I opened an elf breeding house

Chapter 609 Selection of event-level elves

War Bulls Club Base.

Fang Yong looked at Chu Jiaming and asked curiously: "Boss Hua, who is this little brother?"

"My name is Chu Jiaming. I am a trainer who specializes in the ground system. I am also the spokesman for the ground system of the Xianlin Breeding House."

Without waiting for Hua Jianming's introduction, Chu Jiaming introduced himself first.

"It turns out to be little brother Chu Jiaming. I really admire your name for a long time! I have admired my name for a long time!"

Fang Yong took the initiative to step forward, stretched out his hand and shook it with Chu Jiaming, showing a very enthusiastic look.

Chu Jiaming shouted "Don't dare, don't dare", but he seemed to be very helpful. Hua Jianming felt that with this guy's peeing ability, he might really take Fang Yong's words seriously.

"Little brother, you just said that the Rhinoceros cannot run. What do you mean?"

Fang Yong's words made Fang Xueer on the side become nervous.

"Compared with the pre-evolutionary Rhinoceros, both its forelimbs and hindlimbs have become more powerful, so it can support its huge body standing with only its hind legs. Its front legs have also become free, and its tail is even more powerful. Can bring down a building with one strike.”

"After evolution, the Rhinoceros changed from crawling on four legs to walking on two legs. This is the main factor that limits its ability to run. In addition, it can even feel the heat of magma. It doesn’t have a strong skin, making it quite dull.”

"As long as these two problems are solved through training, the Rhinoceros will be able to compete on the big stage of Elf Racing."

Although Chu Jiaming himself seemed a bit unreliable, his explanation was quite easy to understand. At least everyone present understood what he meant.

Hua Jianming thought about it briefly and found that there was nothing wrong with what Chu Jiaming said.

He said to Fang Xueer: "Jia Ming is a powerful trainer who specializes in the ground system. I can't say that his research on ground system elves is top-notch, but he can definitely be ahead of most trainers. The plan he mentioned is also feasible. , Miss Xueer can definitely give it a try according to Jiaming’s plan.”

Fang Xueer bowed to Chu Jiaming on the spot: "Thank you so much! Please help me!"

Chu Jiaming quickly waved his hand, saying there was no need to be so polite.

"Please give me three days. I will work out a reasonable and compliant training plan for Miss Xue'er based on the specific situation of the Rhinoceros."

Chu Jiaming was also very excited at this time. He felt that he had finally found a place to use it.

Under the guidance of the club elf, Hua Jianming and others continued to visit the hilly ecological park. As they continued to explore, Hua Jianming saw a large number of one-horned rhinos.

Regardless of their qualifications, the appearance of these horned rhino beasts is not as good as those similar ones who train for running on the track.

There is indeed a difference between free-range and trained.

However, although their appearance is not very good, they all seem to live a very leisurely life. The War Bull Club has indeed done a remarkable job in this area.

According to the manager's introduction, the club's riding elves participating in the competition all come from this one-horned rhinoceros group. After years of eugenics and eugenics, those one-horned rhinos with excellent physical fitness will be selected for professional training and then participate in elf racing. race.

This is the so-called tournament-level one-horned rhinoceros.

However, it is a pity that these competition-level one-horned rhinos, which have been carefully selected after long-term cultivation, were all laid down due to the accident last year, and the club's many years of hard work were ruined.

Those one-horned rhinos who are still participating in training are simply the club picking up the shortest members of the group, and they do not have the strength to participate in first-level competitions.

It can only be said to be the last stubbornness of this declining War Bull Club.

After touring the base, Hua Jianming asked doubtfully: "Are there no group leaders for the one-horned rhinos here? In this case, what will happen to their reproduction?"

Generally speaking, except for the elves who live in a family unit, most elves who live with the group need to be affirmed by the leader of the group when looking for a partner and reproducing offspring.

Only in this way can an ethnic group coexist in peace and safety.

And those groups without leaders will basically not stay together for long before they fall apart and disperse into small groups.

The one-horned rhinoceros is a typical elf of this group pattern.

At Fang Yong's signal, the elf explained: "In fact, we rely on manual intervention to solve this problem."

"We divide the one-horned rhinoceros group into three parts. One part is the competition-level one-horned rhinoceros. They are all males. They receive individual training and are mainly responsible for participating in competitions. And we will also strictly control the number of their matings, because only This way, they have more energy to run.”

"Some of them are ordinary male one-horned rhinos that have not been selected. We will clean them up regularly and sell them to nearby farmers in need. After all, this kind of elf is still very plastic in terms of work."

“The last part is the female one-horned rhinoceros. Among them, the good-looking ones will be kept and raised and trained individually to be used for breeding and breeding of competition-level one-horned rhinos, while the ones with bad appearance will be responsible for raising the cubs. "

At this time, the club's coach also briefed Hua Jianming and others about the selection of the one-horned rhinoceros for the competition.

The one-horned rhinos that the War Bull Club originally introduced were used to breed elves to produce offspring.

After a lot of training and nutritional supplementation, the offspring will be slightly better than their parents in appearance. These offspring will also go through a lot of training and careful raising, and continue to repeat the task of reproducing offspring of their parents.

After repeating this process for three or four generations, a suitable competition-level one-horned rhinoceros can be selected from the newborn one-horned rhinos.

In fact, it is a different kind of raising gu.

This is the same as raising and cultivating animals in breeding houses and selecting highly qualified elves.

However, those who can become event-level elves must be highly qualified elves, and high-qualified elves may not be selected to become event-level elves.

After all, even highly qualified elves have strengths and weaknesses, some things they are good at, and some things they are not good at.

The event-level elves needed for the elf racing competition are highly qualified elves who are good at speed and endurance.

The riding elves participating in the competition have only been in service for a short two or three years. After all, the club's training for event-level elves is limited to sprinting speed and long-distance running endurance, and does not specifically train to improve their strength.

Therefore, the riding elves completely rely on their own physical fitness to participate in racing competitions. At this time, without improving their strength, the peak period is probably between two and five years old after birth.

Beyond this time, unless you specifically improve your strength to prevent your physical fitness from declining, you will have no choice but to retire and become a breeding elf.

Therefore, although the selection of competition-level elves is not as demanding as the trainer's selection of elves, the time, money and energy required to cultivate a good enough competition-level elf are unimaginable.

Hua Jianming was surprised after hearing this. He did not expect that an event that was not so popular for the time being could be involved to such an extent.

Fang Yong saw the coach finish and added: "Although we classify the elves into different categories, whether it is the living environment, living conditions or food rations, I can guarantee that our War Bull Club has never treated them badly."

"Indeed, this can be seen completely."

Vigor and vitality are an important indicator for raising elves. The impression given to Hua Jianming by these one-horned rhinos is that they are lively and active, with no stereotype at all.

It can be seen that the War Bull Club is really careful on this point.

The visiting team soon arrived at the office building of the War Bull Club. After visiting the honor room filled with trophies and medals, the club coach introduced Hua Jianming about the history of riding racing and related competition rules. .

This knowledge that they had never been exposed to before gave Hua Jianming and others a lot of insights.

If you want to integrate into a circle that you have never been in contact with, the difficulty and energy consumed by self-study are too great. It is far better to find an insider to guide you.

Since he has ideas about the elf racing competition, it is naturally more appropriate to acquire a racing club. Today's contact made Hua Jianming firmer on this idea.

After a series of procedures were completed, Fang Yong led the Xianlin Breeding House team to a nearby farmhouse, where he planned to entertain Hua Jianming and others.

Many things can only be easily communicated at the dinner table.

Now it's clearly time.

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