I plant a field in the last days

Chapter 289 - Are you teasing us?

In the middle of the Inner City General Assembly building.

After listening to Secretary Cao's report, Liu Tianhu's face overflowed with a hint of complacency.

"Little Cao, good performance! It seems that the burden on your shoulders should be properly increased, get ready, when the next inner city meeting is held again, I will nominate a ministerial quota for you in the inner city, I hope you are well prepared!"

Secretary Cao was overjoyed after hearing this: "Brother Tiger, thank you so much, I will definitely perform well and try to live up to your expectations!"

Liu Tianhu nodded slightly and stood in front of the wide floor-to-ceiling window looking far into the mist-filled distance.

"Chen Kaiming, Lu Yuan, hum, I would like to see how long you can actually last, now there is no water, no electricity and even no one, I see what you can fight me, how dare you threaten me, hum!"


Since the electricity and water power has been completely smooth, but in order to test the reliability of the equipment, Lu Yuan and the people discussed, so let the entire mine in the equipment all start, is to see in this high-power operation, the geothermal power supply efficiency is able to run for a long time.

Soon, a week's time passed.

Under the high load operation, the power equipment did not appear to be insufficient, and even have extra power to use, and before in the old Qin's help, the people found a few more in the vicinity of the lava river can use geothermal, the location has also made some marks, in order to prevent the expansion of the power supply shortage in the future.

On this day, the person in charge of personnel recruitment, Mr. Du, had a happy face and brought more than ten people to the mine.

Although a few people are particularly eager for the high wages here, but vaguely heard something about the mine has been cut off the water and electricity, and this matter in the inner and outer city has caused a lot of sensation, basically is already a household name.

However, when they arrived at the mine, they found that there was no water or power outage here, various machinery and equipment were rumbling, truck after truck of ore was transported to the sorting center, and several workers in radiation-protective clothing were screening a series of ores.

After seeing this scene, several new workers could not help but be a little stunned and began to whisper to each other.

"Hey, didn't they say that the water and electricity were cut off here? There was also a riot of employees, how to look at the situation is not quite like ah!"

"Yes, it is reasonable to say that this has been more than twenty days, water and electricity outages, these people simply did not send life, here so high temperature, no water basically can not carry a few days, does it mean that they even pass water?"

"I guess it's some false information from the people in the inner city again, they will do this kind of thing!"


Several people stared back and forth in the vicinity of the mine, but found that the workers were all in good condition and did not seem to be dehydrated at all, and even a car that came from a cement house in the distance even had a water sprinkler on the back bucket of the car, cooling the ground nearby.

After the report was handed over to Lu Yuan's office, he turned back again and saw a few people glancing back and forth in the mine, and then a look of pride was raised in his heart.

"What are you doing? In the middle of the mine, what did I tell you just now, do not look back and forth, and are not allowed to walk around!"

Several people immediately withdrew their eyes, and then cautiously asked, "Supervisor Du, did not say that the water and electricity have been cut off here? How do I look at the electricity is still being supplied, and there are even sprinklers sprinkling water along the way, you are not afraid that the water will produce toxic fog after being evaporated?"

After hearing this, director Du laughed coldly: "Well, a little insect skill also want to defeat us, it is impossible, we have now solved the water and electricity problems, so your road worry about things simply did not happen!"

"What? Already solved? No way! This kind of place can even solve the problem of water and electricity?"

"Yes, the electricity problem is fine, but the water problem, how can it be?"

Several workers began to whisper again.

Supervisor Du waved his hand and said to the crowd, "Okay, don't fool around, hurry up and go with me to see Mr. Lu, he is waiting for you now.

The people immediately nodded, and then took out their respective backpacks from behind them, revealing the various tools inside.

"Don't worry, director Du, you asked us to bring all we have brought, but we are curious, why do we need to bring these shovels and other things ah? Is it really possible to use such things for the rocky ground here?"

"Well, that's not for you to ask, you'll know when you get there, now come with me!"

After saying this, Supervisor Du raised his hand and led the people towards the direction of Lu Yuan's office.

When Supervisor Du arrived at Lu Yuan's office again, he gently knocked on the outside room door.

"Old Du, come in!"

Then Supervisor Du hurriedly nodded and led a group of people into the office.

Lu Yuan stood up from his seat and looked at the line of people standing in front of the desk.

"Mr. Lu, I've done everything you've explained, these people are all former crofters, everyone has excellent craftsmanship, planting melons and fruits as well as farming are all capable in various aspects!"

Lu Yuan nodded slightly and swept a circle among the people.

"Well, it looks good, there is a crop of the meaning of ah, then since they are all here, I will first briefly talk about things!"

Hearing Lu Yuan to say the business, so several people immediately stood in front of the heel to prick up their ears and began to listen.

"Here's the thing, although the problem of water and electricity on our side of the mine has been solved, but the problem of food is still our top priority, so I intend to open up a crop field and farm on this side, but because our manpower is limited, that's why we purposely hired you guys over at a high salary!"

When these words came out, everyone was stunned, and even the supervisor Du, who was standing on the side, also looked shocked.

Then he looked at Lu Yuan with a trace of surprise and doubt in his eyes.

