Hokage World, Konoha Village.

Exercise Field No. 44, at the entrance to the Forest of Death.

A group of young ninjas gathered here, their eyes staring at a female ninja in a fishnet suit in front of them.

This female ninja named Mitarashi Azuki is Konoha’s special shinobi, and at the same time, she is also the main examiner of this exam.

She was explaining to the candidates who were about to take the exam, saying, “This place is called the Forest of Death, and you can experience it for yourself in the next time!” ”

A group of young ninjas in front of her were listening carefully, or secretly looking at the female ninja in the fishing net.

Only one boy has been in a state of confusion since just now.

His name is Zhou Xuan, and his current identity is a subjutsu of Konoha.

The reason why he said his current identity is because he was originally an earthling, and even five minutes ago, he was still reading novels on his mobile phone in bed, who wanted to run to the Hokage World for no apparent reason!

At first, he thought he was dreaming, pinched himself hard several times, pinched his legs purple, and he didn’t wake up from the dream.

At this point, he finally accepted the fact that he had crossed over.

Through this kind of thing, it is estimated that many fans of novels have thought about it, and Zhou Xuan is the same.

However, he did not expect that he would cross over to such an embarrassing time node in the Hokage World.

Naka Shinobi Exam!

And his identity is that he is a candidate who is about to participate in a wild survival exercise in the forest of death!

What’s more painful is that after he found that he had crossed over to replace someone in this world, he didn’t have the slightest memory of ninjutsu and physical arts in his mind.

He also did not feel any change in his physical ability, which was really his own body, not someone else’s.

It was as if he had just taken the place of someone in this world.

It turned out that Zhou Xuan’s strength in this world was still a subordinate forbearance, but now that he was replaced by him, he was an ordinary person.

Let an ordinary person enter the No. 44 exercise field known as the Forest of Death?

This is completely going to go in and send to death!

Not to mention that there are so many ninjas around, even if not, this forest of death is full of poisonous snakes and beasts, and he may die at any time when he enters!

What’s more, in the second session of the Zhongnin Exam this time, there was Uncle Snake in front of him to show his powers, and then I Ai Luo opened the killing ring, I don’t know how many dragon sets and cannon fodder were killed!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhou Xuan couldn’t help but turn his head and want to run!

When others cross over, how to say that it will be a bit of a wretched development time, but he came directly to send him to death, and this situation is too desperate!

God is simply toying with him!

However, what made him even more desperate was that he had just tried to slip away, but was actually put back by his two teammates!

A teammate frowned and asked in a low voice: “Zhou Xuan, the exam is about to start, where are you going?” ”

Zhou Xuan immediately lied and said, “I suddenly feel a stomachache and want to find a place to solve it!” ”

Another teammate said angrily, “No! The exam is about to start, you walk away, what if you don’t hear the rules, or the world affects us and we can’t take the exam? ”

Zhou Xuan glanced at them helplessly, and two names appeared in his mind, Asakusa Kento and Yanagi Kimura.

Suddenly, his heart became even more cold.

Because of the names of these two guys, he had never heard of it when he watched Hokage, and it seemed that he had not appeared at all during the third session of the Chūnin exam.

In other words, this is two tricks, two cannon fodder, it is estimated that it will be hung up in the second game!

And what is very unfortunate is that he and these two people are a team.

He can imagine that his next fate is probably either eaten by fierce beasts in the forest, or killed by other candidates!

No, I can’t enter this forest of death to die, I must find a way to escape!”

Zhou Xuan began to rack his brains and think.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking the air ahead——


Zhou Xuan immediately raised his head and saw a kunai flying past him!

It suddenly occurred to him that during the second session of the Chūnin exam, Naruto Uzumaki seemed to provoke the examiner, and as a result, he was taught a lesson by the examiner.

Sure enough, when he looked ahead again, he saw Mitarashi red beans flashing and coming behind Naruto, and said sadly: “Children like you are usually the first to die!” ”

Then, she smiled, wiped the blood from his cheek with one hand, and said, “Oops, bleeding? I really like the color of this blood! ”

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xuan also knew that it was time for Uncle Snake in the state of a woman to appear.

However, this is not the point, the point is, at this moment –

“Ding! Congratulations to the host binding property Big Bang system! ”

A voice suddenly sounded in Zhou Xuan’s mind, which suddenly made his eyes widen.

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