafa's eyes and silently nodded.

"Bastard! Why do he do this?"

"He ... he didn't want to let us go back!"

On Lu Yuan, I was shocked, and I asked quickly: "What do you mean?"

Liu Dafa wanted to answer, but a mouth is a blood sprayed out.

"Dafa! Dafa, how do you?" Liu Dafa rushed again, tears with mourning sobbing.

Lu Yuan did not think much, immediately took out a golden fruit from the pocket to the mouth of the other party.

"Slowly say! Don't worry!"

After eating the golden fruit, Liu Dafa has recovered some blood colors on the face, but the expression is still very painful.

"Call Deng Yuanyuan!"

He said behind him quickly took Deng Yuanyuan.

After some inspection, Deng Yuanyuan sighed and took a stethoscope.


"The situation is not very wonderful, it seems to be the ribs pierced the lungs, and the chest is a lot of bleeding, it must be operated!"

"That is going on!" Said Lu Yuan.

Deng Yuanyuan is slightly shaking: "The conditions here are not able to surgery, and our hemostatic equipment has no band, even if there is enough medical conditions, he also supports him a few days, he ..."

Speaking of this, Liu Dafa's finals have been unhappy.

Lu Yuan is a little bit, and the other party will leave.

Liu Dafa recovered some senses, and then said that I said that I said: "Lu Yuan, I have nothing to do, now I know how long I can't live, so ... All of our three groups will be given to you. I hope you don't want to make a message. If there is a chance, you must bring them into the underground fortress! "

"Reassured! I promise you, as long as we complete the task, you will be able to bring people! Yes, what happened?"

Cough "

Liu Dafa couns a few blood again, then pushed the Lu Yuan's hand: "My time is not much, so I said long, because I don't know how long I can support it!"

Lu Yuan silently didn't speak, but he hated Gu Wenzhong. He really wanted to use himself with Gu Wenzhong without hatred, why do each other will be so for himself.

"There are not many time left, I will find Gu Wenzhong to treat my brother, he will not be willing, I will notice my conversation directly, I have heard their conversation when I was detained. They want to directly enter the entrance. Closed, now it seems to be ready! Leave it to our time! I am sneak out, you have to get it! "

Lu Yuan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"This death! This bastard is so embarrassed!"


Liu Dafa coughed out a few bloods, and his face was pleasant: "You must have a hurry! Otherwise, once you are closed, you will never go!"

"Well! I know! How long is it?"

"May ... for up to two!"

"What? Two days?"

"Yes, they have started to shut down! You have to make it as soon as possible, they intend to blow the door, and you will have no chance again!"

Lu Yuan also didn't know what he can say at this time, anxious in his heart.

"Thank you! I will definitely bring the three groups!"

Liu Dafa nodded and looked at the second.

"Two, I will listen to Lu Yuan, he is a person with mind, listening to him, and other few people have no main view!"

Liu Dafa nodded, just lost his son, now lost his nephew, she didn't have the last relative in this world.

"I know! I know, big hair, you must stay!"

Lu Yuan stood a smoke outside the door, but the heart is already a stormy waves.

"Dafa! Dafa! What happened? You can't sleep!"

Liu Dafa's second boy sent a miserable.

Lu Yuan didn't look back, he knew that Liu Dafa may already gone.

In the end, Deng Yuanyuan brought Liu Dafa's news, and Lu Yuan's heart is deeply sinking into the bottom of the valley.

Damn! It must be accelerated!

Lu Yuan thought that this immediately returned to the pit.

When everyone heard this message, a one is asged.

"There are not many time left to us! How long can I get it?"

Several people who are playing with the cable look.

"It takes five hours!"

"No! Give you two hours!"

The other party biting his teeth and saw Lu Yuan's persons, and finally nodded.

"Good! Two hours to ensure completion tasks!"

Then, Lu Yuan turned and said to other people: "The rest of the people, let me get the salt water!"

Lu Yuan is this risk that has been discovered by his own space.

Soon, the whole tens of bag industrial salts were transported to the loopholes.

"Here, here, there is here, give me a salt, the other people should go to the cement! There is no cement to find the stone, sand!"



Everyone has begun to enter the last madness.

A loud noise of "".

The fan on the top of the head moved, a lot of ice and snow dropped.

As currents continue to increase, the movement of the fan is also growing, and slowly broken ice is as constantly falling as a hail.

Next, a powerful airflow starts to rise upward.

"The fan is good!"

Several people who play electric power have run over, with a happy look.

Lu Yuan nodded, then shouted with someone who was ready to go: "Fill in the cement!"

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