Lu Yuan also felt his gaze, immediately smiled slightly and explained: "I started to get this thing from the beginning, now our camp food, although still enough to eat for a while, but in line with the principle of sustainable development, so I am ready to open up a new piece of land for growing crops and raising livestock! That's why I recruited you all here!"

The crowd immediately began to whisper, and after a while, finally a tall crop-like man took a step forward and asked.

"Lu, you are not kidding, the land is now covered with volcanic ash everywhere, in order to reclaim it, you have to get rid of the volcanic ash, but you know, the volcanic ash every day non-stop down, the ground is simply no good land, even if the volcanic ash to clean up, and the ground soil has been contaminated to varying degrees simply Not suitable for growing crops!"

Then another person came forward: "Mr. Lu, I am a professional sheep farmer, the problem of sheep eating grass should be known to everyone, but now there is no grass, how to solve the problem of raising sheep? What do sheep eat without grass?"

"Yes, now the water has been polluted, even if there is a water source then how to solve the problem of fish farming? Where to get food for fish, we can't feed our food to the fish, but the fish have to eat some meat, there is no grass, this is simply unrealistic ah!"

So the crowd began to ask questions, they could not believe that Lu Yuan just said to develop planting and animal husbandry and fishing.

Lu Yuan listened to their questions and just kept nodding his head, seeming to have a clear idea of what to do, while the side of the director Du said that although he has been engaged in the work of personnel management, but for the farming side of things or more or less to understand.

These people said the problem he also know, now that there is water and electricity, but how to solve the problem of raw materials? This is a big problem, the laboratory already has a water plant thing he heard, but can not just raise fish.

Looking at the voice of the question is getting smaller and smaller, Lu Yuan then reached out and pressed: "Okay, I have understood the things we said, since this time I recruited you to come here, is to get this problem done, you do not have to worry too much, since I said to develop planting and animal husbandry and fisheries, then this matter I have considered! "

"Since you want to know so much, then I will not sell it, now all of you bring tools and follow me, I will take you to a place to see!"

Du supervisor is also hurriedly put away his small book to follow behind Lu Yuan, towards the direction of the door, and some other people who were recruited over are also all looking at each other, some puzzled, follow Lu Yuan's behind.

After the people went by car through the mine, ore sorting center and ore purification center and water drainage center and laboratory, and drove in a rugged rift valley for about half an hour or so, finally came to a spacious place.

And in this place just by dozens of workers are busy building houses and flat land.

And just a short distance behind them, several trucks loaded with all kinds of sand and gravel bricks, constantly transported to this place, several live mud workers will be mud added to the water, non-stop mixing made of concrete.

High cranes delivered bucket after bucket of concrete to a nearby foundation that needed it.

As the command worker kept adjusting the position, the concrete was filled into the mold at once, while the other worker just took the bricks and built the wall piece by piece, and soon, a wall of about 100 meters long had been built up.

Everyone was dumbfounded to see, and now even director Du is also a little surprised, this project he had not heard of, just the last time Lu Yuan let him recruit dozens of construction workers and a few engineers, from their application to now, this is the first time to see them working scene.

The scene in front of him, he finally understood what Lu Yuan was going to do, he was planning to build a strong house here, and a large area behind a few dozen workers, is constantly flat ground, which will be volcanic ash shovel by shovel to push to the far side.

Lu Yuan raised his finger and pointed to the distance and said, "Now you know why I am so confident that I can build and develop our farming and animal husbandry and fishing industry!"

Everyone was suddenly enlightened, eyes revealing an incredible look, now so far want to plant crops and breeding livestock on the ground, basically is not feasible, many places have begun to grow food on a large scale, but need to be planted in the building.

This also leads to the location and area of planting is also very restricted, and the type of planting is also very limited, after all, some of the roots are particularly developed, particularly high crops can not be planted.

Like animal husbandry is also the same, after all, although chickens and ducks and other things can be mass-produced, but their daily consumption of feed is also a great problem, now we do not have enough to eat it, raising some chickens, ducks and geese and other poultry, and even some pigs, cattle and sheep and other livestock, then the consumption of food is definitely an alarming figure.

To feed the entire population of millions of people in the fifth district is basically unrealistic, so although the inner city is large, but the people living there are particularly small, while the outer city is the entire fifth district in the vast majority of people living in the place, where basically starvation deaths occur from time to time, every day to clean up the corpses of people will pull a whole carload of people to the incineration center, or directly into the Rift Valley in the The lava river.

A few people saw the scene in front of them, could not help but be suddenly enlightened, one face showed admiration.

"So Mr. Lu has already thought about it, it seems that we have thought too much, rest assured, Mr. Lu here to us, we will be able to indoor crops and livestock are cultivated well!"

"That's right, Mr. Lu, as long as this is the case, we can basically form a food chain closure, and then strive to let the people in the mine eat meat and food as soon as possible!"

Lu Yuan heard their words and had a moment of consternation, so he hurriedly raised his hand to stop their discussion.

"Wait a minute, you guys are not mistaken, I'm not talking about indoor planting indoor planting how many crops can be grown, I want to be outdoor!"

Several people just surprised expressions suddenly froze, they are somewhat overwhelmed pointing to a large building covered up in the distance.

"General Lu, you ...... what do you mean by this? Is it possible that the houses built over here are not for the development of indoor planting and animal husbandry?"

Lu Yuan shook his head slightly: "Of course not!"

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